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Daily Mothership Raid!


This event begins 06/07/24 and repeats every day until 12/07/24

Lady Grey informs me that those dastardly Rikti think they are the top dogs in this city! So we are leading raids against their smelly mothership to prove them wrong again and again until they get the message!


Daily Mothership Raid on Excelsior every day, same time.
Any levels can now join the instanced version so even a level 1 can shove it in their faces!

Hosted in either SG base: DIVINE-29035 or the RWZ
Average of 15 Million profit if you have the Vanguard badge at level 35 ❤️

(This is a secret operation to defeat all alien opposition to the great Kheldians, making it easier to assert ourselves as the dominant alien species)

Edited by GM Crumpet
was forever, now for six months

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