Was able to play in safe mode but took this morning to try and see if I could figure out 64-bit. Once I read through this thread, realized I had two versions of the installer and kept toggling between them, and came to the set of steps that basically @Ernestoabove captures perfectly I can play 64-bit.
An important note is that the version number is "MMDDYYYY + BUILD". I lost some time wondering why I had seen people with build 193 [turned out 08-22-2019 + 3] and I had 191 [turned out 08-29-2019 + 1]. Finally clued in when I found that info in the thread.
@MangaThank you for all this work. You are the only target people have to express their frustration at not being able to play a game they love. Don't let it get you down.