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Posts posted by Nightmarer

  1. Mmmkay, yesterday I joined my 1st Labyrinth. It was on Excelsior and saw the announcement "Broadcast when in zone" so I went to Midnighter Club and followed some people who were also going that way.


    Then, I arrive to some room that was empty and no clue what to do. Finally, I see a temp power for teleporting to team, so I use it and get in the middle of... some fight I guess. I got one shot (or close enough) so I craft a wakie and by the time I revive, I am alone with no clue where to go so I start using doors randomly until I read in League chat that apparently the thing is finished and everyone is "wooo" and gj" and shit.


    I kept wandering a little more until i got tp'd again to the league who, apparently were killing some guys who appeared periodically and were saying something about tagging and recalling.


    I thanked for the invite after a while killing some foes that showed up apparently randomly and left without even knowing what the hell happened there.


    Sooo, my question is, is that it? there must be more to the Labyrinth and Minotaur and all that, right?

  2. Grav/Storm is awesome, so is Earth/Storm being Plant/Storm on the third spot. Grav helps solo because it is quite an offensive set plus you get one of the funniest powers in game that allows you throwing lamp posts, gargoyles and pool tables to enemies: Propel


  3. Guess this whole thread means Kheldians should be removed from game since their only function is getting all the hate so ppl do not hate other AT's and this thread proves Kheldians can't even do that...

    • Haha 1
  4. That'd be awesome. People seem to forget that sets like Fire Assault only have 1 melee attack so I guess some sort of buttstroke like attack could be implemented taking animations from another set. In this case, the PBAoE would be the T9 for the Assault set (Hail of Bullets) or replaced by a Targeted AoE (Bullet Rain).

  5. 6 hours ago, Luminara said:


    It wasn't "most NPC attacks", it was a comparative few.  Some Arachnos, a few Council, a power here, a power there, not everything in the game.  The majority of NPC powers were unchanged.  Player testing during the beta proved that the net effect of the changes were negligible.  And in the two years since the changes, there's been no hue and cry over it, no uproar about typed Defense toggles like Scorpion Shield or Heightened Senses being neutered, no hullabaloo.



    I honestly haven't mentioned or said or even hinted about uproars and all that. I'd really appreciate if you didn't make it look like I said things I did not say, seriously.



    It was also "common knowledge" that ED would "destroy the defender AT".  It was "common knowledge" that it was "impossible to play without travel powers".  It was "common knowledge" that teams needed a "healer".  It was "common knowledge" that S/L is "heavily resisted by everything".


    This feels like comparing apples to oranges. Both things were common knowledge but one was constructive and treated as a "rule of thumb" and the other examples are just tantrums (except the S/L one which I honestly don't know what it means).


    Please note that I just made a question. Might seem stupid to you but there is no need to take that approach. Were English my native language, I could have rephrased the question differently and in a more precise way but still, there's no need at all to do what you're doing.

  6. 1 hour ago, Luminara said:


    There's been no nerf of any kind to Scorpion Shield.  


    There was when most npc attacks were converted to pure dmg instead of hybrid so S/L defense had its efectiveness reduced. Scorpion Shield was mentioned since it seems to be the one most squishies take because its nrg def, which is the most common dmg after lvl 50 however, it could be considered a stealth nerf to ice armor and rock armor too I guess.



    It never was.  Defense is an absolute, it mitigates everything an attack does


    Well, it seemed quite common knowledge back in the day but it might be that the fact that def softcap is 45% and res hard cap is 90% for some ATs made ppl think that was the case, or maybe the def adjustment in I7 where foes up to +4 (or was it +5?) had a 50% chance to hit hence, as a rule of thumb, it could be taken as 1% res = 2% def. 


    Ah well, if it is not really the case and it never was, then thanks for clarification.

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  7. Heya,


    First of all, apologies if this has been asked recently, I did a search but I found nothing but, since my search-fu is not strong, I might have missed it. Basically, if memory serves, back in the day, it was accepted that 1% def was equivalent to 2% res (in fact, @Maelwys once posted all the numbers that sustained it) however, there were a few changes made to def on this server (a stealth nerf to Scorpion Shield) so my question is, is it still true that 1% defense equals 2% resistance generally speaking?


    If so and anyone has the numbers, I'd be grateful if they could post them.


    Thanks :classic_biggrin:

    • Pizza (Pepperoni) 1
  8. Although I haven't met you ingame, sorry to see a meaningful member of the community leave, especially for such reason. I'm not in the closed beta but heard rumours about nerfing proces to oblivion in an issue named "Aprocalypse" which I did not believe at the time but now this thread made me think twice about it.


    Also important noticing how some of the new sets are not ver successful, the rehash of Illusion for Dominators I personally find particularly offensive and regarding Symphony Control, I honestly thought it was clear by now that we want LESS cones in the control sets, not more. Looks like "I like cones, we should put more cones, let's put them all in one set" and later on "I like floor patches, let's put more floor patches, let's put them all in one set"... one could think that it is a knee jerk reaction "You don't like our new sets? we're going to make everything else so bad they'll end up looking good to you".


    Ah well, sorry to see you go man. 

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  9. On 8/21/2024 at 6:47 PM, Diantane said:

    I've been on COH Homecoming since shortly after it started, Really enjoy playing this mmo, but if the population keeps dropping and these team occurrences keep happening, I'm going to have to seek my "fun" elsewhere.


    Can I have your stuff?

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  10. |MBD;23146;1465;1956;BASE64;|

  11. Ah well, not my best build but I felt like doing a Dominator without Hasten so had to compromise a few things. No ide why I took Combat Teleport though, go figure.


  12. On 3/30/2024 at 12:49 PM, ryokoryu said:

    so, for soloing I have an idea that I am not quite to yet.  Setting up about a half-dozen tripmines then fold space or wormhole the lot of enemies into them.  Is it worth the setup time A and how much recharge do I need to make it viable B

    Both! :) 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. On 3/1/2024 at 4:28 AM, TECHWON said:

    can usually sometimes be a dom thing with endurance things at times. I always try compensate with fully 6 slotting my stamina 

    Permadom and Ageless Destiny will sort your end problems much better than 6 slotting Stamina.

  14. 23 hours ago, Frosticus said:

    I think it is as clicky as you make it.

    Fair enough. As I said, I'll give it a go, I just don't have high hopes on it since I find the previous sets released entirely made by the Homecoming team, are way too mandatory of a determined playstyle and so far, it has not suited me.

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