Labyrinth of Fog
- Malevolent Fog given more fitting sounds and death FX.
The Time-Bound Artificer info NPC in the Midnighter Club has new dialog options that tells you which Minotaur weapon defeats the current character talking to them has.
- Additional flavor dialog also added regarding the Benefactor In The Fog.
- New unique sound cue added to the zone reset when the Minotaur re-spawns.
- Defeating the Minotaur automatically now includes a random Incarnate Salvage roll for Level 50 players with their Alpha slot unlocked.
Option added to Minotaur in The Fog's reward table choices for 4 Empyrean Merits as alternative for those uninterested in vanity rewards. 3 Fog Inspiration reward option replaced with 3 Ultimate Inspiration reward option.
- Empyrean payout half for repeat rewards within 18 hours, like the Aether reward choice.
- Orange 5th Column floor has been expanded.
Orange now has a secret door to be found leading to a new area: ???: The Font of Malevolence
- This secret's door can only be crossed when the Minotaur is dead and the zone timer is running.
The Font of Malevolence is a location where larger leagues (3+ teams) can grind large numbers of Elite Bosses that re-spawn infinitely.
- Elite Bosses defeated in the Font of Malevolence do not count for the zone wide level shift progress.
- Elite Bosses in this area come from all villain groups present in the zone, like orange floors.
- Labyrinth enemies reduced to Level 54 at base down from 54(+1) which starts them at a difficulty level / with power numbers that players plan their builds for.
- Labyrinth enemy packs now contain 4 Elite Bosses, down from 6.
- Removed Level Shift-scaling Damage Resistance buff from Labyrinth enemies to make them much less bulky at higher shift counts.
- Point value of Elite Boss defeats doubled when league is at 24+ players.
- Minotaur's movement speed increased to reduce wait times during the end phase of the raid.
- When the Minotaur In The Fog summons players to the Colosseum of Minos for Trial By Combat, invites will be skipped for players in the entrance lobby, the Core, or a secret area.
- Unholy Plague Howl, Netted Pilum Toss, and Hoof Stomp are now unaffected by Recharge buffs/debuffs.
- Minotaur purple triangle up-time increased from 66% to 80%.
- Colosseum of Minos arena transition now triggered when The Minotaur In The Fog is at <85% HP instead of <75% HP.
- Gladiator In The Fog reinforcement wave now triggered at <45% HP instead of <25% HP.
- Ambient drum SFX when the Minotaur is nearby increased in volume.
Draught of Fog: When used in the Labyrinth of Fog, this inspiration now also provides a stacking minor PvE Stealth buff for 15 minutes.
- Combined with a Stealth IO this should allow all players to participate in hunting for Malevolent Fog.
- Draught of Fog: Condensed the description to try and save on space when in storage bins.
Follow Through Fog: Now applies a strong PvE Stealth buff on arrival for 5 seconds.
- Follow Through Fog: Target must now be a player.
Core Attunement: Accolade tray power can now be used anywhere in the zone.
- Takes those outside the Core in; Takes those inside the Core to the lobby.
- Core Attunement: Power tool tip now says 'Core Teleport'.
- Frequency of random Giant Monster spawns increased from every 4-6 hours to 3-4 hours.
- Giant Monsters are now worth a full zone-wide Level Shift upon defeat.
- The Giant Monster found in the Forbidden Server Closet secret now cons yellow/neutral until attacked, allowing players to explore the easter egg.
- Mote's clickable text now matches the mote's color.
- Spawns near the orange mote have been moved further away.
- Orange 5th Column floor's randomizer point has been relocated.
- Fixed a scenario where the Minotaur could be challenged to combat, teleported to the arena, but then the attempt abandoned which would cause the Minotaur's setup to become bugged.
- Many typo and text fixes.
- Removed a door in Orange 5th Column floor that was randomizing unintentionally.
- Adjustments to Minotaur's power stances to prevent the AI from getting stuck in stance transition.
Midnighter Club
- Candles near the entrance to the Labyrinth of Fog now using fog candles.
- Invention worktable added to the hall with the Merit Vendor.
Atlas Park
- Added a tree to an empty planter.
Lady Grey's Task Force - Advanced Mode
Mission 3
- Rikti Monkey Vultures & Psi-Protector Primate's bodies now despawn quicker to reduce ent render limit strain during the encounter. No changes to how long the Monkey Gas that spawns after their defeat persists.
- Replaced the gold skylight with a gold beam FX originating from the gas centrifuge. This should make locating and defeating Psi-Protectors more reasonable during the encounter:
- Fixed a bug where Psi-Protector Primates were not receiving their Psi-Network buffs as intended.
- Fixed misspelling of 'annihilation' in Hro'Dtohz cut scene.
Dr. Aeon's Strike Force
- Battle Becky in the final mission should now properly attach to and be command-able by Vigilante players.
Mender Ramiel - 'Power Overwhelming'
Echo of Minos now using a Minotaur model that links the echo to the Labyrinth of Fog.
Mini Pets
- Existing mini pet recipes have had their rarity shifted down (Very Rare -> Rare; Rare -> Uncommon).
- Uncommon Mini Pet recipes vendor sell value set at 10,000 influence.
- Rare Mini Pet recipes continue to sell at their previous 100,000 influence.
- Hamidon Bud recipe standardized to the same drop rate as other Rare pet recipes. Now 0.1% chance, down from 0.4%.
- Added missing 'Fire' and 'Ice' options to Flat Boot category on all three body types.
Null the Gull
- No longer mentions sending players to a luau in Talos Island as that location is no longer instanced.
- Fixed incorrect Minion rank on Madam Bellerose, correctly set to Boss rank per their critter class.
- Dream Doctor no longer uses sheathed Staff Fighting FX.
- Fixed missing staff weapon model on Dream Doctor when fighting.
- Dream Doctor's description on his trainer no longer mentions details from any story arcs.
- Time-Bound Artificer's sword FX made non-translucent.
Psychic Clockwork
- Assembler Lord's summons to no longer grant rewards.
- Fixed Tesla Bishops to properly stop their FX animations when defeated like other Clockwork.
Praetorian Tech Lab
- Fixed a hole in the ceiling of the large assembly line rooms.
Tech Lab
- Fixed a glowie that was inside of a wall and unclickable.
Long Range Teleporter
- Added Midnighter Club, The Crucible, and Fort Trident to the LRT destination check pop menu.
- Fixed 'Going Rouge' not unlocking Imperial City in the LRT.
- Fixed LRT still checking for 'Silent Sentinel' badge in Atlas Park instead of 'Rookie'.
- Mark & Recall: Fixed an issue where certain scripted teleport functions would move player's Mark, causing the recalled location to change unintentionally.
Marine Affinity
Fixes: Barrier Reef
- Fixed an issue where Barrier Reef's rename feature would not stick after re-summoning.
- Now has the correct "Disable All" flag to prevent it being used when other powers cannot.
- No longer displays the "Tempest" power on it's buff bar.
Fixes: AE and Dopplegangers
- NPC versions of Marine Affinity should now have the correct level requirements.
- Barrier Reef is set to not spawn as often and can be interrupted
Fixes: Sentinel Radiation Blast - Irradiate
- Fixed a bug where Irradiate could slot Single Target Ranged enhancement sets.