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Posts posted by DrIlluminatis

  1. As for the empty slot by combining the Auras, We have a Def buff with Fortitude, a Mezz resistance with Clear Mind, How about an Evasion buff with "Intuition"


    " As you resonate with your allies and enemies it makes it easier to predict and evade attacks" Basically make it a toggle like Arctic air that you can turn on or shut off and anyone in the aura field receives the buff. Have to play around with the numbers though, maybe 6ft from the caster, and an XX% buff to evasion.

  2. You could add a variant like how Dual Pistols have different types of Ammo with the "Swap Ammo" power, you could have a "Special Defenses" power where you can select what you're resistant to.  like Elemental / Physical / Psychic. as your 3 choices. Could give a bit of tactical gameplay to the set

  3. My bet is that if you were forcibly disconnected, then your character's save state wasn't updated, or the server hadn't parsed for the updated data before the forced disconnect.

  4. Just a note, Once Manticore goes full Vigilante, His Association with Freedom Phalanx becomes "Problematic", So you can either handle it one of 2 ways. Either he's totally kicked out of the group, and he needs to be removed from Fort Trident and Brickstown (He'll need to be removed from Brickstown, either way. ) or he's still a member, just more on the not appearing with them in Public member and more on the providing them Intel and going with them on more covert missions, more in tune with his new alignment, he can still appear in Fort Trident in this case. If he gets totally kicked from the group, Scirocco shouldn't replace him in FP, but maybe if you all get around to making a signature Sentinel character, they can replace him in Freedom Phalanx

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  5. On 3/20/2024 at 3:39 PM, Saiyajinzoningen said:

    how about something like age of apocalypse in the 90's

    someone uses oro and twists things up so

    red side is now blue

    and blue side is now red

    completing tip quests helps repair the timestream

    timestream is repaired in the next issue and

    its changes are the leftover effects from us meddling with time

    Biggest problem with this idea is that it effects all players. the biggest issue is can it be done in the games engine? how long would it last? does it effect all players? The idea has merit, if doable, in that you could clear up the big continuity errors cropping up in game lore and it could be used as a soft reboot.  Would be cool to see Statesman and Sister Psyche be the main NPC's  for this idea all the while knowing that they are basically signing their own Death Warrants by fixing the Time Stream. 

    -This idea could be doable if you limit players only to Ouroborous for the duration of the event. (no matter how many instances you'd need to do it) Have about 3 Heroic Red side and 3 Villainous Blue Side Menders assigning missions, TF / SF's  etc to Players.  To Repair the Time Stream you'd have to "Fix" various Mission sets across all Level Ranges. That way if you want to play with more than one character of your own, you can do so. If players need access to regular Game areas, Keep Praetoria zones open for that.

    Once the event is over you now have access to the entire game again, with various updates (like for example, a totally restored Boomtown, Certain characters back from the dead or Updated Characters with New Codenames costumes etc.)

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  6. On 3/21/2024 at 9:58 PM, Rudra said:

    Miss Liberty only shows up a few times. She shows up in the flashback arc where you bring Recluse to power in the Rogue Isles, and she shows up in the arc where she dies in Episode 3 of Who Will die in Warburg.


    Edit: Mender Tesseract is the contact for the story arc that puts Recluse in power if you didn't know. Level 25-34 story arc. Agent Kwahu in Founder's Falls and Fortunata Gossamer in St. Martial are the contacts for Episode 3 of Who Will Die. Both are level 30-40.

    Thanks I've been lax on my Ouroborous missions, I'll check it when I get time....

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  7. I'd still like to see the Signature Sentinel Hero / Villain be introduced, whether using an existing hero or creating a new Character.  The Switching sides idea has merit, but we'd need an appropriate Task Force(s) around that concept. Say Villain side use Scirocco, and design a Hero Task Force around bringing him over to the Good Side. Find an acceptable hero to turn Vigilante / Villain and have a Villain Task Force around that.

    Other thing to suggest is to upgrade Ms. Liberty and turn her into Stateswoman, which some of the character art before the shutdown suggested was going to happen. Have her mom take her place as the trainer in in Atlas Park, and upgrade her New Costume visuals in Independence Port for her Task Force.

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  8. As stated above, since there's a main NPC that represents each of the Classes available how about doing a task force that  resurrects Sister Psyche to make her the signature Sentinel character. In true comic book fashion she will have amnesia when revived and join the Vindicators as a new member (There by keeping the Task Forces still the same and causing grief for Manticore who's happy she's alive but devastated that she has amnesia) Powerset would be Psychic Blast  / Regeneration. Task Force would consist of the Clockwork King Kidnapping Penny Yin, Manticore, and Aurora Borealis  and Draining Sister Psyche's psychic residue from the people kidnapped, and implanting it into a modified Clone of Sister Psyche's Body. (So that she'll age normally etc.) Final fight is fighting both the Clockwork King and Sister Psyche with her new powerset.

    Aftermath she returns to normal has amnesia and joins the Vindicators as a new member to mentored by Aurora.


    You all have the right to use this idea if you want, just throwing it  out there. If anyone wants to suggest anything to improve the idea or throw there own spin on it go right ahead...

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  9. I play an Ice / Emp controller and Ice is a decent set. There are a few powers in the set that I wouldn't consider Mandatory to take, so you can concentrate on survivability by taking either the Fighting pool with Tough & Weave, or go with another pool. The key for an effective Ice control Controller is situational awareness and power placement. Arctic Air is definitely a necessity but it's also an endurance hog. Ice Slick can delay enemies long enough that you can finish off a mob while they are all falling down, and Glacier can freeze them in their tracks allowing you time for you and Jack Frost to finish off mobs before moving to the next.


    It isn't an out & out decent damage set like fire control but it has its strengths.

  10. Here's my 2 Influence:


    I think Training Enhancements are fine up to level 10. It helps newer players get the hang of slotting, and it doesn't punish you if you make too big a mistake in slotting.


    Newer players also can't send themselves millions in INF so they could fully slot SO's at level 10, so TO's are still a necessary evil.


    Yes Training Enh suck, but the mobs are scaled around TO's until around lvl 15 ish  when the Cheaper and not as good SO's become available anyway.

  11. I'd prefer that Ms. Liberty take up the FP Tanker Status, have the new Fan created character join the Vindicators.


    -It would make more sense story wise to handle it this way, and it could be used as a good story arc where finally we get a Sidekick character that takes over for their mentor. Story wise have some incarnate energy infect the Liberty Belt, which alters Ms. Liberty's powers to a more tanker type set. Have the fan created character be part of the arc as well. The end result would be Ms. Liberty joining the FP, and being the Incarnate signature character, with the Fan made character joining the Vindicators.

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