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Posts posted by Mansome

  1. On 4/4/2020 at 1:42 AM, summers said:

    This might be a crazy idea, but why not just remove SOs from the game and make everything drop basic IOs, and allow them to be purchasable.


    Everything else is just patching obselete content that extracts fun from new players who don't know better.


    Just my five cents 🙂

    Believe it or not there are a ton of players who either don't like the IO system or think its too complicated to use or too much effort. While the Homecoming team has done wonders with making the bar for entry become extremely low still there are players who still will not use them.

  2. That is still a pretty good start. We need something darker though. Currently that is kind of what people are into these days with how all the movies are going. In Man of Steel millions die in the metropolis fight. And don't get me started with the whole Thanos snap thing of the MCU and how they undid it.  COH/COV could make an awesome movie universe if they stuck to the source material.

  3. One my biggest gripes about CoV was that you just were not evil enough. You basically played sidekick with the heroes when you had no other choice like with the Rikti invasion, incarnates, ITF but never really forcing the heroes to be sidekicks to the villains. As I stated before with villains there was only one story arc I can remember from live, the one where you poison the food, you just did not do stuff evil enough. Well what about this instead? Instead of villains being forced to save the world because it would be a huge inconvenience to them being dead but make it so the heroes have to commit a crime or something morally bad because the alternative of not doing it would be worse. Not sure how you could write this into a story but make it where at the start of the Strike Force heroes are forced into the choice of doing something bad as a way to prevent something really bad from happening. You could add a badge to this, like call it Crossing the uncrossable line badge. During the first part of the strike force you get this badge it forces your alignment to change to vigilante. Later in the strike force it changes you to full villain if you did not start out as a villain. This would allow you to travel on villain side to do the door missions of the SF so you are not confined to a neutral zone. The SF/TF reward at the end along with merits is you choose your alignment again.


    Lets say after the last incarnate trial a depowered Tyrant has been locked up. You have to raid various magical faction groups, murdering (not arresting) countless innocents just to obtain the magical artifacts to re-empower the Tyrant, and resurrect mother Mayhem as a zombie into Sister Psyche's corpse. You basically have to undo what was done during the incarnate trials because Preatorian hamidon has found a way to earth prime. The choice is live in a world with a revived Tyrant and friends or a world ruled/consumed by hamidon.

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  4. 39 minutes ago, UltimateXao said:

    Eeehhh... Not really. What we learned last time from the sheer amount of SS/Invuln is that theme or concept actually is a huge factor in deciding what people roll and actually play. This is the problem with nerfing based on popularity, though anyone with a basic understanding of what constitutes fallacious reasoning could have told you that. Argumentum ad populum is basically a noob logic trap.


    Believe it or not, this all fits neatly together with Spines/Fire. The abundance of Spines/Fire and strangely high numbers of power sets you wouldn't expect anyone to actually play points to the classic Path of Exile meta taking place in City of Heroes. I think Diablo II had a similar meta, too.


    If you don't know what that is, basically it works like this: At the start of a new season, people roll up MF characters. MF is "magic find," these builds are designed specifically for the purpose of rapid farming. The point of them is to fund EVERYTHING ELSE people play during that season. Here's a quote from a page on PoEvault that sums it up nicely:


    This is because many builds in PoE that don't look that hot on the surface are actually insanely good with the right items, but how well they level, how expensive they are to gear for endgame, etc, varies greatly. It's similar to how, for instance, Invuln is kind of a mediocre set with gaping holes until you start applying the right IOs.


    In PoE, these builds also have the desirable side effect of driving supply up and in the process bringing prices low enough that you don't have to dedicate your whole life to playing the game to get gear for your characters... The same thing seems to be happening on the AH in CoH. Especially because CoH seems to have a demographic of people who enjoy playing the game as a farming simulator the most for some reason lol. I can see the appeal, too, but I prefer radios to the AE when I just want to veg out and beat stuff up.


    EDIT: Wait, crap, I posted this on the wrong account. Eh, no matter.

    I get that concept has a huge impact on it, like superman and other characters like him. But lets be real 99% of the folks playing spines/fire and any combination thereof are just farming inf. Spines is ugly even after the updated costume options for it. I can't think of a single concept reason for that combination other than to farm. They do need to look at why the other sets are not being played as much. I remember back on live servers people avoided dark armor due to not being able to see the character and the insane endurance management you have to do with it. The minimal fx option helped with the first problem but the powerset still plays like you are having an asthma attack the entire time you are playing it even with IOs and Alpha slot.


