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  1. Asking your friends to vote is not tampering. Those friends have their own minds. And their own fingers for clicking. They made the decision to vote for Luxe. That is their right.
  2. This can't be real? Are you serious? ALL this fuss over this? And now after the fact we have this from the CR's "As to ensuring voters have visited before voting: it's not a requirement, it was a plea and a strong suggestion." A plea. And a strong suggestion. Just like visiting the base and voting. This is an online poll. Those are not rules. Those are suggestions. And can noooo one really admit to ever voting for your friends base or work or whatever before? Of course not. No. Nooo one would ever doo something so truly evil. No no. That's voter fraud. "FUDGING" the vote. Strip them of their win. And as for a burst of votes at the end. Has no one ever shopped on ebay before? That's called tactics. I saw what HammyFly was talking about. There was always an exact 1 for 1 vote match when Vault Luxe received a vote. They kept a constant 2-3 vote buffer the whole week. I can't blame the Vault Luxe team or their fans for seeing what was going down and planning accordingly. What a joke this whole thing is. And how utterly unfair. I am not impressed.
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