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RETRO RO: Perfect Storms (All Storm Summoning)


RO Events

This event began 02/12/21 and repeats every week on Thursday until 02/25/21

Every Thursday & Sunday Repeat Offenders holds teaming as we did back on LIVE.  We focus on one of our specialized SGs for a month

SPOTLIGHT SG: Perfect Storms - Any Storm Summoning Defender :defender: |  Controller :controller: |  Corruptor :corruptor: | Mastermind :mastermind:
WHAT: Retro RO -  Specialized teaming focused on RO SGs 

WHEN: Every Thursday @ 6pm PT/7pm MT 8pm CT/9pm ET / Fri 1pm NZT

WHERE: Everlasting

LEVELS: All Are Welcome
GLOBAL CHANNEL  Repeat Offenders 

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