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So wanted to create a character around teleporting an enemy to me from stealth and taking them down quickly. I'm choosing DB simply because all other melee weapons visually look slow and like the character didnt know how to move its arms so I know its probably not the best option being a combo power. So because of this I have two questions. One does teleporting the enemy break my stealth removing the assassination benefit, if no then the next question is should I just go scrapper with this idea. I'm torn as I would like stealth however I'm pretty sure teleportation will break it and if I had to give up one I would rather keep the teleport idea.


Second I've only been playing for a couple days I'm completely new and play solo which I prefer, I'm fine with doing parties once end game happens but like to go my own pace until then. This means I have absolutely no idea about any of the special words or acronyms that this game uses so if you can please try to explain them. Finally I dont have whatever thing I need to open those files people keep posting for builds so if you could just type it out instead of a download file that would be nice


I would like to know at minimum how many enchantment slots each skill should have as I'm guessing there is a level cap so limited slots. Any other advice for the build would be nice


Just remembered that staff had some good animations as well so would be cool with that power too

Edited by Jaiclll

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