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Posts posted by brattycommissar2

  1. 24 minutes ago, gamingglen said:


    also, real shorts for male/huge (not undies) .. with plaid option (golfer's shorts 😄 ); + cut off jean shorts for all three body types. 

    while we're at it, we should also get plaid for other things, like jackets and stuff! they're a necessary part of my vibe!

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  2. 1 hour ago, Ironblade said:

    I think the cooldowns are all or nothing so they might be able to code '10 per day'.  So it would probably have to be something like a 90-minute cooldown or 2-hours cooldown.  That does seem like a reasonable middle ground, though.


    I think there needs to be more effort in identifying a middle ground or compromises.  We went from 'No vet levels in AE' to 'Vet levels are back but no conversion to Reward Merits'.  Neither of these options has been well-received.  We need to look for an option that blocks the problematic outliers without harming the average player.



    They can't.  One of the devs said that if they had a reliable way to stop AFK farming without penalizing active farmers, they would have already done it.

    yeah when i talked about this change in one of the discord servers for coh i'm in the amount of people who were like 'what, no!' about the no emp-> rm thing surprised me ( because, as previously mentioned, i didn't even know that was a thing people could do or did! ) i think having some sorta cooldown for conversions would be a good way to address the people who say that the cooldown inherent in earning rms where earning emps was a thing before is apparently too strict as an alternative to emp earn and conversion? or maybe have an inf cost associated with conversions? or both?


    or could have a restriction by making it take more emps being converted at once before you can do a conversion? so you can't even do it for every lil emp, you have to do it in bulk? actually that'd probably just hurt people who get them in small bits more than people who can apparently farm infini-emps since they'd always have them in bulk...


    yeah, think that some sorta character based lockout cooldown may be the way to go? this means that if you ABSOLUTELY NEED TO you can still get around it by trading it to yourself which is inconvenient. maybe let you do so many before the cooldown instead of just one? idk what a good number would be. could alternatively have small bulk conversions be possible and that is just once per cooldown? like 'okay you can convert 10 and now you gotta wait before you can do that again' if that'd be a simpler way to do it- i would imagine something like doing it as all part of one transaction would be easier than having to keep track of multiple smaller ones...

  3. 16 minutes ago, Ironblade said:

    Here is a direct quote from the Terms of Service:
    "We allow a basic level of multiboxing on the Homecoming servers outside of peak times. These rules apply on a shard-by-shard basis (by ‘shard’ we mean Torchbearer, Excelsior, etc)."


    So you can stay 100% within the ToS and multibox three accounts ON EACH SHARD SIMULTANEOUSLY.

    Not sure why they phrased it that way, but they did and went to the effort to clarify exactly what they mean by 'shard'.

    The computer I had 18 years ago could run three accounts.  I think it's quite possible my current system could run fifteen.

    For the record, I only have three accounts.

    the forums need a 'fear' react

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  4. 49 minutes ago, biostem said:

    Even if you scaled Skulls or Hellions to be 50+, do those enemies have enough attacks/resistances to be on par with "genuine" 50+ enemies?  I'm not against the suggestion per se, but will a Skull with a pistol attack and brawl really a worthy challenge?


    EDIT:  This would be a great opportunity to come up with some higher-level Skulls, Hellions, Vahzilok, Prime Earth Clockwork, etc...

    i know for a fact that there are ae versions of many low level groups that are 50 appropriate--- also, primal clockwork already have a level 50 version with the psi clockwork iirc? but yeah i'm 100% above and beyond into the idea that you can do, at level 50, without exemping, radios / papers in any zone and get missions to deal with enemies appropriate for that zone. i would LOVE this, love love LOVE this. like half of my work in ae is just making pseudo radios that fulfill this purpose! it's so fun to tinker and do things like fake harder coralax, trolls, etc... would love official versions of it though! if only for costume reasons and making it more accessible to everyone


    edit: also just in general there are already a lot of high level versions of groups that could be used in radio / paper ways for other zones. nemesis, crey, psi clockwork, rikti tbh, tsoo, family, and more

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  5. since players are gonna be given access to these bits and bobs through this new currency thing and whatnot, and you can apparently use it for proper missions instead of just rp stuff, my question is... is there a chance that more of these pieces, models, meshes, etc can be made available in part or portion to players like how you could do things in paragon chat db editing? i'd be fine if it still used this currency to acquire or w/e, i'd just love to have access to parts of the whole instead of just the whole whole

