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Posts posted by Esau

  1. On 10/12/2022 at 1:09 PM, SomeGuy said:


    It is and it isn't. Regen is bad. Reason why I said DM pairs bad with regen is because regen is bad. Nothing should be paired with regen.

    Respectfully, pretty strongly disagree. But one can't build Regen for constant resist, or for defense, build for regen and end recovery. Build with enough resist to get through alpha, and with burst resist for tougher fights. I did that with a water/regen sentinel. When I built for resist or def, QUITE unimpressive, build for regeneration and end recovery, and it's finish the TF fight while the rest of the team lays there dead...max regen out, resist  and def buffs to weather tough fights.  But yeah, regen sucks if you build it like it's a resist or a def set, sure.

  2. Hi.  Don't know if this is going to be helpful, I don't have much info, but back when I was recently through Praetoria with a new character, Hatchet's mission to get food for ghouls became impossible to finish because for some reason, the robots got the ability to kill the programmers, and they killed one of the ones that I was supposed to capture.  I watched the robots murder their programmer-master and I couldn't get him as food for ghouls, so the mission was impossible to finish...I have no idea what happened that made the robots murder the programmer, which I imagine may be hard to reproduce?  I've done the mission a few dozen times over the past few years and only saw this the 1 time.  But, when I reported it to a GM, they said it sounded interesting and maybe ought to be reported here as a bug.


    And wow, it's landing again just how dark Praetoria is.  I blame the new AI movement.  

  3. Hi, I've tried these and cannot get them to work as the emotes menu does.  This works for the emotes popmenu:


    /macro EM popmenu universalemotes


    Whereas this does not


    /macro PEM popmenu DemonSayAll


    I'm not seeing any error or anything I can check to see the difference.   Not familiar enough with proper syntax for the .mnu files to troubleshoot.  Ideas?

  4. Hi.  The Blaster Secondary "Inner Will" in the Martial Arts set says, " When pushed to your limit, you can tap into an inner reserve of power, allowing you to overcome impossible odds. When you are below half health, below half endurance, or the victim of any status effect, you may activate Inner Will. Inner Will cancels any status effects currently affecting you, increases your resistance to status effects by 100%, and increases the power of your own status effect-inducing powers. Inner Will also heals you for a moderate amount when activated." 


    But when I am at over 50% health and blinded, when I hit Inner Will it gets a red circle and won't break the Blindness.  Isn't Blindness a status effect?  Shouldn't Inner Will break it and cancel it?  I can't seem to get it to do it at all.  Also seems to have trouble activating when I am asleep.  At the moment, it's definitely a "spec out of it" ability, but I thought I'd post as it sounded cool.  Is it working right?  Just doesn't seem to trigger with any consistency on the status effects? 


  5. Schweeeet got in to make a donation again this month!  Happy Holidays Homecoming, you've kept me sane and grounded through covid-19.  I'm a hospital chaplain for a national cancer center; without y'all there'd be a lot of immune-compromised cancer patients who wouldn't get as much out of me.  I know that might seem odd -- but with my personality type, small "vacays" from the stress I'm in daily do a lot to keep me emotionally grounded and available to people who are struggling with cancer and alone in the hospital (no family allowed due to community risk of viral transfer) immune compromised during a global pandemic.  From me, from them, thank you!

    Sometimes, entertainment does a lot more than entertain.  

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  6. On 5/27/2020 at 7:54 AM, Herotu said:

    How effective is Endurance Drain Resistance? I only need it to the degree that a malta sapper won't turn off my toggles. 

    OR is it resistance % CHANCE to the whole effect? That's good but not as good as I'd like. 

    So to clarify, I'd like it so that when a malta sapper zaps my tanker's endurance, it doesn't go to 0. I want it to go down to .. say... 5% - enough to stop me taking actions for fear of losing toggles. 

    At the moment it's a 2 minute job to toggle everything back on and by then all my allies have run off with no tanker. Which is, admittedly, kinda fun to watch.

    Seeing the replies to this Tanker's post, I'd like to point something out.


