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  1. Running rogue alignment missions with a partner, we entered the mission twice (separate leaders and instances entirely) and both times she spawned hostile. On defeating everyone around her she'll become a follower NPC as expected but if she's defeated while hostile the mission is made unbeatable. I attempted to search for if this was already posted but the most recent I found was patch notes from a year ago saying this was fixed so it may have been reverted on accident?
  2. Well ok then That's... kinda a bandaid instead of fixing the underlying issue though. The main issue is that the MM primary sets feature very little active play and it's often 'very' weak to actually use the attacks that you can grab from them. Ideally anything you're grabbing from pools (and possibly epics?) are actually extra things as opposed to being things to grab for your character just to have something to do. This is definitely the route to be going down. I'd prefer to see some method implemented for the attacks only making the MM's pets fight better (be that more damage, more survivability, whatever), so as to thematically and 'interesting gameplay' differentiate the primary sets from the secondary... and possibly open up being able to have stronger effects on the attacks since they won't be helping everyone directly. That being said, I could see there being issues with implementing this on a technical or balance level and that some of my example ideas are probably more difficult to implement than they'd be 'worth'
  3. if possible, I feel that making whatever the Equip Powers become and any extra effects put on the primary attacks would be things that only benefit the MM and their pets (directly). This allows the abilities to be balanced around being stronger, prevents the abilities from just becoming "More support abilities" (as the MM already has access to these in their secondary), and reinforces the importance of the pets. Ideally, I feel that a MM should be a viable damage character (not strongest, but respectable) just from using their primary set abilities Of all things, lowering the end cost of these abilities is the easiest thing to do 😛
  4. I apologize in advance for any statements made that are obvious. Including them helps me organize thoughts. In addition, I suffer from frequent alt-itis and poor decision making that has caused me to not keep any character around past the low 30s so it's entirely possible I'm off base as I'm going off what the MM 'feels' like it was supposed to be. MM Primary powersets seem to break down as follows: 3 Direct Damage Powers that are mostly useless 3 Minion summons as the bread and butter 2 "Equip" powers, that the player simply clicks once each time they summon minions 1 "Other" power (that I gather is of varied utility and usefulness) The issue that comes to mind immediately here for me... The MM doesn't meaningfully interact with their primary powers while actually playing. You summon before combat (maybe during if it's worth resummoning corpses)... 'equip' as tedious 'bookkeeping' before combat... This is where the adjustments can be made, and adjustments should be made based on what the MM is supposed to DO. The MM HAS pets that (in the end) are a means to an end of damage/support/control/whatever. The MM seems to be intended as a Damage + Support character that provides said damage and support through their pets. The MM could be a great character for dynamically 'sliding' between Support and Damage as the situation needs Idea 1: Change the Equip powers so that the added abilities automatically apply to minions as long as you have the power learned. There is precedent for this with abilities such as Field Medic (where simply having power <x> modifies power <y>). We still want the player to actively make decisions in clicking the button, so the low level equip power could be changed to a (0 cost?) toggle that lowers the damage of minions while significantly boosting the secondary effects of the abilities that they have (such as a Zombie/Lich -ToHit or Grave Knight's -Defense). The high level equip power could then become a major cooldown that varies based on the primary and is heavily focused on the theme of each Primary. Idea 2: Allow the direct damage powers to be solid damage that also helps your pets' damage output specifically. For example: Thugs and Mercenaries could simply get a +Dam/+Acc boost for a few seconds after each use of the direct damage ability along with a boost to resistance to fear effects (basically acting as a 'morale' boost for their leader fighting alongside them). Enemies defeated shortly after being hit by a Necromancer's direct damage could allow their minions to 'feed' on the souls/energy/whatever of the fallen foe for some sort of relevant boost. Beast Mastery could even grant the Scourge perk (or a weakened version of it) for a short time for pets that are attacking the same target (imagine it as a sort of 'blood in the water' theme as the animals want to go for the kill).
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