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(Not sure if this is the right place to put this, so feel free to move it if needed!)


We miss The Paragon Times.


Newspapers and writing have been a favorite pastime for many years. Even graduated college with a communications major. We wanted to translate that to the world of City of Heroes. So say hello to THE PARAGON GAZETTE. A monthly newspaper with some quick in-game stories and worldbuilding. We also want to use this as a way to bring a spotlight to characters from ALL Homecoming Servers and shine some light on the community!


We look forward to bringing this to you every month, and we can’t wait for you all to read it! We’ve supplied a screenshot below of what the layouts will look like. [We blurred out the words since you gotta wait to read what I’m talking about!] It's currently being written and proofread in real time, so it should be out in mid-January, or even sooner if our team pushes the pedal to the metal!


Remember, there isn’t anyone like The Paragon Gazette!



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  • 2 weeks later
Posted (edited)

Good morning travelers and regular people alike!


Turn on that coffee pot, relax at your desk at work, and enjoy issue one of the Paragon Gazette! Stories from the world of Paragon City, all brought to you in a compact 4-page read! Enjoy, and we’ll see you next month for issue two!





January 2025

Welcome, readers! The Paragon Gazette has been launched to the sky with the other heroes! But you’re probably wondering, who ARE we?

The team here at the PG has a love for this city. The Paragon Times inspired us every time a new issue was released. Its mysterious disappearance left a void in this city we hope to fill from our small, discrete warehouse location. All districts, from beautiful Atlas Park to the dangerous Terra Volta, are important to us. We look to cover stories from not only the civilians that keep our heroes happy and occupied in their free time but the heroes themselves! Now, we’re impartial, and we tell it like it is every single month, no matter the story. We believe in the integrity of this paper early on, and we hope you see that as well.

Look out for stories from heroes you know and love and the lower-level ones that keep you safe on a daily basis!

You can catch us eating some donuts in the town square area of Atlas Park. So if you want your voices heard, we have an open-door policy and will look at all of your heroes’ stories to print for the public to get their beady little eyes on! We want to highlight all of Paragon City.
Keep supporting your local heroes, folks. And remember, there isn’t anyone like The Paragon Gazette!

History has been made! The legendary Brickstown Comics has been purchased by its competitor, Skyway City Comics.

This monumental shift in the comic industry was a long time coming for Brickstown Comics. Brickstown Comics Owner and CEO Glenn Harris has expressed some major financial issues within the company that led to this huge decision. “Deadlines have been a nightmare with a dwindling team. It just wasn’t fair for the hardworking men and women here to suffer anymore.” In an undisclosed deal, reportedly in the millions, Skyway City is now the only major comic company in Paragon City left. But the good news is that Brickstown Comics won’t be going away forever. SC Comics Founder Jeffrey Sinclair stated, “We are happy to be bringing on Brickstown Comics as an imprint for SC Comics. There are too many heroes running around town that need some comic deals. We hope this provides them with that opportunity.” The rabid comic-buying fan base waits patiently to see how this deal will unfold over time. But if you’re a new hero in town, you’ll have the confidence to know your comic deals will still be a viable money opportunity.

For the retailers, this causes a great opportunity to make some money!

Original Brickstown Comics are already seeing a huge uptick in the secondary market due to the rumors. But now that it's confirmed, you may be sitting on some gold in your shops.

Could we be seeing a very scary time in comics now that one big company controls the whole scene? Or is this a new renaissance for comic readers around Paragon City? We’ll just have to wait and see!

Every hero needs a hero of their own. We sat down with Emerald Justice, who's going through that right now. Traveling from district to district. He's trying to find the one big job to put his name back on the map. When we sat down with the hero, we caught up with him in Kings Row trying to avoid Clockworks that were flooding the area.

“It’s been a tough market,” said the local hero. “Even my day job has had some cuts happening. It's a rough start to the new year.” One positive is that locals have been noticing this traveler wherever he goes. Sparking photographs and donations for the green savior. Emerald Justice hopes to grow an online following and to “be hip with the kids.” Best of luck to you, Mr. Emerald Justice!

Atlas' local activist is no stranger to anyone that visits. From misprints on his pamphlets to helpful advice for our heroes. He's been a wealth of knowledge of situations in Atlas Park. He's been seen around town this time promoting some well-needed classes in Atlas Plaza.
But not for the heroes in capes. For the average folk out there like you and I.

You’ll hear him yelling about, “Self-defense classes! Come on, ladies! Your purses will thank you! Take a flyer!” His committee promises that you will learn everything from Krav Maga to Jiu-Jitsu…and Drunken-Jitsu? Whatever it is you want to learn.

