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Posts posted by FaradayGauss

  1. Star Eye face texture variation for the right eye.

    Rib Cracker animation as an alternate option for Cross Punch, Shin Breaker, or Assassin's Strike on Stalkers.

    Mastermind Thugs' pistol animations as alternate options for DP's Pistols, Dual Wield, & Empty Clips.

    Thunderstrike/Incandescent Strike's animation times standardized to the same length as Total Focus.

    Tintable Vulnerability fx for Sents.

    More stuff with doppelgangers of your character.

  2. Hi,


    I'm trying to mod the teleport pool's GUI icons (just not partial to mustard yellow), but I can't find where Combat Teleport's or Fold Space's icons are in the pigg directory?


    I'm extracting the textures as DDS with Pigg Viewer Pro, editing them in Photoshop, exporting them with the Nvidia plugin, and re-importing them as textures with Pigg Viewer 1.61. Teleport, Teleport Target, and Team Teleport all worked just fine, as did a bunch of others from different powersets.

  3. It would be nice if the animation options for powers were standardized across ATs. For example, I like the "Electric Punch" version of Havoc Punch from Blasters, Dominators, and Sentinels but it's not available on Tankers, Brutes, Scrappers, and Stalkers. Similarly, the animation options from Masterminds' Thugs for the Dual Wield and Empty Clips powers would be incredible on Blasters, Corruptors, Defenders, and Sentinels.

  4. I thought they would be updated across the board like Total Focus, but they're still painfully slow for melee ATs/Peacebringers. Thunder only does partial damage as an AOE and a Peacebringer is trading increased survival odds for the opportunity to use melee attacks in human form, so I don't see why they shouldn't have their cast times reduced as well.



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  5. Nope, nothing wrong with Fallout! It's situational, sure, but quite powerful. I was just thinking about how Rad Emission's last 3 powers are the most often skipped, when typically that's where the best stuff is, and how there are a lot fewer skippable powers in Atomic Manip and Rad Armor. Maybe Fallout could get the Defibrillate treatment to make it less situational? Or fold Fallout and Mutation into one power, so that you have time to use both. Choking Cloud definitely could use something, even if it's just an endurance reduction. EM Pulse already got it's -End penalty reduced, but it's still got a very long recharge and short duration.

  6. It would be neat if Fallout was no longer conditional to the defeat of an ally and instead had the effects of Ground Zero minus the damage. So a PBAOE -Def, Ally +HP, Ally Heal. Heck, you could add -Resist and -End Recovery, put it on a long timer akin to EM Pulse, and switch its tier to be the t9. EM Pulse could be moved down to t8, and perhaps made more similar to Rad Cloud from Atomic Manipulation; a PBAOE Hold, no bonus damage to robots, no -Regen, but better recharge and duration. I doubt Rad Emission's underperforming as-is, but Rad Armor and Atomic Manipulation seem to have taken some of the ideas from the development of the set and improved upon them. Might be cool to see those ideas incorporated back into their progenitor.

    • Thumbs Down 2
  7. It'd be cool if it were possible to customize powers to have asymmetric effects. I was thinking primarily of Energy Melee pom poms, but pretty much any of the elemental ones would benefit from the option (i.e., Darkness, Fire, Ice, Stone, etc.). Not sure if it's even feasible, but it'd definitely be a nice option for cyborgs, people with cursed arms, and the like.

  8. Here's the build I've been playing. Not sure how it stacks up since it's my first brute on Homecoming that I've stuck with, but it worked well on Brainstorm when I tested it out.


    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |

    • Thanks 1
  9. Those animations are so satisfying, I did the same thing. Wish Stalkers could do the knee strike. Here's my current build:


    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |


  10. I'm curious if all travel power options will eventually receive pop-up secondary powers? I was reading on Discord about it. Because personally, I'm for it. I don't necessarily use them all the time but they are nice to have, especially for flavor or shoring up various weaknesses in mobility. Also, any ideas what that would look like for Teleportation, for example? End redux clickie with a cooldown? It's already way more fluid and easy-to-use with this patch, so I'm pretty happy with it as-is.

  11. I agree that Infiltrate could use something more or different. At first, I thought Infiltrate's in-combat defense would stack with Stealth's, making it more or less the solo players' alternative to Leadership's Maneuvers but requiring investment in two power picks and the hassle of worrying over endurance management (not unlike Leadership, come to think of it). Kinda liked that from a roleplaying standpoint. It'd be the equivalent of having extroverted folks that take charge and are all teamwork makes the dream work, and introverted folks who'd rather avoid the limelight and be lone wolves. But having a perception bonus like Luminara suggested works thematically, too, and would make Concealment kind of a hybrid pool between Leadership and a dedicated Travel pool. Wavicle's Exfiltrate idea would be a neat alternative, too, making Infiltrate a stronger contender for meeting your character's travel needs. If the ability to climb things were in the game, that'd be perfect. Or if attacks from Infiltrate had an increased chance to crit.


    To me, anyhow, the pick always came down to either Leadership or Concealment as a 4th pool pick before, and that's because Concealment didn't have a travel power. Now Concealment does, but it still doesn't have enough going for it when you factor in the Stealth IO procs that can be slotted into pretty much any travel power in addition to their superior speed/maneuverability, or Leadership's greater defensive bonus, team utility, and general utility. Concealment's caught in between, inferior to either option.


    Also, I don't really get what the point of Phase Shift is, despite wanting to like it. It's supposed to be a 4th tier power, requiring significant investment in the pool, but it just functions as a panic button with a 2-minute cooldown. And Misdirection serves the same purpose, but with a 4-minute cooldown and the bonus of -resist. If either of these powers were more compelling, then it'd make the Concealment pool more attractive, too. If Phase Shift allowed you to hover or fly and had the -collision detection bonus of Speed Phase, that'd make it pretty cool. Replacement suggested something like that a while back, coupled with a return to it being toggleable and introducing a heavy End cost instead of having a long cooldown (to prevent repeated cycling issues).

  12. It would be neat if Infiltrate's defensive bonus was not out of combat only, making it a viable alternative to Combat Jump. They appear to have the same values already (1.88% unenhanced), and it would increase build diversity. It would especially cool if it stacked with Stealth's OoC defensive bonus, but maybe that'd be too much.


    I really like the new, improved Super Speed. Speed Phase is both cool and nifty, and the momentum leap is very useful, too.


    Teleport's way easier to use now, too. Really appreciate the extra hang time.

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