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Posts posted by CountVampyro

  1. I know you can type in /loc to get your current location, but it would be nice to have a way to display your current location as you travel through a zone (i.e. to find badges in zonse where Vidiot Maps is not available).  Anyone know a way to build a macro for this?

  2. I built up a symphony/sonic controller & ran a quick solo Infernal mission,  It plays very strong, but the sounds on the symphony powers get a bit annoying after a while.  I can't imagine running this for hours in TF's, etc. & what it will sound like with a team full of these toons. 😱   Maybe include an option in character creation to change the power sounds to something a bit softer or more musically pleasant?  Otherwise, this looks like it will be a fun set to run with.  Thanks for all the hard work!

    • Like 4
  3. On 11/5/2021 at 3:05 PM, Vanden said:

    Copying some feedback from the CB:


    Alright, this is really nitpicky, I know. Sorry. But the icons for Meteor and Tombstone: I don't like them. City of Heroes is far from the only game that uses unique icons for every power; however, it differs from most games in that the icons are descriptive, rather than evocative. Say you had two different powers; one is an attack that the fluff text says is a knife attack that causes bleeding, another is an attack that the fluff text says is a subtle jab with a poisoned needle. Both abilities would be pretty similar; a melee attack that does extra damage over time. In another game with evocative icons, like World of Warcraft or Divinity: Original Sin, the former might be indicated with a picture of a bloody knife, while the latter might have a needle with a drop of a sickly green liquid forming at the tip. In CoH, however, they'd both just use the Damage,_Over_Time.png symbol, to indicate a damage over time effect. It's part of CoH's design to quickly indicate to the player what a power does without using words. Tombstone and Meteor, however, are using evocative icons rather than descriptive ones. Me, I had no idea Tombstone was a sniper attack until I read the description closely.

    TL;DR I think the powers should continue the trend set by the other sets and use the typical Sniper and Nuke symbols for their icons.

    One thing you may not have ever noticed is that all powers have indicators as to what they do built into their corresponding icon.  For example, the Tombstone has four white rectangles evenly spaced along the border of the icon to indicate it is a ranged attack, as Stalagmite and other ranged attacks do.  (Maybe a boresight target in the tombstone would be useful to show it is a snipe attack though).  The Meteor icon has two small dots at the bottom to indicate it is a placed target attack.  The Rock Shards have a long curved bar at the top of the icon to indicate it is a ranged cone attack.  And so on...


    These type of indicators have been around as long as I can remember, so the new power set icons follow the same pattern.  So, you really do have a way to tell what each power does, but just never knew.  Now you do!  

  4. 1 hour ago, JJDrakken said:


    I swear I've done that build several times, you'll have to just look through stuff.

    Well, I went through every page here & only found the SJ/SD combo build for a scrapper and tank, but not a brute.  But it's all good.  I'll figure something out from those builds.  Thanks!

  5. On 5/9/2019 at 3:27 PM, CountVampyro said:


    Welcome back home, everyone!  Here is a list of my main lvl 50 toons on Justice you may have seen or teamed with:


    Global: @countvampyro


    Blue Side - CoH:


    Super Group: Honor Guards


    Count Vampyro (Fire/DB Controller)

    Super Bee (Spines/Regen Scrapper)

    X-Phase (Rad/Elec Defender)

    Phantom X (Ill/Rad Controller)

    Winter Warlord (Ice/Storm Controller)

    Warshadow (Warshade)


    Red Side - CoV:


    Supergroup: Chaos Corps


    Killdozer (EM/Inv Brute)

    Thornspore (plant/thorn  Corruptor)

    Ultra Omega (Bots/Traps Mastermind)

    Hellrazor (Claws/Super Reflexes Stalker)



    and many other alt's!


    Hope to team up again soon!







    Just an update on this original post...All of the toons I listed here that were on the Justice server have all been  finally recreated and levelled to 50 once gain on the Excelsior server!  Even managed to keep most of the names, too.  Hope to see more friends from Justice here again soon!

    • Thumbs Up 2
  6. I was trying to respec a second build to my lvl 50 this evening and when done, a message popped up saying the respec failed.  I had moved all of my enhancements (many were VR's)  to the unassigned area prior to finishing, but when I finished, they were all gone.  Not sure what to do here, but I do know what I had crafted, as the remainder of the sets are still recipes.  I was devastated, as I've been running Hami's and weekly's to get merits to make these & now they are all gone from the lost IO's.    Please advise & thanks in advance for your help!


    Welcome back home, everyone!  Here is a list of my main lvl 50 toons on Justice you may have seen or teamed with:


    Global: @countvampyro


    Blue Side - CoH:


    Super Group: Honor Guards


    Count Vampyro (Fire/DB Controller)

    Super Bee (Spines/Regen Scrapper)

    X-Phase (Rad/Elec Defender)

    Phantom X (Ill/Rad Controller)

    Winter Warlord (Ice/Storm Controller)

    Warshadow (Warshade)


    Red Side - CoV:


    Supergroup: Chaos Corps


    Killdozer (EM/Inv Brute)

    Thornspore (plant/thorn  Corruptor)

    Ultra Omega (Bots/Traps Mastermind)

    Hellrazor (Claws/Super Reflexes Stalker)



    and many other alt's!


    Hope to team up again soon!







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