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Posts posted by FundamentalyConfused

  1. 8 hours ago, ThatGuyCDude said:

    The closest is contacts in mission descriptions with "Talk about what else is going on", which goes back to their primary menu.

    There is no back feature in Gulls dialogue. I have to end the conversation to choose something else to make different. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Aracknight said:

    5) Elude.  This power has become skippable in the age of IO's, and I think that's sad.  The last time I used it was when I was getting the ski badges in Pocket D, and I think that since soft-capping is so easy, that an interesting idea foe Elude is to look at what else it does, which is to boost recovery, run speed and jump height.    Why not take out the Defense, since it's not really needed and turn it into a toggle (Not A Click) travel power, like Athletic Run, that you can slot?  I think with the new stance selection animations this could be pretty awesome.





    I agree that Elude is skippable since IO’s made softcapping easy. 

    I like your idea for Elude but think that a toggle isn’t warranted. 

    Earlier today I was mulling this over and thought that since we have this power creep going since Incarnates were introduced that maybe these type of T9’s need looking at. Here’s a crazy idea, it applies to any T9 godmode, what if we bump up the active time one more minute? If we don’t really want to change how these godmodes work, for the most part, the simplest and easiest thing to do is up the up time. How else can we change the skippable godmodes into nonskippable?

  3. Could we get the ability to move multiple enhancements, salvage and whatever else I might have forgotten? I’ve done some searching and haven’t found anything like this except this thread https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/11004-enhancement-tray-management-suggestions/?tab=comments#comment-107129 


    Ever done multiple respec’s with the intent of stripping enhancements, saving those enhancements  and then deleting a toon?  It’s quite a slog to drag and drop each enhancement. Before it was changed to just deleting the leftovers I’d use that as a way to avoid all that single drag and drop. 

  4. My 2 inf.

    I’m on board with a reshuffle of the SR toggles, having the AOE toggle lower would greatly improve the faceplant ratio.


    I’d also make one small change for a +recovery in Practiced Brawler. My thinking is as a practiced brawler you should have had some kind of endurance training and allows you to fight longer before tiring out.  It doesn’t have to be a big number with the click and possible stacking. 

  5. Can we get a little decoration or an exit sign inside the ski chalet? I was in there looking around last month and spent, what felt like an hour, a lot of time looking for the exit but not seeing it because it blends in very well. 

    I was almost at the point of logging in my farm account, starting a team and standing at the door. I couldn’t find it and was getting frustrated falling off the side when I wouldn’t land a jump right. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. It’s in the blaster inherent Defiance. Didn’t used to be like that and it’s pretty awesome to be able to still lob shots when stumbling around stunned! 😁😁 


    Defiance 1.0 was pretty crazy where the lower your health was the more you would get a damage buff. Kinda insane to on purpose fall from the top of the map and hit the ground ending up with 1hp and a 400% +dam just to hit Lusca with a BIG whammy!

  7. 4 hours ago, Luminara said:


    Urushiol, the compound in poison * plants, bonds with the skin.  That's what makes it so frustrating.  Once it's in, it's essentially part of your body until the skin peels or flakes off.


    Note that the compound itself becomes inactive eventually, some hours later, so it doesn't continue sinking in until it reaches your vital organs or anything, and it's not the compound itself causing the reaction, it's just an evolutionary quirk that we're so drastically affected by it.  Humans specifically adapted this reaction to it.

    Ok that kinda makes sense then. The intense itchiness is a result of our bodies wanting to be rid of it so we scratch till we’re bloody and it’s then removed.  

    Such a messy divorce when you get married to the ivy. 😢

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  8. I’ll go on record in favor of an account wide unlock for the LRT. Kinda like how HEATS and VEATS had to be unlocked by getting a 50 back in the day. That was account wide when it unlocked. 

    I’m also from a time where you had to dodge close cluster of mobs in the hollows trying to get across the map for the Frostfire mish. That was hard, compared to nowadays the instant gratification of mission door tp we have it easy and should not complain. 

  9. Well....... I’m all out of roids and the rash that’s left is starting to get angry. 🤬 Looks like I’ll be going back to the ER tomorrow when I’d rather be playing with the new shiny! 🤬🤬

    *mutters* Shoulda burned my clothes and just started over 😤😤


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  10. 45 minutes ago, Luminara said:


    I'll send you my laundry Wednesday afternoon.  I have to rip out a couple of decades of poison ivy growth on an old well.  I'm prepared this time, though.  It should be cool enough to be comfortable wearing a long-sleeved shirt, and I bought some gloves.  I might wear my Cold War gas mask, too, just because.

    One of those throw away plastic suits they wear in the Covid screening lines would be perfect! 

  11. I’m on a rampage washing and rewashing all my clothing, bedding and coats! Bought 2 big jugs of white vinegar and have used up half of one in the washes so far. Still a large mountain of clothing to work through. 😕


    I almost bought the $35 1oz cream at Walmart that supposedly works in 30 mins but I have one more day of the oral steroid to finish out before I go back to the ER for something else. This has been the most stubborn case I’ve had yet! 

  12. 5 hours ago, Techwright said:

    Did they happen to mention a wash treatment for destroying the poison oak oils in clothing?


    The potentials for hurting oneself on poison ivy, oak, sumac, or giant hogweed are great enough that I'm surprised it isn't standard training in elementary school to identify for avoidance.


    I have VA insurance and it’s ok for what I have to pay but nothing like a fully paid insurance policy useable at the local doctor.  They prolly haven’t dealt with this issue much with the VA hosp being just down the street from the big U of M hosp getting all the traffic that isn’t vet related. 

  13. When I was 8 or 10 I managed to get a case of poison ivy so bad the doc said if it had gotten worse I’d have gone blind in my right eye! 

    I’m currently dealing with over a week long battle with the dreaded poison oak. Didn’t realize that fat fuzzy vine on the tree I was cutting down was PO, I know what the leaves look like and now know about the fuzzy vines.


    I got it all over both of my arms and didn’t realize that’s what it was for a day and managed to wash my contaminated clothes with the rest of my wash! 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    It’s creeped down to my left knee, tops of both feet, spreading across my belly, in my belly button and tried going up my neck. 

    Last Friday I went to the ER to get some help and got some oral steroids, topical steroids and some antihistamines. 4 days later I pick up the technu stuff referenced farther up the post and it’s gotten better but I don’t think I have all my clothing cleaned out yet. 😖😖


    God help me I wanna rip my skin off!!

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