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  1. I purchased a tip mission from the base while having 3 tip missions already in stock from random mobs. I didn't see the option to interact with the one I bought even after deleting the other three and being in the correct zone. Honestly I didn't think it'd let me buy a 4th but it locked out of getting the tip properly since it said I already had the contact. I was able to force it to drop the tip by swapping alignments but it shouldn't let you buy more tips than you can carry. Edit: I still cannot access the tip, but it is no longer in my contacts.
  2. Male Arachnos Soldier. The collar piece is missing entirely and the parts tab is also gone. Only occurred after creation, the collar is available during creation of a new toon.
  3. Went around clicking doors to kill some boredom and got this popup after clicking the janitor door by the vault area in Pocket D. Probably just an easter egg but I was wondering if anyone had some information about it. I do want to open it regardless of how foolish it would be.
  4. Update: Respec did not give the collar back.
  5. Well this toon has been 50 for a while now, so I'm not sure what would've changed to cause them to disappear.
  6. Update: Costume Parts still show up during creation of a new Arachnos toon but not in facemaker.
  7. I haven't changed my contrast settings on homecoming or my monitors since I got them respectively.
  8. I have not, but even if I reduced the character detail the costume parts wouldn't vanish entirely.
  9. I haven't changed my contrast settings, all other maps looked normal on that toon, even went over to Kings Row to check.
  10. Noticed my costume was looking different today, not sure if it is a bug or if something changed in the spaghetti code but it looks like the chest piece I was using and the neck piece as well are missing entirely.
  11. Not sure if it will happen with other zones but it looks like the zone map is being treated like a mission map when it comes to fog. Discovered on a new toon.
  12. I use a custom UI color. Currently playing vigilante.
  13. Entered the sewers in Steel Canyon, display says it's Cap au Diable. Watch out for those villains in the sewers I guess.
  14. It did. Good to note it's the emote itself.
  15. I accidentally changed costumes in the midst of exiting a mission. It crashed my game. Might be a feature, probably a bug.
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