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Faceless One

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  1. Returning player here. Just curious what's the best server population wise and roleplaying wise(if any Roleplaying guilds exist out there)
  2. Ahh thanks. and from what I read. There is a limited window to donate then I assume?
  3. where would one go to help donate to the servers?
  4. Hi all. I am pretty sure this was my server of choice back during live. Name is as my handle here Faceless one. Although in game I've had to change it due to a similar name being used now on the homecoming servers. If any one recognizes my name I hope you drop me a line. Would love to get back in touch with some of you from the old days.
  5. Hi there everyone. I'm trying to find people from my old supergroup from live. I cannot for the life of me remember the group's name. But I played on Freedom server I believe and my Character name was Faceless one. Attached is a picture to help people out if you recognize it from back when the game was live i'd love to reconnect with any of you.
  6. With regards to not being able to get our old characters back. is that the reason why the names are taken? like I tried to recreate my character from the old days but the name was taken. They are there some where in the database as being used but we cannot get them due to us not having our old logins?
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