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Everything posted by ryokoryu

  1. I know with my ice/kin I didn't rely on pet damage either. It killed about half as fast as a fire/kin would but I don't know it if's viable without fulcrum shift.
  2. also thematically no SJ or flight or superspeed so he teleports places.
  3. So back in the grlory days of AE farming we had mitochondria. They took those away and we had fire/kin instead. Now I was never big on fire and I have always been a fan of ice so I made an ice/kin. I typically had a little more safety once things were controlled but less speed, but I thought thematically it made sense also. For my character she took the energy out of the air and turned it into effects with kinetics. I had fun but I wanted to try something a little different in control here. I ended up settling on fun and excitement as a nuclear powered android with electric control called Nuclear Powerplant. Hey my first 5 names were taken so :P hehe. Got him to 17 now but not aure if I want to main the thing. How will he be at running+8 +4 AE farms? as long as there are mobs close to him he has no end issues, will this continue? its been so long since then when should I start trying and what levels of defenses do I need to softcap. Do In take pickles on his cheeseburger or just tomatoes and lettuce?
  4. One of the issues I am having with the way it's being done at the moment is there are info posts there seperate from builds that get pushed out because of the number of build posts. an example is this here https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,911.0.html for someone like me can't find those buried posts well and we will end up missing these a lot. Those of us with low vision issues I am sure have a problem with this moreso than others do.
  5. basically IU used to know how to build certain things well and now I don't. Time does that and I am sure a lot of others have lost their knowledge of building and what sets and such are in the game. Also new players would I am sure find it helpful and it would provide a good place to post builds for improvement.
  6. Basically as it says would be builds on the main forums page and in builds you would have sub-forums for each archetype. {blaster} {Brute} {controller} [builds] {et all}
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