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Everything posted by Ketchupchips

  1. Awesome, I think this at least gives me some direction and something to go off of to start. Thank you!
  2. Hello, I'm looking for some build recommendations for an Emp/Elec Defender as I'm working on leveling and recreating my first lvl 50 from live. Does anyone have any builds they could share? Thank you!
  3. Which is better at dealing damage? Which is better at taking out AVs? I'm not sold in either direction yet as I've heard opinions for both sides. I started Ill/Cold, but leveling feels a bit slow and boring starting out right now. I'd like to hear some more opinions on this debate to help make up my mind. Thank you!
  4. Recently made a ninja blade and ninjutsu alt and would love some build advice or examples from someone who has more experience with this powerset than myself. Thanks!
  5. Thank you so much for this guide! Incredibly helpful! Made my first 200 million influence because of you 🙂
  6. Starting out on a new toon, would love to have a build example as a guide. Thanks! Also, if anyone has any info on how well regen pairs with Savage Melee and how much fun they think it is, I'd love to hear.
  7. Fair enough, I think I'm more inbetween. I like being at range, but I like mixing in some smashing @Nemu
  8. Oh, and I'm a magic blaster
  9. This'll be my first 50 since coming to homecoming and I don't have a lot of experience with creating builds. I pretty much know nothing in terms of what enhancements to use since I never really spent much time on a lvl 50 in the original city of heroes (spent too much time with alts lol). Any recommendations or tips for my fire/elec blaster would be huge! Thank you!
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