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Posts posted by Belarios

  1. Try running

    penguinrocks.pl --profile 1

    I suspect that they switched the order of the 64bit and 32bit clients in the manifest so now it runs 64bit by default. That command above will run the 32bit client which is now in the "1" position instead of the "0" default position.


    You can also create a new 64bit wineprefix and run "--profile 0" from the new 64bit prefix to get the advantages of the 64bit client.


    Let me know if you need instructions.

  2. Just a quick note if you're running multiple instances on one computer:

    /maxinactivefps 5

    on each instance will lower the framerate on the ones in the background to 5 frames per second. Also

    /noparticles 1

    will turn off lots of sparklies if you don't need them.

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  3. Lets try updating wine. The Mint 18.x series is based on Ubuntu 16.04 "Xenial" so that would explain why you're on wine version 1.6.2. You shouldn't need to upgrade your whole operating system for CoH (but installing the latest version of Mint would give you an almost current wine). The current version of wine is 4.0.2 as you can see from WineHQ.


    I'm going to put some optional steps inside spoiler tags that I'd use to get more information, but they probably aren't necessary.


    First things first, open up a terminal and update all local package lists from the remote repositories and upgrade all out of date packages with

    sudo apt update


    sudo apt upgrade

    Now, confirm your current version of wine with

    wine --version

    We're expecting it to say 1.6.2. I don't know where you got your package of wine from, but lets assume that you used an apt repository and that Mint gets it from the Ubuntu 16.04 "Xenial" repositories.



    If you have some custom install of wine that intercepts the package from the repositories, that might cause an issue, but we won't worry about that yet.


    To see available versions of packages and get a good idea where they come from, you can use

    apt-cache showpkg wine

    and you should see a whole bunch of information about different versions in different packages. The names of the packages probably include "xenial". After we add the packages from winehq.org there will be versions that say winehq.org.


    It's possible that you installed wine from source code and not from a package and you can see where the wine executable (and links to it) are located with

    whereis wine

    If you had multiple weird versions of wine, that would show you locations. It's probably fine. To see which one would execute when you just type "wine" in the terminal you can do

    which wine



    So now we want to upgrade to the latest version of wine and that is easy because the wine project maintains its own Ubuntu-type repositories and should be fully compatible with Mint according to the WineHQ Ubuntu Installation Page.


    The WineHQ installation page recommends uninstalling existing versions of wine and packages that depend on it. I would do this:

    sudo apt remove wine wine-mono wine-gecko winetricks

    The "remove" option will uninstall the package but leave configuration files intact. I'm recommending that first to see if we can get CoH working with the least amount of disruption. If problems persist then I'd say we need to start wiping out configurations and start fresh.


    I'll copy the installation steps from that page here:


    If your system is 64 bit, enable 32 bit architecture (if you haven't already):

    sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 

    Download and add the repository key:

    wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key
    sudo apt-key add winehq.key

    Add the repository:

     sudo apt-add-repository 'deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/ xenial main' 

    Update packages:

    sudo apt update

    and install the current package:

    sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable

    Now you can confirm that you have the newest version of wine with:

    wine --version

    and it should say 4.0.2 as of August 24, 2019.


    Now you can try your usual method of starting CoH and see if the new version of wine solved the problem.


    If not then the next step would be creating a fresh new wineprefix. wineprefixes allow you to create separate windows environments, for example for 32-bit and 64-bit, or just to keep programs separate. I think that wine will update your wineprefix environment for the new version of wine just fine, but creating a new one would ensure that it's nice and up to date.


    Let me know if that fixes your current issue.

    • Thanks 1
  4. I can't help with that specific error.


    I'm not sure what linux you're using and what version. wine-1.6.2 could go back as far as a 2016 version of Ubuntu. I've also never used the playonlinux interface.


    The best I could do is walk you thru the way I am used to installing.


    Please let me know which linux distribution, what version and whether it's installed as 32 bit or 64 bit.



  5. I installed a fresh wineprefix to test the 64bit client and didn't install dinput8 at first. I noticed that I could only mouselook a limited arc, about 180 degrees, or more with higher mouse sensitivity setting. I installed dinput8 into the new wineprefix and I had unlimited mouselook again.

  6. I added a line to penguinrocks.pl to fix the slash issue.


    Add this line::

    $exe =~ s/\\/\//g;

    after this existing line:

    $params = $parsed_xml->{profiles}->{launch}->[$profile]->{params};

    I submitted a pull request to warpshotcoh's repo:




    After making that change, the game is working as normal for me under vanilla wine. I haven't tried the 64bit exe.





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