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, MoonSheep said:


    my opinions differ as i have reverse altitis, i play just two alts since returning to CoH - the journey and gradual progression is what makes CoH a great game in my view


    shifting the playerbase back towards team based missions and actually having to play the game to receive rewards reintroduces balance in that the top rewards are earned through playing and are more of a rarity. i think it’s a good thing that top end rewards should be hard to achieve 


    whilst PLing existed back on live, the modern AE cheats and exploits have ramped things up a notch - it’s unnatural, like drinking orange juice after brushing your teeth 

    i'm glad that you've been able to play the game in a way that you have found fulfilling! please understand that others have done so as well and it's just that they played it differently!

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Bionic_Flea said:

    Just let folks know that you are new and have questions.  While there are some elitist jerks, I think you will find the vast majority of players will be happy to walk you through whatever questions you might have.

    neverminding that obviously even vets to the game have bits they won't know and are liable to ask questions themselves without them ALSO being something that should be disparaged--- neverminding that AE farmed characters shouldn't be disparaged anyway imo--- people here CAN be really nice. please just ignore the jerks, if they're just screaming insults into a void they will eventually shut up!

    • Thumbs Up 3
  8. 33 minutes ago, Darmian said:

    Four of them are, but frankly that's beside the point.  I wrote them as best as I could and got lucky. There was no guarantee I'd get those.


    However I specifically wrote them to cover a gap in Gold side between Neutropolis and First Ward - this is veering off the OP, apologies - so that Gold players could have a proper transition rather than just (a) taking the Rift or (b) abruptly going to First Ward.  Sure, anyone can play them (and I encourage people to do so!) but they have a distinct purpose even beyond their story.


    Anyway, thanks for everyone's patience while I now climb down off my soapbox.

    nah, thank you for climbing it, you made solid points in the face of a ridiculous declaration that's accompanied by snide remarks that assume the worst of you

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  9. 44 minutes ago, Treacheres The Dastard said:

    There's a lot to work with here.


    Not sure if I'll be using advanced customization for the time being. 0% on rewards for those mobs is pretty harsh, though absolutely understandable for wanting to avoid abuse cases. Even so, it may not be necessary to go that far to prevent lobotomized mob farms from popping up.


    Here's my thought. Fire farming is already extremely safe, completely unchallenging and with an absolute zero risk of failure or even impediment. It's also very fast and relatively cheap to get a new fire farmer's build to that level of security even on max difficulty missions. Anyone can have one. Farming is accessible.


    Lobotomite farms, in the assumed hypothetical of a map full of mobs who do nothing but look at you, wouldn't represent an easier farming approach because the difficulty for farming is already nonexistent. They also wouldn't open the door for non dedicated farming characters to powerlevel or generate Inf because that door is already open; any character can doorsit while someone else does the work and enjoy x8/+4 rewards. This option is advertised consistently enough in chat that I believe we can understand it to be available at all times.


    In terms of what the maximum abuse case here would change for the reality of farming, I would say... not a lot. At most I see farming being slightly less social as characters wanting for levels could tackle a mission on their own instead of licking the pavement in somebody else's run. However, because abuse of systems is lame on principle, and there's a lot to be said for avoiding the janky, buggy vibe a lobotomite farm would give, I am still in favor of a restriction on rewards for custom mobs.


    My proposal: 50%. Even 25% would be cool. Maybe no recipe drops either, but something rather than nothing. As I see it, farmers who currently face negative difficulty won't gravitate to a new flavor of negative difficulty if the rewards are lessened by any degree. This should be all that's needed to prevent these kinds of missions from existing, and at the same time, should make authors and players much more likely to consider advanced customization mobs worth their time. 

    i'd rather this than nothing, even if i think that it's probably fine to give normal ae rewards because farms are already so safe that the difference in safety between existing fire farms and these hypothetical ones is nil aside from the fact that the barrier to entry will fundamentally change- farmers just won't have to be built out to make things be 0 danger. idk, i'd just rather there be a not-just-for-story reason for using advanced mobs even if it's reduced? or there's loops you gotta jump through? or something?

