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Posts posted by dwmgxyz

  1. the shocking scar, the juiced grapnel, the voltaic fang, power barb, the charged talon, the dynamic pincer, the rousing ripper, the galvanic crook, the dynamic hook, the shocking scar

  2. 9 hours ago, r0y said:

    This first macro is not necessary to use toggle (but you can!).  Fly and Hover are mutually exclusive, so just having "powexec_name fly$$powexec_name hover" is enough.  I only use toggleon if I have a toggleoff in the same bind/macro (e.g. "powexec_toggle_on hover$$powexec_toggle_off hover"), or want the power off (as you do in your second macro).  Basically, powexec_toggle_on = powexec_name

    yeah I usually don't use the toggleon much, I think i went toggleon because my answer before was a mix of powexecname and toggleon.  Now I'm curious about what you wrote with you hover on and hover off bind, I have always just done (if only using one) /bind t "powexecname hover" and that was enough to make it turn on or off. Did you ever try that or did you just go straight to the on/off?

  3. On 12/16/2019 at 11:21 AM, Oubliette_Red said:

    Is there a way to create a single bind or macro that allows me to swap/alternate between two costumes using the same emote. By that I mean... I  have a character with wings, who's alternate costume removes them. So that while indoors he swaps to costume 1 (without) and while flying around out of doors he's got his wings out (costume 0). So the bind/macro would swap to the one that is not currently active.

    this is like the fly hover bind or macro...  fly and hover are mutually exclusive so "powexectoggleon fly$$powexectoggleon hover" switches back and forth and then i use a second one to powexectoggleoff fly$$powexectoggleoff hover to touch ground


    but back to you, 


    /macro CCE "cce 1 cclightning$$cce 0 cclightning"  with a wait time of 15 seconds between costume changes


    cclightning can be whatever emote you want like featherspin or featherburst i mention only because of the wings, they seem underwhelming (not a lot of feathers thrown around)   nuke is kinda nice


    also the 2 ccemotes can be different

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 4/20/2020 at 1:42 PM, DarkWing said:

    Is there a way to activate multiple powers from a macro? For example activating Radiation Infection, Lingering Radiation, and Enervating Field from one macro?

    the way to get this to work is by pressing the button multiple times. Because most powers have activation times, a macro or bind stops after one. This can work because 2 of the powers are toggles and the non toggle can be place in the proper place.


    /macro Debuff "powexecname lingering radiation$$powexectoggleon radiation infection$$powexectoggleon enervating field"


    the 1st press turns on enervating field, the 2nd radiation infection and the 3rd activates lingering radiation.


    one thing of note is that the last written power goes first, if you put linger radiation last the macro will only activate lingering radiation, pressing it a second time will make it wait for lingering radiation to recharge and fire again


    you can do this with any string of toggles but you can not do this with any string of regular powers unless you go through the exercise of creating multiple bind files such that one power is activated and then the key is reassigned to a different power so that pressing it again fires another power and reassigns the key again for a 3rd power and so on, prob not the best explanation of bind file rolling but I'm tired 

  5. 2 hours ago, eknudson said:

    OK, just confirming the SR tank DDR fix. I'm still confused here.


    My level 28 SR tank looking at combat attributes, without Evasion active:


    Then the same tank with Evasion turned on:



    So... why doesn't the listed total change, and why is the listed 64.28% not the sum of the numbers below in either case?








    Looking at your pictures, the total is shown in blue. It was my understanding that blue indicated the max had been reached, white meant there was more room and red was negative. Am I wrong in my assumption of the color differences?

    • Like 1
  6. As I was posting, there was a post put up before mine, I had gone to null the gull before ever using inertial reduction. SO, I decided to give the suggestion a try and went back to null the gull and reversed my gull option which I thought would just stop the run speed increase of speed boost... long story short, inertial reduction now works on me and others.

    • Thanks 1
  7. I just made a Grav/Kin controller and have this same issue. The power fires but nothing changes, no icon appears and the combat attributes record nothing. I filed a ticket and they asked if I could take a screen shot, I took a series of 4, one at power click and then the next few seconds. The lack of power icon can be seen as well as the unchanged combat attribute numbers.





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