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Posts posted by Heartshaker

  1. Hi there! Kind of a newbie to the game, though I've been rping elsewhere for years, thought I'd add my two cents here. I think I'll go with something of a mixed instance: RP and builds should/could kinda work together but they shouldn't limit each other.


    Say for example that you make some Iron Man-esque power armor character and roll him as an Energy/Devices Blaster for some reason. So far you've got the shooty hand things and the nifty gadgets covered, great! But what if uring P you wanna take an action not covered by your powerset, like, say, shooting a mini missile? Or creating a force field to protect yourself, or some manner of dampening resonance to disrupt telepotation? If you want to use travel power X ingame but not in RP, merely for comfort/time-saving/QoL reasons why shouldn't you?


    Similar issue with the level thing. I get it, you want a way to measure characters' power, but if you're rolling a small-time hero, oesn't it ruin the story/way you want to play when everyone keeps saying how powerful you are/should be? Or if you create a new villain alt solely for a campaign, meant to be this big threat, wouldn't it be detrimental to the experience if the other players take a look at the ingame info and go "Haha, this clown's not even level five, you really expect us to take this seriously?"


    TL;DR: To me, rp should/could influence on build/gameplay, but not viceversa. Again, just my thoughts.

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