    • Thumbs Up 2
  10. 12 hours ago, brattycommissar2 said:

    honestly the changes in build 2 of the beta patch are great to see. am i 100% satisfied and on board now? no, but like, 80 to 90% now, honestly! no longer requiring so many power picks for max -res is great! the higher than before ( still less than live, but that's expected at this point ) -res ceiling is great! love the changes. if this version went to live, i'd probably still be willing to use sonic. i wouldn't like it near as much still, but i don't think it'd be effectively ruined for support focused defenders with it. honestly, at this point, if they just either made the stacking -res portions a bit more, or let them stack a lil more. yeah that'd still be worse but for what everything else is being thrown in and it being better for use as a blast set? i'd stan that version for use in live 100% even if i'd still grumble at my own personal loss of -res from it


    even the fact that whiny defenders like myself have been listened to at all, though, is really nice. and i know it must've gotten annoying on SOME level. thanks devs for putting up with us!

    actually i'm beginning to wonder- since i only read the changes and haven't tested them- if it's actually reasonable to use both defender primary moves AND maintain that -res, because that duration isn't much... gonna have to test that today, because if you can't reasonably maintain -res AND do other defender business then i completely revoke all i've said here about being okay with it tbh


    edit: it's DOABLE but it's HECTIC and tbh it feels good in bursts but idk how i'd feel with it being like that long term? i do wish that maybe the stack lasted a lil bit longer so it's not quite as 'aaaaaaaa must never stop clicking powers or this debuff goes away'? it feels really close to Perfectly Fine TBH but isn't QUITE there for me


    edit 2: to clarify exactly what i think would make it hit the mark for what i'd like ( for all that matters, as a support focused defender )- let the -res stacks last a lil longer and let people get one more stack of it. i think that'd be better than boosting how much -res you get from a stack. that way it's slightly easier to maintain, and if people really want to push it into that full on hectic feeling above they still can and get a lil more out of it from doing so since it feels like i'm not getting QUITE enough for the effort? and that'd be it.

  11. 7 minutes ago, 723wolf said:

    I think this is a great change and much better than the removal of veteran levels from AE. 


    The itrials are only better for this change you get reward merits and empyrean merits, no choices needs to be made, best of both worlds. I love it! 


    I do think this will cause folks to accumulate empyreans and I don't think everyone has as many alts as I do, so perhaps there should be something else to spend empryean merits on?


    If I could make a suggestion, perhaps there could be a new class of enhancements called incarnate level enhancements with special bonuses that only appear on itrials (like the pvp sets). That could be a good waste of empryeans and I bet my BAFs will start to fill fast!

    ... you know... i kinda like the idea of incarnate io sets... that work like purples or pvps do... adding such a thing would be Work and Power Creep though! so idk if it's actually a good idea. neat one though! maybe a good one! definitely neat.

  12. vet xp is back! yay!


    i wonder about the possibility of a system of like, peer review or w/e for critters made with advanced power choices? i'd LOVE it if they could still be made to give rewards SOMEHOW instead of not at all.


    edit: actually this seems like this would just mean a lot of work for devs and i doubt they'd want to do that... maybe some way to automate it then? but even that would be a lot of programming work! UGH! really wish there was a way to make it so that they could give rewards without hitting that reasonable fear about their rewards being borked for farmers- even if it's reasonable that it'd be exploited i don't agree that it'd be worth taking away rewards for these custom critters, just tryna work within the whole 'they won't get rewards because of this' framework to still get something without forcing them to just let farmers do what they don't want them to do i guess

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  13. 1 hour ago, The_Warpact said:

    This just shows you how much of a farm n00b I am. Didn't even know you could do it. *shrug*


    I use my emp merits to build my toons up, never even knew about the conversion. 


    So this doesn't affect me in the least, now I get merits if I ever decide to do itrials AND I get vet rewards back.


    I'm a happy boy right now. 

    as someone who farms every once in a while just to get toons to get to 50 + some vet levels, i also didn't know you could do this and never even thought about it since like--- i mean those extra emps i got are just gonna become emps for an alt !! but i do wish OTHER incarnate comps could be traded over or something- like let you compress threads into something that you can email yourself! i would love that personally

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. honestly the changes in build 2 of the beta patch are great to see. am i 100% satisfied and on board now? no, but like, 80 to 90% now, honestly! no longer requiring so many power picks for max -res is great! the higher than before ( still less than live, but that's expected at this point ) -res ceiling is great! love the changes. if this version went to live, i'd probably still be willing to use sonic. i wouldn't like it near as much still, but i don't think it'd be effectively ruined for support focused defenders with it. honestly, at this point, if they just either made the stacking -res portions a bit more, or let them stack a lil more. yeah that'd still be worse but for what everything else is being thrown in and it being better for use as a blast set? i'd stan that version for use in live 100% even if i'd still grumble at my own personal loss of -res from it


    even the fact that whiny defenders like myself have been listened to at all, though, is really nice. and i know it must've gotten annoying on SOME level. thanks devs for putting up with us!

