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  1. I just watched the latest ep now!
  2. Well that sucks that they only favor Blue. Maybe Blue is more popular, but still!
  3. What about the Red side? Only Cap has it? I can't even travel to Night Ward from it.
  4. UPDATE: Ok, I did the night ward thing & got the badge, but aren't I supposed to be able to travel to other zones from the midnight club???
  5. Oh ok, thanks guys. BTW, is First Ward a new zone that was added? I don't remember it back in the day, I just noticed it now
  6. Ok, so I did the Midnighter's quests w/ Darren Wade, RIGHT? AND I got up to the last part of the arc, where I am in disguise & "Ashley Knight" asks me the password, RIGHT? BUT I do NOT remember the password, or I didn't see it in the clues, so I just pick ANY RANDOM PASSWORD, right? SO I do that mission where I infiltrate & grab all 8 relics & I run for the exit, RIGHT? NOW, I cannot get into the midnight club!!!! It will NOT let me in because I DO NOT have the right password! SO, I totes blew it, didn't I??? What do I do??? The midnight club is important to get to other zones & do missions, correct? That arc is already marked as completed, so Darren Wade is inactive & won't budge, you know? PLEASE help me! Please tell me what I need to do to rectify this!
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