    The high number of empaths we see are just those who don't know any better, that defense and resists go a longer way than heals as does control effects. The one odd outlier I see with this is Stalkers with shield defense. Stalkers are not a farming AT as they have no way to hold aggro but yet you see them with shield defense for the AoE. I just wonder what is going on with the players who are selecting that secondary. If they exclusively team then I can see the reason. The other thing I can't understand is why so many controllers and masterminds picking kinetics. A huge part of the reason to play the set was speed boost. When they took away pet recharge buffs I just don't see a point even with fulcrum shift unless you exclusively team. My hope is that they eventually take away the pet recharge nerf or offer an alternate power choose for all ally +recharge powers for masterminds and controllers so they get the full benefit of the powerset. Kind of like how pain domination got Pain Bringer instead of Adrenal boost.

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  5. This is good data. At least we can see where the devs need to focus on. I think its odd how people are playing what most of us on the forums would consider bad powersets because of the nerfs the old devs did. I am really shocked at the amount of */Regen scrappers. I guess the biggest take away from this data is nerf Fire anything, nerf spines and nerf H34l0rz!

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  6. On 2/28/2020 at 2:14 PM, Caulderone said:

    Yeah, the PvP sets don't scale UP in enhancement value like regular attuned sets.  The set bonuses do scale down like regular attuned sets.  (https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/PvP_IO_Sets)


    So, the set bonuses for PvP IOs are attuned, but the enhancement values are not.  So, for enhancement values, you might need to replace lower level ones with high level ones, which isn't a problem you have with standard attuned sets.


    I forgot to note that as the only PvP IOs I use regularly are the single use specials (+3 defense, +5 resist), and I always just buy those at level 10.

    What I been doing is getting them all as level 50s unless its the unique that gives a special ability. I was thinking of +5ing these at level 50 once I have the boosters. What about Hami-o's I remember long ago in a Paragon City far far away we used to see level 53 HO's/SHO's. Is there any chance the devs would bring this back as an option or at least allow us to boost them to that level so you know you have everything as max as possible.

  7. I wanted to ask what is the lowest possible level to get perma dom on a Mind/Psi. I have a build I am working on that I will try post later once I get to my other computer.  In this build I have a lot of enhancements that cap out at level 30 and wanted to know if I should just use attuned versions for those instead or just boost them to +5. If I boost them to 30 +5 will these effectively be level 35? would the exemplaring for these set bonuses stop sooner like at 32 instead of 27? Also if I do +5 common IOs say like level 50 would the +5 get removed if I put them in base storage or email them to another alt? Can perma dom happen without hasten or base salvage buffs? If hasten is a must should I 3 slot it with 50 +5's? Lastly at what level when exemplarying causes the enhancement values to scale down and how does this work with boosted enhancements?

  8. 5 minutes ago, siolfir said:

    ...and if we're going to include it anyway, Fortunatas get Confuse and Aura of Confusion, they just don't get the additional magnitude and duration from Domination.


    The Dominator gets Drain Psyche, a snipe, different epic pools, Psychic Shockwave is up more often than Psychic Wail, and Domination gives them mez protection. They don't get Super Reflexes-level defense or claw attacks, but they aren't really hurting for damage.

    Psi shockwave sucks now compared to what it used to be like. Drain Psyche is nice but you get more survivability with the defense Fortunata gets and the scaling resistances. Seriously if you count the time before level 38 you are hurting for damage as a Mind/Psi dom compared to a Fortunata.

  9. Sorry but I disagree there needs to be any changes. Back on live server I was probably one of the most vocal people who talked about the market being a cesspool of greed. On homecoming they have made things so easy it does not matter anymore. People aren't using what they are given to the full potential. I have full IOed out several level 50s as well as many lowbie alts that have their whole build of set IOs waiting for them as they level up to slot them. If there needs to be a change it would need to be for HO/SHO's. Allow us to use the enhancement converters on those as there are way too many useless versions of HO/SHO's out there. And lets make them all level 53 going forward. No reason to not do this as we have no way to make those maxed right now.