"I just want to do good for the society," said the man. "Hellions won't leave us alone; our mothers, daughters, and sisters need to know how to protect themselves!" For $79.99 a class, they claim you'll be able to handle bad guys all on your own! Just like the Statesman does!

“Not being recognized was always the toughest thing.”

Sidekicks is an art form as old as time. A major hero takes a smaller super with a love for this job by their side. Showing them everything they know. They primarily are stuck in the background and sometimes fade into obscurity. Darkayne has seemingly broken that mold that has been set by many before her. Growing up in a small neighborhood, Darkayne was an outcast, to say the least. She never fit in, but she never really tried. She only had her sister to keep her company…until she passed away at a young age.

Darkayne set her own rules and set up her own future. But loneliness always haunted her. “The darkness of my powers really fuels me to stay happy. It sounds emo, but it’s the truth.” When Optimo came in and took her under his wing, he couldn’t have been more opposite of who she was. “He was a pretty boy that cared for the world. I hated people like him in school. But he showed me everything I know about this job, and I’m grateful for it.” Nowadays she fights alongside the Star Zero League as one of its main 3 leaders. She has taken some sidekicks in on her own and changed their lives as well. The term sidekick may be disliked by some, but it is a badge of honor for Darkayne. “I think being a sidekick has been the best thing to happen to me. I’ll forever be grateful for the life I have now. It helped me to no longer feel like I was different.”


Edited by ParagonGazette
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4 hours ago, Wicked Weather said:

Love it but could you also post the text to make it Easyer to translate plz.

Thank you! Brilliant idea! I've updated the original post with a "Reveal Hidden Contents" spoiler tag that includes the text from all the articles. Easy copy and paste now for translations!

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  • 1 month later

As February comes to an end we look back on some fun things that happened in February and January! Enjoy issue 2 of The Paragon Gazette!


Remember, there isn’t anyone like The Paragon Gazette!






February 2025


Hero is a term used very frequently. But no one embodies this word more than legendary war veteran and retired hero Jim ‘Thunderhead’ Bartlett.

Jim served in World War II, standing up for allies in North Africa and Europe. Upon returning home, he has taken many heroes under his wing. “It was always hard to keep up with these new kids.” Bartlett told us with a smile.

In recent years, he’s taken a back seat for the new generation to make a name for themselves. “These kids have heart,” said Bartlett. “It's great to know that we set a standard for current-day heroes to carve their own path in a world we fought to keep safe for them. Being a grandfather is a special time in someone’s life. And Jim understands that to the full extent, spending quality time with his loving granddaughter at any opportunity.

Bartlett is honored amongst many other heroes in World War II in documentaries and numerous articles. “Remember the ones we lost; they deserve our love and admiration.” Truer words have never been spoken.

Thank you for your service, Thunderhead.

Valentine's Day is the best time of the year for the lucky lads and ladies that are taken by someone special. What better way to celebrate your love than to buy your significant super something special! The super satchel always comes in handy when flying in a pinch. Civilians and heroes alike need to keep their snacks or money handy, so be sure to buy your special super someone the brand new super satchel exclusive to Icon Stores in every city for a limited time! Most importantly, the best meal in Atlas Park: Infront Steakhouse! They’re having huge deals throughout February so don’t miss out! Talk about a great opportunity to change the tide and take your significant other off of THEIR feet!

They have huge deals going on all of February to wine and dine your favorite person! Be sure to take advantage of these fun deals and have a safe and super Valentine’s Day season!


Love is in the air! It’s that time of the year to cuddle up with someone you love and visit some old loving friends. Take a visit to Pocket D for some drinks, dances, and a visit to Ganymede and Scratch! Both men are your one-stop shop for fun Valentine’s Day shenanigans.

We’re receiving reports from heroes and villains about the trials and tribulations they are going through as a favor for them. “It's one of our favorite times of the year. It always feels good to help when we can.” said one of the heroes we caught up with. Us normal people can’t even imagine the stress they must be going through, but we can only hope our heroes are staying safe on their journeys and partnering up.

Weddings have been all the rage, and after hearing about an attack at one recently, heroes are in great demand  as of late.

From what we're hearing, Ganymede especially is partying it up in Pocket D if anyone is in need of some V-Day entertainment and dances!


Congratulations to the January contest winners located on Torchbearer, Reunion and Indomitable!

Remember, all costumes are subjective and everyone’s tastes are different. The creativity that was on display is truly amazing, this seemed like a hard decision for the judges.
Thank you GMs for keeping these events running as well as you do! The world is looking forward to what’s in store for the next contest as more amazing costumes are brought to the table!


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