- The Council Supersoldier has broadened the utility of his rage and may throw heavy objects at flying supers.
- The Council Supersoldier and Little League have had their power toolkit updated to work FOR them instead of against them.
- Little League also has unlocked his Line Drive, a ranged baseball throw for pesky flying supers.
- Vulcannon has had slight adjustments to her power toolkit.
- Warrior Quantums extend their ranks to 54.
- Tsoo have a minor cadre of goons added to the 35-44 range.
John Houston
- Slight dialog adjustments to the Brigadier General in Mission 2.
- A missing waypoint to talk to Old Toby has been added after you free him.
- Protestors scatter when engaging Hero Corps during the riots.
- The City Representative has lost her Contact Ring.
- The City Representative laments when Hero Corps fails to protect her.
- Warriors during the hostage cutscene with Alexander should not automatically aggro during the cinematic.
- Some missing Tsoo and Warrior spawns have been corrected in the riots.
Dr. Stribbling
- Fixed alignment rewards not looking for the Mission Complete to award.
- Fixed some dialog tree issues.
- Fixed the placement of River Rat badge visit locations that were too high.
Powers & Enhancements
- Fix issue with Exploit Weakness Damage/Range not being accepted by the auction house.
- Fixed an error in Pavel Garnier's name.
- Minor geometry fix to improve lighting on base helper water.
- Fixed a geometry hole in Praetorian Tunnels.