    [Edited to add this from chat on this current Patron mission - even the NPCs appear to agree...well, at least Wretch does.  This made me laugh SO hard after posting, I went back to the mish, and here's Wretch]


    [NPC] The Wretch: Night-Shock!!! Night-Shock!!! 
    [NPC] The Wretch: Night-Shock?
    [NPC] The Wretch: Wretch want back to Widow. Wretch will HURT you!
    You have defeated Sapper
    You gain 968 experience and 169 infamy.
    [NPC] The Wretch: Sapper!!! Sapper!!! 
    [NPC] The Wretch: Wretch thank!


    [LOL - The Wretch.  "Sapper!!  Sapper!!" yep, I feel ya Wretch.]


    I am currently running missions against Malta on an alt.  I've invested at least 30mm Inf into this alt.  The alt is an electric/dark corrupter running Tough 4-slotted with Unbreakable Guard, Shadow Fall, 4-slotted with Gambler's and Weave 3-slotted with Karma.  The corrupter also has 6-slotted the corrupter set scourging blast, power-transfer, positron's blast and multi-strike, has adjusted targeting 5-slotted, and 3 slotted thunderstrike, plus, has 4-slotted touch of the nictus, 4-slot pacing of the turtle and a perf shifter in stamina.  He is L37.  I "twinked" him I thought reasonably well...


    A yellow Malta Sapper can 1-shot my endurance entirely, stop my toggles, and hits most of the time right through the multiple defense buffs and the dark to-hit debuffs.  Even running the salvage buff to reduce end drain, I usually eat a defense insp, and 3-4 end insp when I come across 1 in a group...and 2?  I eat almost every insp I've got, throw down all my powers, and still, its a toss up if I survive...


    That indeed, seems out of whack.  I'm throwing down temp powers, pets, buying the in-base salvage buff, consuming insp and playing a char with 10's of millions of Inf invested -- and before you post strategies to overcome sappers...remember...this is a minion we're talking about.  A boss?  Sure.  But a minion?  Really?


    So IMO - a balancing pass is needed on the malta sappers.  Has been needed since back on live.   I do not believe that a basic mob should require a custom build respec, that seems excessive.  A boss, maybe.  An AV, sure.  But a basic mob?  Really?  Really...?


    And the fact that folks always jump pretty consistently on others who point it out doesn't seem helpful to me.


    I'd really like the homecoming folks to look at this, when they can.  They're a volunteer team at the moment, so totally get that there is very limited bandwidth, and they are doing AMAZING, so this is NO complaint from me, I'm not whining at all.  SO GRATEFUL TO HOMECOMING.  You all are AMAZING!


    And...I've been cursing at these sapper dudes since live...they're a minion, not a boss.  IMO their impact on game play is out of whack for what they are.  Always has been...

    • Thanks 1
  7. I tried Freakshow Wars.  I  don't know how people would do it in under at least 1.5 hours.


    - At least 4 maps with "kill all" and enemies that rez themselves and run oft

    - 1 HUGE map with "find these 2 people" on it


    Took me more like 2.5 hours.  I have gotten merits from collecting exploration badges, that seems like a quick and easy way to get many with some fast travel powers.   Also, giant monsters and event AVs often give a solid block of them


  8. You folks are awesome!  Thanks for this.  Folding on my gaming PC, looking into getting the client up and running on a Linux box...cause I have 3 of those in the hisouse....

    I work in healthcare.  Hard not to weep watching my coworkers who are more front-line than I am.  Thanks for a sense of control...however small.  In this air of global-cultural grief, every ounce of influence for better we can feel sounts. 

    And a badass science-distributed-computer-network-ima-post-on-fb one.  

    Go COVIDCOHHFT! (COVID City of Heroes Homecoming Folding Team!)  

    Seriously tho, y'all rock.

  9. If nobody is there to see any pineapple on the pizza...is pineapple still on the pizza? 




    Lord if there are 50 good pineapple on that pizza, will you still eat the pizza?  How about 45 good pineapple?...10 good pineapple?

    Lord, for the sake of 1 good pineapple will you still eat the pizza? (Gen 18:16-33)



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