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  1. I'm not worried pal, again you fall back on sidetracking to try and come off as above the subject matter. Then you spout some fact about what some enhancement costs. You never address the real topic... that AFK farming is 'blowing out' the pricing, or that the entire subject matter of AFK farming has been kept private. But whatever.. it's clear how you work. Keep patting yourself on the back. tool
  2. First off, I should have proofread that statement before just blurting it out. Forgive me. Moving on... your reply here is case in point. You are clearly just watering down/sidetracking the topic to protect and feel good about your ill gotten gains. I never said people who have mastered this game are hiding anything about farming or searching 'farm'. This is about away from keyboard(AFK) farming. Furthermore, you saying those Hami io's are 60 milly because they are rare... that's you pushing your opinion so you feel good about yourself.. again. You don't know that. In fact you 100% do not know that. You are telling us that anything selling for 60 million is only because it's rare and players having FREE AFK billions to bid insane amounts in no way has pushed the price higher than if we all had to manually farm? Sit down pal. How bout that one purp set every farmer wants... sup frozen blast I think? Funny how it's 30 million with zero for sale and all the others are around 20 to 22 milly. What I am saying here is being able to not even have to play and gain billions is bad for the game IMO. It was interesting to me why it took till now to have people bring it up. As for the spiteful humor with the farm... it's our farm, like all our members the guy who created it has his own sense of humor. The farm rocks... the drum circle is an extra mob with an EB in place of a glowy.
  3. Funny how none of the big shot players ever divulged this info... but anyways.. if you can get mobs to spawn forever, PST.. other than that this guy above me pretty much has it down.. cept he is not broad enough IMHO... google 'tighty' or 'tighty whities' in the search farms console... select the roaming farm... run to the group of drummer mobs as they have the Eb..... but 1st.. make a rad/fire brute and spend 200 million, use no purps.. go all cap fire res and %44.5 fire D.. you can do it NO purps. google it some. start lower on the levels like +2? till you slots the incarnates, etc.. then full max..... then run in to mid.. idle for 10 mid... run out, reset etc..... billions of inf... so wrong... all the while these same guys are saying on the forums... 'You are creating problems that don't exist'. While they blow out the market bidding 60 million each for 5 junk whatevers so they can combine them into one for like a 3% bonus cause who cares at this point... Meanwhile you get nothing. "You are naive and I'm going to do my best to keep it that way by watering down anything anyone says publicly/troll.. etc.." so anyways.. ya.. YOU are getting dupped and they have all the money.. and worse they are downplaying it. This is free inf... billions. Am I doing the same thing? You bet your aSSss.. because this is how it IS. I like it... whatever... but when this mob/douchers prevent/hide what they are doing.. well whatever.... as I said before... inf is now pointless... and for the lazy/can not figure it out.
  4. Well... when someone comes into a PvP area you are in cause you need something, or just trying it out, etc... and they stomp you with a toon that has 1 billion into from idle farming I would say that would keep you from enjoying. Or say you played your guy up to 50... you did it yourself... you only have IO's... and then you find out you are just not good enough when teams look you over because you have not 'put the work in'. Does that qualify?
  5. Here is my issue and it's a big one. You can go into some of these farms, set the one auto power to the heal and go afk... +4/8 come back in however much time(you will not be afk logged off ever) and everything will be dead, it will have all wondered into you. Run out, reset, and run back to the fork in the road/into the wandering mobs. The inf rolls in, billions. You are not even clicking at this point, you are doing chores, a quick bench press set, etc. Hell, turn one on before bed. I have not seen this basic flaw/farming in 20 years/Ulitma online etc. Why don't they just do away with inf at this point? Forget power leveling, this is about free cash... free merits.. all of it. THAT is bad, to me. I vote to just nuke that entire building.
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