Spring Fling Event
Spring Fling Event has been enabled and will run from 2/7/2025 - 3/11/2025
NEW Seasonal Mission
- Kadabra Kill & Sigil are available in Pocket D as mission contacts during the event.
- Help them solve a debate regarding the specific details from Manticore & Sister Psyche's wedding.
- Check out @Cobalt Arachne's Dev Diary on the event for further info!
Five NEW Badges
Best Man/Maid of Honor
Wedding Crasher
Down in Front
Chaos Spiel
NEW Costume Aura
- Spring Aura has been added to the costume editor for Male, Female, and Huge body types.
It includes 6 Sub-Variants:
- Flowers
- Love
- Jealous
- Flowers - Combat
- Love - Combat
- Jealousy - Combat
NEW Enhancement Set: Cupid's Crush
- Unique Universal Damage set (attuned-only)
- Special Chance for Confuse proc enhancement.
- Converting this set of enhancements out-of-set will result in an Overwhelming Force IO, and vice-versa.
- Available to be purchased from any Merit Vendors for 100 Reward Merits each, in the Auction House, or as a reward for completing the seasonal mission.
- Cannot be made Superior.
- Updated the UI of the City Info Terminal kiosks in order to improve legibility.
- River Rat's badge marker #6 in Nova Praetoria was floating above the water surface, it has been brought down to the same level as the other markers.
- Fix Brute's Fury: Recharge/Fury Bonus proc being affected by level differences with the target.
- Fix minimum slotting level for Dark Watcher's Despair.
- The wounded Vanguard soldier in the last mission of the LGTF will stop talking if there's nobody nearby to hear them.