  15. 11 minutes ago, Gorgar said:

    For some of us, hard targets are the interesting part of the game.  No one has ever asked me to reroll my dark/sonic to dark/fire so I can take down trash mobs faster.  I took Howl but often leave it out of my attack chain because I’m busy debuffing and stunning a boss with shriek/scream/screech plus my primary.  

    If I have nothing pressing to do other than damage on my defender, we usually turn the difficulty up or I’ll alt.


    May not be how you play, but it’s still valid.  So is your approach; nothing wrong with offensive defenders!  They’re fun too, have a thermal/fire that I play very aggressively.  I just want room for both.

    i know for myself, that i'm so used to trash mobs (on +4x8) going down so fast that like, i mean the difference between me on a blaster sitting there and doing nothing on a good team vs me contributing is like maybe a breath or two difference of clear per mob unless it's like carnies where you have to sit on your thumbs because phase timing? like trash mobs are called trash mobs for a reason, because you blink and they're dead. hard targets are imo definitely the best part of the game, and when i make and run AE arcs with friends, i make sure to include them ( with various gimmicks and whatnot ) to give people that mix of the standard dynasty warriors clear speed for mobs and then actual fights every once in a while


    honestly REALLY wish paper and radio mishes were updated to make the boss at the end of them into at -least- an EB or something, or OPTIONALLY into it if you don't want it to be mandatory, it's honestly underwhelming that it's just another boss enemy-- but that's also why the best part of doing those papers and radios is bank mishes because then you get things like -game mechanics happening- that actually make team composition matter too instead of a pure personal damage meta, which is again where things like -res actually matters


    would hate to lose that!

    • Like 1
  16. 6 minutes ago, Lazarillo said:

    Content should be equally rewarding across the board.  If I were to go through AE and find an arc that's as well-written as Operation: World Wide Red, I shouldn't have to settle for it being less rewarding simply because it was player-created content.  If all people care about is RP for RP's sake, then they don't need the gameplay rewards (and if they do need the gameplay rewards, they shouldn't be disincentivized to RPing their gameplay by getting half/no progress depending on content level).

    this- likewise, to nip the 'well dev choice arcs' thing, not all good story arcs become those, because a lot of arcs are made for the moment and then taken down since they're part of an active rp storyline, not something that's for people to do whenever, or any myriad other reasons like just not demanding the devs go through every arc to see if they think 'this is an arc people shouldn't be punished for playing by depriving them of rewards they'd otherwise be getting'

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  17. 1 hour ago, kingsmidgens said:

    Okay just ran tests with an existing Sonic character.  Some caveats:
    Character is built for stacking -RES before beta, but not fully optimized.  Characters I had on Live would have been MUCH better at dropping Resistance.  I was going to respec the character but since a nerf is coming I probably won't bother.

    Each attack I don't have on beta would only be an additional -6.4% effective resistance (given the 20% resistance already on the pylon)
    Current performance:
    Note: This could get quite a bit higher.

    Beta performance:
    Note: This can't get much higher.  Cap would be -15.2%

    Couldn't find a mob that I could treat as a punching bag without the pesky -20% getting in the way, by the time you're doing double damage to something even "bad" damage is pretty good.

    My conclusion:  You're severely nerfing the debuff potential of the set just to give it damage that's still mediocre.

    This is coming from somebody who's played and enjoyed the set many times since the early days.

    Buff, don't nerf.  I'm not a fan of anything that requires me to respec my character because what my powers can do has been reduced - add to the set if that'll make people happy but don't remove anything from it.  Personally I am happy to play it as a debuffer because in a group you're going to have DPS characters who can mow down spawns on their own and what slows you down are the EB/AV class enemies, where you currently shine and raise everyone to a higher level.

    Sure, you technically still debuff, but it's a pale comparison to what you could achieve before.

    genuinely thank you for getting this data for everyone to see just so they can fully grasp just how big the nerf is

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