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Posts posted by Brigadier

  1. Can't open COH on Mac after Halloween update. Application opens to the point of Ready to Play, then if I click the open arrow it thinks, starts to open the character selection screen by showing the Loading center-screen banner for about a second, then it halts and shows the following:



    Then if I click through OK three times the Program Error window goes away and leaves a completely blank City of Heroes window above the load screen. My Mac is up to date as of when I write this. How to proceed? 


    Update: Went through a full rescan and still getting the same result. As a random attempt I tried to open CoH in Titan Icon v.1.71 and the character selection screen opened, the 'legacylayout 1' error did not occur. Normal login still not functioning. 


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  2. I'm a Mac user and my client was working fine last night but now doesn't work. I've seen replies to this issue above but the answer solution was a link to an old post. What do I do with this current update to install it on a Mac? This is a new issue based on the latest update so we need new post. Thanks and most appreciations for all your work as devs. 


    EDIT: To be specific when I try to load it tells me there's a failure because Wine isn't loaded. No clear path from there that I can tell yet.


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