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Bleak Sun

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Posts posted by Bleak Sun

  1. Upon reflection ... why??? The enemies scale to the level of the person fighting them. It's not like a level 50 Zombie EB is going to jump a lone person in Atlas Park.  This does explain why a bunch of us at-level in Cap Au Diable got a complete wash of an invasion one time. I was looking forward to getting a badge and some random drops as a break from regular leveling.


    Having a hard time wrapping my head around this particular change.

    It also means that Port Oakes will never see a successful zombie invasion simply because the zone is low level. So why bother having them there? The level 25 restriction, as Erydanus said, makes no sense. Temporary scalable content should scale. If you want an event to proc only above a certain zone population level, then fine, but that's not the way it used to be done in CoX either.


    "Back in the day" before NCSOFT execs turned en masse to the dark side, my main was one of only a handful of toons trapped in Brickstown during a zombie invasion. The event began anyway, and my character held off dozens solo, unable to get to the others to team. The event failed (no event rewards) because there weren't enough of us to make a dent in the zombie numbers before the timer ran out.


    It didn't fail to begin, however.


    A desperate struggle against an opponent that outnumbers you by hundreds is one of the things that being a hero is all about. If you think such a struggle has no place in this game, then you aren't in tune with the theme. Zombie invasions and Rikti raids should be implemented as significant threats, not something that suffers ED just because a small number of lowbies happened to be the only ones in the area to resist it.

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