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  1. Truly, I have no idea of the mechanics involved with making a toon viewer. I would multibox onto the same server with the same account if I could and just group them together in front of City Hall or somewhere and take a screencap. Photoshop in some captions and voila, great background for my laptop. My alts (70 or so) are in several SGs and it'd be great to be able to display them. I write bios for all of them when I create them so I know who I'm playing. That makes the game for me. I'm sure logging on multiple times to the same account is probably impossible. Next best seems to be able to give access to my toons to multiple accounts, or transfer or copy them to other accounts. Then multibox on those accounts and do the form ups. Not sure if my local wifi could handle a dozen instances running for the biggest SG. Last idea is what I've done in the past. Take screen caps and then photoshop (PS) them together. Very slow and less than satisfying. I'm not a PS expert. Looking for other ideas. As always thanks for the reply.
  2. That Is a fantastic idea! I've never made an AE mod. Guess what I'll be doing now. Thank you Nericus.
  3. Thanks for the reply biostem. I've done something like that actually but only works for a few alts simultaneously. I have about 70, and would like to group them into SG pics of five to a dozen depending on the group.
  4. My dream app would be an offline toon viewer so I could pull up my alts and drop them into a group picture. Makes wonderful wallpaper for the laptop. Photoshopping all the individual alts from screenshots is a major pain.
  5. I'm an alt-aholic like most of us. On Paragon Chat, before the return of our favorite game, I was able to log on to multiple alts, group them up and get a screenshot for my laptop wallpaper. I know there is no way to do that on the Homecoming servers so I'm asking if anyone has any ideas short of shooting each one individually and photoshopping up something? If that is the only way, what is the easiest and most cost effective software to aid in that endeavor? Appreciate any and all advice. Thanks heroes.
  6. Woot! Made it. 92.9%.
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