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Posts posted by LordTenma

  1. On 5/21/2024 at 3:32 PM, KaizenSoze said:

    If you're soloing at high difficultly you are still going to need defensive stance. Offensive stance's def and resist penalties are very noticeable at 4x8.


    To sum up my play testing today.

    Fully built Staff/Bio Brute multiple at 4x8.

    Taking the alpha most of the time in Offensive stance is not viable now solo at 4x8. I start with Defensive stance and switch to Offensive once DNA recharges.
    I am seeing slightly higher DPS due to the +damage, but durability has taken a major hit.


    Patch notes (Parasitic Aura): While Defensive Adaptation is active, this power will grant additional damage resistance per target hit. 
    Evolving Armor is providing the +resists per target in Defensive Stance.
    Parasitic is providing maxHP, not resists in Defensive Stance.

     a little confused here, shouldn't that be the trade off/risk? Or am I reading this wrong in that folks want to just do offensive mode with no penalty?

  2. On 12/15/2019 at 12:05 PM, Player2 said:

    Emerald Inferno

    Fire/Fire/Fire Sentinel


    image.thumb.png.2671973e74ee0fb79172a9ddccca159a.png  image.png.c0b5c3b528d255b56b63853156302d1f.png




    image.thumb.png.0d0bdb7da6ddbdb22779098b1244a353.png  image.thumb.png.44832b9466ee6a63b22d2f575e6b0165.png


    A long-time favorite of mine from the old servers, she used to be a fire/energy blaster on Virtue.  I always envisioned her as more of fighter with the fire blast bit, so I compromised and made her a blapper.  But with the creation of the sentinel AT, she finally realized her true potential... after throwing in melee attacks from some pool powers.

    Curious. who did the art for ye?

    • Like 4
  3. On 9/20/2020 at 9:48 PM, Player2 said:

    I snagged a few "Girl" names on Torchbearer yesterday and neglected this one until now:

    Big Girl

    Willpower / Super Strength Tanker







    Measuring in at about 4' 10" inches, this science nerd created a growth formula to help her lead a normal life of not having to ask people to reach things on the upper shelves for her at the supermarket.  A misplaced decimal point in her calculations, however, led to her growing a LOT more than expected... in strength as well as height, as she now towers above others at a staggering 8 feet tall.


    • Like 4
    • Haha 5
  4. On 10/17/2020 at 4:49 PM, Vandegraaff said:

    Pipe dream would be to have the battalion/coming storm come to fruition. Also the incarnate system fully realized.


    Realistically i would love seeing story content utilizing some under represented enemy groups. Wyrven, legacy chain, goldbrickers, warriors,  knives of artemis. Some of the later addition story arcs on both red and blue side can be the highlight of the leveling experience. Some of the old hero zones could use cohesive story arcs...like faultline received.


    I would love to see a world War II time travel trial/tf. 5th column and nemesis...games been desperate for something like this since launch. Also more 5th column content. Everyone likes punching fascists. Story arcs might be the same but the council feel like the store brand version of the 5th column. 


    Also a zig prison break trial. The building is just sitting in brickstown not being utilized.


    Might be out of left field..devouring earth need more variety of bosses.


    Man, some storylines with the underused groups would be nice, especially if they all  got an AV leader sort like how the Sky Raiders have Castillo

  5. I'd honestly like to see harder enemies using more power sets or something custom players don't get. Right now at 50 + incarnate stuff, there's really not much of a threat or sense of challenge/danger outside of some of the Incarnate trials. Status effects are a non-issue when you have enough set bonuses you can just tank them, and holds vs any sort of melee char...the enemies may as well not bother.


    I'm not too sure what can be done, since nerfing isn't the...right call in this situation, especially since it would have people calling for the guillotine.


    Like I mentioned elsewhere, I feel challenge and content (as in stuff to do/story/new enemies) is my own personal top thing. with powers and such being a bit further down.


    Like mission variety, I'd like to see defend objective stuff, like as an example, the cape mission where you have to protect and item from the rikti destroying it. Or civillian rescue missions where they can die from enemy attacks rather than just sitting there cowering.


    Heck more enemies like Longbow Nullifers would be nice to, make some of us pimped out IO users sweat a bit

  6. On 8/1/2020 at 2:57 PM, kelika2 said:

    If solo, you might have a decent time.

    But in groups people will probably kick you on sight for having hurricane on, and without hurricane your pets might die easily.


    Consider /cold, /dark or /time.  With power recoloring and stuff you can easily get away with /time looking like /storm without pissing off the silent majority

    Hurricane/Gale/Tornado etc can all be fixed by just popping in the Knockback to Knockdown enhancement.

