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Posts posted by ContraMundi

  1. Hi,


    I've got a couple of requests:


    1. TW/Fire Brute

    2. Fire/Elec blapper.  Would prefer NOT to take the mace master epic pool, but if that's the best/only way to get Def where it needs to be then so be it.

  2. I'm travelling this week, so I installed CoH on my laptop.  Launched the game, went into setting, set the resolution to match my desktop resolution (1920x1280).  Now the login/settings screen is zoomed in so far I can't see anything or access any of the buttons on it.  So, is there any way to reset graphics settings, namely the game's resolution, from outside of the game?  Like some file I can edit or something? 



  3. If anyone's interested, I figured out what was wrong, sort of.


    I don't know why, but sometimes when I click the Post button to put something up for sale it just doesn't work.  It's not a matter of how many transactions I already have going.  I click the Post button, I clearly see that it was clicked, yet nothing happens.  I've found three solutions or workarounds that clear it up and get it working again:


    1. Click the Reset button in the upper portion of the /ah window. Pretty sure that's just supposed to reset your search criteria but regardless, clicking it usually lets post things again when the button stops working.

    2. Take the item I'm trying to post back into my inventory, then drag it to the /ah and try posting it again.

    3. Just. Keep. Clicking. Post.  Spamming the button works too.


    Again, not sure why click Post doesn't work sometimes.  My first thought was that it was just lag, but if that were the case wouldn't the game eventually catch up and post my item for sale?  I've also not been experiencing any other symptoms of lag when this happens, so. . . ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    I'm not sure why you're having issues, have you tried listing it from the stored tab? When you put an item on the market it always goes to the stored tab, it doesn't move to the selling tab until you list it.


    I'll have to play around it some more later and see if I can figure out what's going on.  Here's how I've been selling:


    1. Drag the item onto the bottom portion of the AH window

    2. Enter a price

    3. Click Post


    At that point, it usually goes right into the Selling tab.  Unless I have 4 items for sale already, then it just goes to the Stored tab and clicking Post from there does nothing.

  5. I have a question about the AH:


    Is there a limit on the number of transactions you can have active at any time?  I keep getting stuck at 4.  I posted 4 items to sell and when I try to post a 5th, it doesn't get posted.  Instead it goes to the Stored tab.  Am I missing something, experiencing some kind of weird bug, or is that just the way it works? If I leave an item that I tried to post in the Stored tab, will it automatically post to the AH when one of my other items sells?



  6. 1.  I think the only suggestion was that a level 7 could slot a level 10 version of the IO... not that a fresh level 7 without any outside help (from friends or one of your alts) should be able to afford it necessarily.  However,

    2.  You can get some of the lesser PvP IOs for as little as 2-4 million (with patient bidding mind you!), and then with liberal application of converters get to your Pancea unique.  It may take a lot of converters though.

    3.  You should be able to turn 3.3 million into 20-50 million in pretty short order.  I guess I really need to make a marketing guide with pictures to explain things more clearly for people, which is something I did in the past.  ^_^




    I thought that with my current money I should be able to get a good start.  I'm just going to have to devote some time to it.  Thanks to Robotech_Master's guide I already have some idea of how to go about it, but if you're up for writing another guide I'm all for it.

  7. Thank you for this guide.  I really appreciate the information in it.  But, I have a (possibly total noob) question:


    Pancea: +Hit Points/Endurance - This is the unique piece of the the Pancea PvP Healing set (levels 10-50). I can't stress how transformative this single enhancement can be for a new character. Slot this puppy in Health at level 7 and you now have a periodic tick of health and endurance for the rest of your days.


    How can I get this IO as early as level 7?  I looked for it on the /ah last night.  It was consistently selling for 8 million influence.  The recipe for it was going for 5-6.25 million.  How's a level 7 character supposed to have that much?  I've been following Robotech_Master's guide (https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,3161.0.html) for making money on the AH, but after a few hours of playing I've reached level 14 and only made about 3.3 million.  I suppose I could just focus on making more inf for a while, but. . . Is there another way to get a specific IO that I want, or at least increase my chances of getting it?

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