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Created the Victory Base after transferring one of my characters as soon as the shard allowed access, but, didn't post anything about it on the forum until now.


The base is open for all, as are each of the community TP hubs I built on each shard. The first room is set up to let people find the portals to the zones they want to get to as quickly as they can, with visual cues provided by side-specific (hero🦸, villain🦹) NPCs in front of the portals to each side and the golden eagles for Praetoria. And, there's an in-base teleport to a list of zones listed from A to Z with level ranges listed for each zone beside each beacon, in the colour representing side, co-op or hazard and trial zones.


A small area on the side in the front room has the usual workshop items and there's an in-base teleport to a larger workshop area which includes NPCs.


Not as fancy as the one I made for Excelsior shard (Excelsior Shard TP Hub Flying Werewolf Tour), which probably has a lot of kids on it, but, built with practicality in mind.


Passcode is VICTORY-229


For a macro you can click on when near a Base Portal:

/macroimage archetypeicon_peacebringer SG_TP_VICTORY_(Tech_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode VICTORY-229


Also posted the passcodes in the first room of the base of the two other bases I saw in General channel, as they're probably more appealing to the senses than mine is.


In addition to that, I included the URL to the City of Heroes Homecoming New Player Tips page I made on my site: City of Heroes Homecoming New Player Tips While it's a little wordy, there's now a left-side navigation bar complete with emojis so people can find what they want on it faster.



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💡City of Heroes Homecoming Server Tips for New Players 👍 (Includes details on the LFG queueing trick!)


🚀 TP Hubs for each shard: 😁 Excelsior shard TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use: /macroimage archetypeicon_peacebringer SG_TP_RaDiCaL_(Tech_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode RADICAL-7910 # # # Torchbearer shard TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use:  /macroimage originicon_magic SG_TP_AllOurBase_(Arcane_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode ALLOURBASE-7287 # # # Reunion shard TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use:  /macroimage originicon_magic SG_TP_Introverts_(Arcane_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode INTROVERTS-3357 # # # Everlasting (the unofficial RP shard, and, yes, the base is MEANT to be a little 'over-the-top' LOL) TP hub with sorted zones and NPCs for your use:  /macroimage originicon_magic SG_TP_SHADOWS_(Arcane_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode SHADOWS-10030 # # # Indomitable shard with NPCs right at the entrance and the teleports just down the hallway and to the left (follow the arrows):  /macroimage archetypeicon_peacebringer SG_TP_ToTaLLY_RaD_(Tech_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode RAD-5896 # # # Victory Base Community TP Hub with sorted zones with level ranges listed for each: /macroimage archetypeicon_peacebringer SG_TP_VICTORY_(Tech_Theme) enter_base_from_passcode VICTORY-229


👽 Some of my characters in City of Heroes 🐺

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