  7. On 10/24/2019 at 8:39 PM, Summerspark said:

    Same. i remember getting so excited when I'd worked towards a new costume piece/set and finally got it. It inspired me to go right to icon and make use of it, see what I could do. Half the time it sucked and didn't work, but hell at least I have the thing now, and there was generally something else to set my sights on.

    Dude I remember unlocking capes for the first time it was very much a "EEEEE" happy moment

    • Like 1
  8. On 10/25/2019 at 2:39 AM, Tahliah said:

    I'm torn on this.  On the one hand, I vividly remember getting my first cape and unlocking Cim costumes for the first time.  Ditto the witch's hat.  I felt like I had "won" and that I had earned my new costume pieces and "deserved" to don them.


    That said, I rarely bothered to go out of my way to "earn" these things on more than one or two toons (except capes, since there were always people outside Icon to help with the kills).  If it's a grind, it's not going to attract people.  Rather, they will do it to earn the badge on their badger (and few to no alts) or to get that "must have" item for RP or thematic reasons.  Me?  I don't need (or even now have) every toon in a cape or sporting those oh-so-horrible Cim sandals. 


    Maybe if HC goes this way, they can make the rewarded item/power/badge/whatever account-wide?  That, at least, would be a decent compromise for those who are happy to get that "i won" rush . . . but will never replicate that initial "rush" on multiple alts (hence the grind part).  Yay! I got capes was a thing, for sure, but the "i won" wears off precipitously.


    I agree with OP here. I would like something to like work towards other than level 50. Costume unlocks were part of the fun. I know some won't want this. but its not like its some sort of power up or the like, just something nifty to unlock

    • Like 2
  9. 5 hours ago, Hexquisite said:

    You're only useless if you're just following the rest of the team and not doing anything. 


    It may not seem like your buffs or debuffs or heals are helping, but sometimes that small fraction of advantage brings more benefit than anyone realizes. 

    Anbd that's kinda how I feel, like my buffs debufs ain't contributin

  10. I play mainly support type characters, ya know Defenders, Controllers. But when one hits incarnate and there's non sup-port classes, popping rezzes, barriers, heals and pretty much decimating everything before I can get hold one off....makes a bloke feel useless. Like, "Why am I even here"

    Anyone else ever feel like that?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  11. On 9/7/2019 at 9:13 AM, Jimmy said:

    Hello everyone!


    Today we have a simple question for everyone: What do you want to see out of a legitimate, licensed City of Heroes server?


    As a caveat, this thread is not a Q&A and we won’t be answering questions here. We’re primarily looking to gather everyone’s thoughts and feedback about what they’d like to see from us going forward - both operationally and for the game itself!


    - The Homecoming Team

    More storylines

    Enemies that challenge even fully kitted out incarnates.

    AT Based storylines.


    Do something with Kallisti Wharf

    • Like 1
  12. On 8/21/2019 at 5:00 PM, Thezanman said:

    The volunteer devs have far more important (and easier) things to do than trying to make VFX from scratch. In the meantime, it won't hurt to just add Wind Control with minimal effort since it's already pretty much done. You don't have to play it if you don't want to, and maybe sometime in the future VFX can be made. No reason to make people wait for that time.

    And to be fair, how many games, let alone MMOs reuse animations and graphics? it ain't that big a deal

  13. On 8/21/2019 at 5:00 PM, Thezanman said:

    The volunteer devs have far more important (and easier) things to do than trying to make VFX from scratch. In the meantime, it won't hurt to just add Wind Control with minimal effort since it's already pretty much done. You don't have to play it if you don't want to, and maybe sometime in the future VFX can be made. No reason to make people wait for that time.

    Hell for the pet they could just use a retooled dark servant. or singularity with some added effects

  14. 4 hours ago, parabola said:

    SR and EA are generally considered to be better than Ice but nothing holds aggro like Ice if that's your thing. They are all sets with big psi holes so that's something to bear in mind. I am a big fan of EA on brutes, you can get really good def numbers against the common stuff, it has end recovery, a heal, and even a stealth power (some people hate this on a brute, I like the extra utility). Also if kinetic is your primary I think EA looks really good with it.

    So does ice get like that resistance buff Super reflexes gets as hp get lower?

  15. Been away for....ages (great to be home by the by) and I'm dorking about with making a Brute. But I'm not going for the norms I'd seen, ya'know will power, radiation, invul.


    So with that said. What would the strengths/weaknesses be for Ice Armor, Super Reflexes  and Energy Aura. Like what is going to give me the best bang for the buck? (I remeber Ice Armor being...underwhelming on live, not sure if that is changed here) But I'm looking for input and advice (Main power is gonna be Kinetic Melee)


    Many Humble thanks in advance.

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