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Everything posted by LordTenma

  1. Still surprised they don't have it but rebirth does.
  2. Meet Seiro, Were-tiger turned Assistant and Archeologist in training to the hero "Kensou" (My screenshot abilities suck apologies)
  3. Today on "let's see if Marvel is watching us"
  4. Curious. who did the art for ye?
  5. Man, some storylines with the underused groups would be nice, especially if they all got an AV leader sort like how the Sky Raiders have Castillo
  6. I'd honestly like to see harder enemies using more power sets or something custom players don't get. Right now at 50 + incarnate stuff, there's really not much of a threat or sense of challenge/danger outside of some of the Incarnate trials. Status effects are a non-issue when you have enough set bonuses you can just tank them, and holds vs any sort of melee char...the enemies may as well not bother. I'm not too sure what can be done, since nerfing isn't the...right call in this situation, especially since it would have people calling for the guillotine. Like I mentioned elsewhere, I feel challenge and content (as in stuff to do/story/new enemies) is my own personal top thing. with powers and such being a bit further down. Like mission variety, I'd like to see defend objective stuff, like as an example, the cape mission where you have to protect and item from the rikti destroying it. Or civillian rescue missions where they can die from enemy attacks rather than just sitting there cowering. Heck more enemies like Longbow Nullifers would be nice to, make some of us pimped out IO users sweat a bit
  7. Hurricane/Gale/Tornado etc can all be fixed by just popping in the Knockback to Knockdown enhancement.
  8. Dude I remember unlocking capes for the first time it was very much a "EEEEE" happy moment
  9. Getting some good Omniman vibes here, well done.
  10. I agree with OP here. I would like something to like work towards other than level 50. Costume unlocks were part of the fun. I know some won't want this. but its not like its some sort of power up or the like, just something nifty to unlock
  11. Anbd that's kinda how I feel, like my buffs debufs ain't contributin
  12. I play mainly support type characters, ya know Defenders, Controllers. But when one hits incarnate and there's non sup-port classes, popping rezzes, barriers, heals and pretty much decimating everything before I can get hold one off....makes a bloke feel useless. Like, "Why am I even here" Anyone else ever feel like that?
  13. Since I doubt Wind control will see the light of day as there's a lot more important things to work on would it be believable to use Gravity control? Like rp wise would that come off as believable
  14. More storylines Enemies that challenge even fully kitted out incarnates. AT Based storylines. Do something with Kallisti Wharf
  15. And to be fair, how many games, let alone MMOs reuse animations and graphics? it ain't that big a deal
  16. Hell for the pet they could just use a retooled dark servant. or singularity with some added effects
  17. So does ice get like that resistance buff Super reflexes gets as hp get lower?
  18. Been away for....ages (great to be home by the by) and I'm dorking about with making a Brute. But I'm not going for the norms I'd seen, ya'know will power, radiation, invul. So with that said. What would the strengths/weaknesses be for Ice Armor, Super Reflexes and Energy Aura. Like what is going to give me the best bang for the buck? (I remeber Ice Armor being...underwhelming on live, not sure if that is changed here) But I'm looking for input and advice (Main power is gonna be Kinetic Melee) Many Humble thanks in advance.
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