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Everything posted by Darktweets

  1. In the last several weeks, I've noticed a lot of new players entering the game, or new [old players] returning, and I've seen a common theme with a lot of them. They turn off or remove the chat screen because it's too distracting, and they feel they don't need it. [Directly stated by a few people in chat after they noticed the large chat bubbles when they were surrounded by teammates asking them what was up] This removes their ability to talk to their team, removes their ability to receive tells, and removes their ability to check email. OR They remove local/broadcast/whatever chat,, and only have certain combat-oriented information up. They don't respond directly to private tells/whispers or don't respond in chat when asked information by their team leads regarding missions [example, running a mission that requires a certain NPC survive during a Task Force, and because that person is following them, the NPC dies]. So when a complex mission exists or occurs, a badge or a mission fails as the result, or a team-wipe happens [because they run into a mission filled with mobs, aggro them, much like "Leroy Jenkins" and most of us know what happens like that]. They don't respond to emails or they ignore them when sent asking them if they need assistance or help regarding whatever they're doing since it is to the detriment of the mission/badge run/assistance to their team. They don't run the tutorial. For a variety of reasons. They don't click 'help me' as a new player when they log in with a new character to identify themselves as a 'new player in need of assistance.' They don't read the code-of-conduct or any of the rules, they just click 'agree' and then move on. When a mission fails multiple times in a row, because of the actions of a single person, and that person doesn't respond, patience is usually expressed by several individuals. When it happens repeatedly, and events constantly occur, one takes notice. I've personally tried talking in group chat. tried sending tells or whispers. tried email, tried everything I can possibly think of to address these players, in order to make it a more fun environment for all. One can choose to ignore them, which ends up ignoring their global, but with a small player base, this proves inappropriate, and doesn't address the problem for other players who have yet to encounter these individuals. And it's not really something you address with the GMs who are already overcome with support tickets for a variety of individuals who are doing worse things. So, I'm looking for respectful, code-of-conduct approved ways of politely discussing commentary with these new heroes/villains/players who are ignoring valuable or informative things that will help the overall importance of being a part of a team. Because I've run out of ideas on what to do next.. and I'd really appreciate some feedback.
  2. The /ignore ability is probably one of the most adulting and best-widely used methods for removing spam from your inbox without having to deal with the insecurities of being unable to deal with other people having fun and roleplay. I'd recommend that if you have an issue with certain people, you simple use it.
  3. Just wondering if there was a tool that allowed this to happen since obviously renaming the file from .hro to .costume doesn't work.....
  4. Steps attempted: Attempted to log character stationed in PI. Slow login, total freeze of app in computer, had to initiate force-stop. rebooted Tequilla. Attempted login, account already logged in. clicked okay, and got to sever. attempted to log in character from character select screen. character is currently logging out, unable to login, please wait 30 seconds. error code -1311615271 attempted third login, same error message. attempted login with a different character. worked fine, but then saw in /HELP chat that PI is bugged. attempted login with another character that was zoned into PI, discovered that character had same issue. Currently unable to login to PI, with any characters left in that zone.
  5. Discovered while slotting that this AOE aura allows for Accuracy, End Modification,, Healing, and Recharge Reduction, but not Endurance Reduction. -Anyone Else? @Darktweets
  6. If one wishes to apply to join the Homecoming Team in lesser formats, like say, a customer service person, or something to offload the number of non-GM related issues, what would be the appropriate circumstances that one could do that? -@Darktweets
  7. Sorry, missed a step. then use the original patch site to redownload manifest, and it should work. :)
  8. I followed the link directions here: AAnd it got past the issue immediately.
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