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Ice Syckle

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Everything posted by Ice Syckle

  1. The Mythical badge - defeat 100 Minotaurs in Cimerora, and the Fabled badge - defeat 100 Cyclopes in Cimerora, can both be accomplished simultaneously by hunting the sea side grass covered ledges along the northern border of Cimerora. A good starting point is at the door to the second mission of the Imperious Task Force (Take out the shadow cysts). This door is located at -210.1, 1129, 1793.7. You do not need to be involved in the task force in order to find theses bosses. There will generally be two Minotaurs or Cyclopses or one of each on these various ledges. They are level 54 bosses, but are quicker to kill than the Elite Bosses within the cyst mission. There are enough Bosses located on several ledges that you can run a circuit and they will re-spawn before you get back to your starting point. This is not a super quick accomplishment, but is much quicker than farming the cyst mission for the 9 defeats available per run. (If you kill the 10th shadow cyst, you will have to re-start the task force to continue farming.) As an added bonus, you will receive the Darkness Unleashed badge for killing mighty Cimerora beasts, before you complete the defeats required for these two badges.
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