  10. Since the power has made us too powerful, rather than change the powers lets change the content. I propose they make incarnate level versions of all the TF/SFs. The rewards would be the same merits or an incarnate component. I would love to see incarnate TF that had the CoT. At level 50 these guys are already a joke to fight so new TF would give these guys some teeth finally to put the same level of fear we had doing the Posi TF getting swarmed by all those debuffs at level 8.

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  11. Just wanted to know what gives with this match up. It feels with the attacks that the Fortunata are doing more single target damage than a Mind dom. What gives? The extra controls mind doms get don't make up for the damage difference. Controls in the end game do not matter is much as most critters are dead in seconds on a team even doing level 54 content. If anything Mind control paired with anything should give some kind of bonus damage or something since it misses out on a pet for damage. And before people mention the confuse thing the Fortunata does not even need to use confuse to be doing great damage.

  12. Hi all,


    Just wanted to ask do stalkers get the same level of debuff resistance as scrappers/brutes get from the SR powers? I was wondering because the lucky power seems to be rolled into evasion which would make me think that the missing passive would give you less total overall. My next question is about scaling damage resists, do stalkers get the full benefit of this too? While I know the lower HP makes it harder to use but is the scaling proportional to what scrappers/brutes get?

  13. I wanted to give tanking a try again since tanks are supposed to do more damage now. I decided on SR since you can easily soft cap with very little IO investment. What I wanted to ask once the defense is capped what else should I be going for on a SR/* tank? I have not decided on a secondary yet. I was trying to see what will do the most damage and not have to wait till 38 to be able to kill stuff. I have already done Street Justice and Psi Melee on stalkers, what else would benefit from the faster recharge the most and still do good damage. My next question is how well do the scaling resistance work for SR tanks? I don't want to be dropping to 5% health just to be worth a damn to the group. That always scares the crap out of healers. 

  14. 1 hour ago, mbre2006 said:

    What have you tried so far?

    I mean not much you can work with here as it only takes sets from the heal/end mod/ acc heal set IOs. I guess you can put chance for negative dam. Otherwise I wouldn't anymore than two to three slots on it. 

    Was going to try with the accurate healing set but neither have accuracy recharge.

  15. So recently it was brought to my attention on how Master Brawler power works. The power description is pretty bad on what this power actually does and the real numbers do not work on this as well as hundreds of other powers and changes that happened since the game died and was revived. I had no clue that the mez protection does not come from the actual click itself but from the fact that you choose the power from the level up screen and are running the first to */SR toggles. You never actually have to click the power to get that benefit. I kept wondering why would they make a click power for mez protection with such a short duration on an AT that needs it? This was killing my blue bar at early levels due to me having it on auto-fire thinking it was keeping me from getting mezzed. The other issue is I thought the absorb shield was refreshing like */Regen's Instant Regeneration when it does not do that. This drastically changes how I need to slot Archery/SR.


    What I am needing is a soft cap build for Archery/SR that gets the most benefit out of the */SR powers without having to take so much useless crap I won't ever put on my power tray. Money is no object with this build if anyone can help. My biggest issue is getting IOs for melee defense aside from the 2 Unique defense to all IOs. My character is a homage to Linkle from Hyrule Warriors if you need to know the concept.

  16. I just wanted to ask for absorb powers should I be picking an alpha that boost absorb or boost healing? This would be for 2 Sentinel characters. One is  */Regen for instant healing and the other is */SR for master brawler. I see both powers take healing sets. All heal enhancements are labeled as Heal/Absorb now. But not the Alpha Slot powers. I just want to make sure its going to work before I spend time getting materials for these. 

  17. Hi all, I am trying to come up with a build that uses all the powers for Archery/SR. Unlike with melee characters I am having a hard time getting melee defense with all these range attacks. I know there is the defense to all IO's but even with that I am getting short on defense or it ends up going way past it 45% Range and AoE. Any ideas?

  18. Surprised no one has said this yet. One reason you can't do this is because the whole point of O-missions is that you are going back in time to a point in history in your own body to a point when you didn't know or fully master said skills or powers. This is an earlier version of you so it makes sense that you dont have the same level as level 50 in terms of performance. While I know the whole no powers thing can be annoying at times but this is why they give us 2 builds. Make one for exemplar and one for level 50. Alternatively just use attuned IOs, pvp IOs, and purple IOs. Personally I won't be doing O-missions for badges until I know this game is going to survive. Once we get the okay then I will be going back to finish all the old content for badges.

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