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Posts posted by littlegems

  1. On 6/28/2023 at 9:46 AM, AboveTheChemist said:


    If you installed the winter gift maps via the City Mod Installer, then open City Mod Installer, click Winter Event Gift maps in the installed mod list, and click Uninstall.


    If you installed the winter maps manually by copying maps_winter.pigg into:


    <CoH Root Folder>\assets\mods


    Then simply open that folder and delete maps_winter.pigg from that location.


    If you installed the winter maps prior to mid-October 2022, then please refer to the Removing/Deleting Old Installations section of the top post for removal instructions. If this is the case, you'll probably need to re-install vidiotmaps. Instructions for that can be found in the top post of the vidiotmaps thread. I strongly suggest using City Mod Installer to re-install, and you'll probably need to also follow the Removing/Deleting Old Installations section of the top post of the vidiotmaps thread to fully remove the old version of vidiotmaps.

    i know it's really late to be replying to these instructions, but i just wanted to say thank you for the help. i was able to finally do it and see my badge map again.


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  2. On 11/16/2022 at 12:25 AM, biostem said:

    I got the below used laptop for $50 +s/h.  It's far from flashy, but it'll play CoH just fine if you use the -usetexenvcombine startup parameter.  If you can afford about $20 more, you could get an i5 w/ 8GB of RAM.  You have to install your own OS, and you'll want to stick to reputable sellers, but those will get you up & running.  Also make sure they include the AC adapter and a SSD...


    Laptop listing:  https://www.ebay.com/itm/225236795662


    Update:  An i5 listing for reference:   https://www.ebay.com/itm/354352367209?hash=item52810c0669%3Ag%3A56kAAOSwrbRjLh5f&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoKWzpS%2BjZy%2BQPTA4YIabI4tYpDnWUSgojCCCF1jATY9ZfZCJTz5JyEGqqUJ9zSJrGELVpaK96sfFR%2FaQFE73RgaZE%2FWXVXq5POsUMOstZwfIBp4YnGknLuS4wN%2BDbIRNDVmCH5It8wqqVJYNGlyo2YqP4dDVbHKZ8qUhsIiggxUoO1tqO43RwQnRxVl3KtRtb2ml5UykJIcC4SBdXpXTsXA%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5K7-_SPYQ&LH_BIN=1&LH_ItemCondition=3|4

    thanks! i ended up getting an hp elitebook, but it turns out it would not run the game. seems like the intel uhd graphics wasn't hefty enough i guess. i will look into this one, i think i saw one on amazon refurbished. thanks again!

  3. ok, so i want to get my son a laptop, and mainly it is because i want him to be able to play CoH with me. he travels for work and we don't live in the same state anymore anyway. but i really can't afford much. is there a suggestion for a very inexpensive laptop that is good for travel? he would also want to be able to do art on it, like drawing i guess, so he would have to be able to run programs like photoshop ish i think.

  4. so there are 10 costume slots. i have unlocked 9 of them. i am lvl 50+35 veteran, and i have 2 more free tailor sessions, but no more unlocked slots, how do i unlock that last (10th) slot? i have done the tailor missions for the first 3 tailors, the only ones i know of. i don't understand how any of the other ones have unlocked quite honestly.  i just want to be able to use my free tailor session on the 10th slot but i don't know how to open it. can anyone tell me? thanks

    and sorry if this is not the way to ask this question, but again i don't know how this works.

  5. i actually asked this on another thread before i found this one. what i am trying to find out is where i can get a list of the different macro images for the buttons. like people have different base teleport buttons for their bases and i wanted to learn more of them. anyone know? thanks

  6. i am trying to find a list of macro images. i like how people have different button images for base macros and other stuff, and i would like to learn more of them. anyone know where i can find that info? i looked on the wiki, but it either is not there or i don't know how to look for it.

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