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  1. That was literally my point. The set was *better* when it was temperamental with a higher skill cap and heavy end issues, but then was compensated for this. Removing any skill required to use the set and the end issues is absolutely a justification to nerfing the set, but that is not actually forward progress. It's just destroying diversity and player agency on some sort of quest to make every set a copy/paste of every other. > TW never was the 'big flashy number' set. If you want big numbers SS or Dark are much better at that. TW was all about managing Momentum and moving from slow to fast attacks and vice versa. That still has not changed. SS, is a "Big numbers set?" The only heavy hitter on SS is KB, which does less damage than arc of destruction and rend armor. If you are trying to reference rage or other damage buffs that is a total whiff, I want to see the highest damage numbers and feel like I'm hitting stuff hard, I buy reds and play with others that often have me at damage cap, all benefits of rage would be moot and the base damage of the attacks is what is relevant. I have two maxed out TW characters (scrapper and tank) I also have a maxed SS brute. I know how titan weapons feels and it feels big and meaty. It also feels like a tough climb from 1-50 and the pay off is great. I really don't care if it's too strong and needs individual aspects of it nerfed but this completely re-imageing of the set, in my opinion, misses the mark. After the patch my TW chars will be deleted.
  2. Overall, this change is a total bummer. Questions I have: Was TW really over represented in terms of population? Was it not fair to compensate TW for it's awkwardness, end issues, and higher skill requirements with damage? Especially since thematically it makes sense that getting hit by a telephone pole would hurt more than a bat? If the point of "Balance" is simply to make everything a cookie cutter of everything else, normalized to be near identical in damage output, where is the player agency? I know this balance philosophy was embraced by original design team, but the game by no means was better for it, with many powersets basically just being copy-paste effects with a palette/particle/model swap. If TW had too many things inherent in it, then that should have been directly addressed. Remove the defense buff. Weaken the AoE. If it did too much dps, than increasing the delay between swings or something. Of course this change neuters AoE and damage output and then retains/focuses on the absolutely most boring and bland part of TW in terms of easing end usage, def bonus and attack chain fluidity. Yes we know it's perfectly serviceable in the form it's change too, but it's bland and flavorless as well. I for one, don't think I'll be playing my TW after this change. I really do not care that it's still possible to play the game perfectly fine after the change. I chose TW to have big, flashly damage with big numbers, I didn't care how good the set was nor how much dps it did I wanted to see those big single hits and have fun with that aspect of it. Now that is aspect is gone the set has really nothing to offer me.
  3. Any many people don't prefer that. So perhaps there is a world that is not design specifically for you, and instead of changing sudden acceleration, we can get a new set that does it global.
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