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Everything posted by Puthon

  1. Puthon

    Denial of Service

    Got it there, many thanks!!!
  2. Hell yeah!!!!😍
  3. I would like to announce the first "iTrial Marathon" 21st - 22nd March " from 4pm GMT Sat to 4pm GMT Sun at Reunion/Homecoming. 24 hours of non stop incarnate trials!!! All players with Alpha slots are welcome, from any server, even if you are Coronavirus positive!!! You can contact me (@Puthon, main char Pegassa) or @Flints for more details. LONG LIFE TO COH!!!
  4. I would like to announce the first "iTrial Marathon" 21st - 22nd March " from 4pm GMT Sat to 4pm GMT Sun at Reunion/Homecoming. 24 hours of non stop incarnate trials!!! All players with Alpha slots are welcome, from any server, even if you are Coronavirus positive!!! You can contact me (@Puthon, main char Pegassa) or @Flints for more details. LONG LIFE TO COH!!!
  5. I would like to announce the first "iTrial Marathon" 21st - 22nd March " from 4pm GMT Sat to 4pm GMT Sun at Reunion. 24 hours of non stop incarnate trials!!! All players with Alpha slots are welcome, from any server, even if you are Coronavirus positive!!! You can contact me (@Puthon, main char Pegassa) or @Flints for more details. LONG LIFE TO COH!!!
  6. Wich ones are the praetorian missions?
  7. ¡Aquí estoy yo! Solía jugar mucho hace veintitantos años y estaba en una liga española. Buenos tiempos aquellos. Putón se llamaba mi primer personaje 🤣 y Dark Putón su versión villana. Otros eran GAMMA ACCIDENT, Morningstar, etc.. Ahora ando despistado recordando cosas poco a poco. Estaría bien unirme a una liga española, por aquello de los horarios para las quedadas.
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