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Idea: Add the ability to ping a spot either directly on the map or visually on screen for other players on your team/league. Make this setting DISABLED by default, like so many other settings are, such as showing target distance.  It could also be a "Only Accept Leader Ping" or "League Lead Only" or "Team Lead Only" option to minimize trolling.
Reason: For coordinated content, such as MoKeyes or hardmode content, the pace of the fights and the need to communicate actually makes some of the harder content of the game pretty inaccessible to people who are uncomfortable using Discord or who outright refuse. I know this is a player-driven move, but I have encountered a lot of frustration when I want to help other players earn badges or complete/learn content that very few, if any, leaders are willing to lead outside of voice chat. 

Putting coordinates in chat is also a frustrating experience because it also requires you to go into the content separately to even get the coordinates in the first place, which admittedly, is much more frustrating for iTrials. 

Just calling directions or calling out where to go is entirely too confusing/unreliable. If I say "go left," but a player happens to be facing the opposite direction to me, then there is confusion. If I say "Go East," well the compass in the nav bar is VERY small and people often forget it's even there, and in addition, many players don't play with their map open because they play on smaller screens and need the real estate. 

I'll give you an example that happened to me the other night while leading a 4Star Lady Grey. During the K'ong fight, we ended up in an unlucky enough position that each of the four Assault Suits blew up in each of the four corners of the room, leaving behind neural fields that made fighting in the corners impossible. So I had to tell my team that instead of fighting in the corners, the middle of each side would be the new "corner" until the neural fields faded. 

This was an easy adjustment to make in voice, but without voice chat, there really isn't that much time to type custom instructions to the team while fulfilling my role as a lead and actually doing my job. What would have been amazing would have been if I could literally just mark a waypoint on everyone's screen/map and it would be very easy to communicate where I need the team to go next.

Likewise for MoKeyes. I spent months brainstorming and tinkering a MoKeyes strategy that would work reliably for a full league of players for an SG I'm a part of. I landed on a strategy that relied on 6 players incanning out of the Obliteration Beam crosshair, but just back and forth between two pre-determined spots: AM's spawn location in the middle and forward from there in between the first and third regen stations. Eight attempts later, and people were still struggling to understand what the two spots were, and the second we would incan, they would be all turned around and would be confused. This happened both when trying to have the whole league move themselves, or when teaching new incanners. 

I even tried getting the coordinates in a separate run for the two points I wanted incans to aim for, and then typed macros that told the player "AIM HERE: COORDINATES" and they still wouldn't get it. In fact, the majority of the times this method has been successful is when we had a Tac Arrow Blaster with Oil Slick Arrow or I brought my Nature with Lifegiving Spores, so we were able to lay down a visual patch in the spot we wanted incanners to aim for. It was essentially a makeshift location ping.

These are two niche instances, and I totally recognize that! I also think that the playerbase will find many many positive use cases for this, and I could see it being a wonderful edition to the game.

I don't know how possible something like this would be, and I'm sure that it will somehow break DFB or cause level 1 Hellions to one-shot through Barrier, but I do know that there may be additional hardmode content in the future, and I know how frustrating trying to give directions in this game can be for content that does require some level of coordination. Being able to mark a location for another player would be incredible, and having it be a setting that is defaulted to "off" would absolutely make it opt-in would minimize trolling. 


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