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Everything posted by Myrdinn

  1. Only the crusade is complete, you, hero, have a lot of Skulls to Go. Hunt. Or, you know. Infamy to earn. Hrm, I wonder if Ghost Widow's hold is still available...
  2. The PINE version of Mids has what appears to be the changes in there, and makes the math a bit easier on the spreadsheets.
  3. :) Sorry for the confusion. I kind of wanted "a blank canvas" for the new server. I pretty much accomplished what I wanted to do on live and now I can have a fresh start and can bring my oldest two kids along for the ride. Beginning to think I am the only one who stayed a bachelor. Aye, please bring them along... I have already heard from two other folks whose kids are coming along to the server... or are already here!
  4. SuperGroup
  5. /waves back Been looking for you! Let us sync back up, and get something started! (I'm expecting @Paragon at any minute) Also, reaching out to Laurie and the others on fb ;-) /waves! (New alias ain't doing me any favors) Waitaminutenow. Dangit, you are one of us, aren't ye?! Crap, I'm going to have to go through the old server list, now, and work out the probabilities of which of us (unz unz unz) ye be! Tell your folks, I'm hoping to get Luna's Crew from all the SGs all back together after all these years. ---If you are Turg... damnit man, don't tease me this way! Hell, don't tease me this way! Um... NOPE. I have it right under my avatar. Saw, and edited the post ;-) Great to see you, man. You are on my list of "find them in the world when we hear any good news." Glad you found your way here, first (and @Joe, 1st)!
  6. Thanks, thought that was you :-) I have not talked with Paragon (and heard back from her) for about two weeks. Dropped her a line last week, but she does not always hit her email that often. That, and I spam her often enough, she's probably tired of hearing from me! Thanks; I did not know if Turg wanted to hear from me or not, appreciate it. Anyone know E's contact information? I lost track of him roughly four years ago (when I stopped in the Secret World).
  7. /waves back Been looking for you! Let us sync back up, and get something started! (I'm expecting @Paragon at any minute) Also, reaching out to Laurie and the others on fb ;-) /waves! (New alias ain't doing me any favors) Waitaminutenow. Dangit, you are one of us, aren't ye?! Crap, I'm going to have to go through the old server list, now, and work out the probabilities of which of us (unz unz unz) ye be! Tell your folks, I'm hoping to get Luna's Crew from all the SGs all back together after all these years. ---If you are Turg... damnit man, don't tease me this way! Hell, don't tease me this way! -edit- CALIBURST!!!!! DAMNIT MAN! I THOUGHT I LOST YOU IN THE GREAT SHUTTERING SEVEN YEARS AGO! DAMNIT ALL TO HELL and HELLS YEAH! That is it, we are definitely resurrecting!
  8. Aye! Reaching out to everyone I can to tell them about this variant of the server who has disconnected over the years. Please pass on to your folks, too! I'd love to get the various SGs all back!!
  9. /waves back Been looking for you! Let us sync back up, and get something started! (I'm expecting @Paragon at any minute) Also, reaching out to Laurie and the others on fb ;-)
  10. The three intros you have for hero/villain are the old hero intro (Outbreak), old villain intro (Breakout), and the new introduction that lets you choose between hero and villain (Galaxy City). If you pick the "gold" side option (rogue), you start off in Praetoria (and you choose between the flavours of Praetorian at the end).
  11. I have to admit... tis not me. I barely have Myrdinn recreated as a level two. Will be working on that a bit more, after work, if I can walk through (sigh, damnit) Atlas. *sniff* Why can't I have Galaxy City back? We can ignore the Shivans!!!
  12. Ooh, Oooh! I know! Nice to see another old timer beta'r, then :-D
  13. @Myrdinn from Prime then Freedom server. Now, if you excuse these bones, I'm going to sit over there and hope someone else knows what "Prime" was. Fifteen and a half years is not too long to remember, right? ...Right? ;-)
  14. Use the big "login" button, and not the strip at the top. Been tryin' for four hours on the other one... ...and the big button worked on the first try.
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