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  1. Im curious also about this build. ANyone have any experiences with it?
  2. I completely agree with Mr. Igneous. The single most thing that makes a Tank differ from every other AT is being a better taunter.. a tank *SHOULD* be able to taunt a ridiculous number of enemies. Earlier in this thread there were people who claimed it was 'impossible' to raise the aggro cap of just tankers...so I am a little confused...Has this been tested with higher numbers in the new beta? Is it possible to make just tank taunts handle more agro? Could enhancements be allowed on that number? (10 cap plus 30% enhancement = 13 etc) Why is it only a concern that tankers taunt makes the game 'too easy' but so many other broken things get a pass? In my eyes the agro cap and trying to figure out a way to make Tankers ridiculously over the top for taunting/aggro management should be priority #1 as the other AT's like brute are ridiculously over the top at what they do....just to get a clear defining role for tankers.
  3. If you care so much about damage, why roll a tank? I just dont get it at all... Whatever these changes end up being, if they allow someone to be a "tank" ...and herd / crowd control via aggro, be more of a support /team role...then it wil be a success. If they turn tank into yet another AOE farmer / dps class then it will be a failure. I see this as jumping on a unicycle and complaining it doesnt have a second wheel....
  4. I disagree with the sentiment here. While this game may not have 'enforced' the trinity...On live, especially in the early days - group composition was pretty important and somethign that was very common was people asking for tanks, healers, support, mezzes, DPS etc..... In fact thats what made the game great....So yes..there wasnt really a trinity (in the literal sense)...but there ABSOULTELY was thought behind group composition and synergy among team mates. I actually think thats why so many people love this game is because of the synergy /teamwork aspect....when that really cool group composition happens. In my mind we need to move more TOWARDS some thought and strategy/tactics ..and group compositions being something that needs at least a little thought into...rather than just a bunch of individuals running around nuking everything with capped defenses....who dont need anyone on their team...who are barely distinguishable from one another in terms of AT. Boooring....
  5. I personally don't feel this game should be balanced around the top end builds -- with incarnates, epic pools, tricked out IO sets etc. All the AT's can be broken at that end. To change core game mechanics and base balance decisions on the top end builds is another mistake, in my eyes. In my mind, I'd concentrate on the earlier parts of the game, pre-IO sets in terms of game play mechanics, balance... grouping, roles for AT's/builds etc..
  6. I agree with the assessment of the problem: The role for tankers is limited, because brutes can have tanker levels of defenses/resists etc....AND do a ton of damage. I disagree that the solution is to give more DPS to tankers , though. I just see this as a power creep trap and a bandaid instead of a long term fix....I think the answer lies more in passive powers, trying to increase the aggro cap for tankers by alot (if possible), and team/group abilities. I am trying to understand why someone would want to 'tank' for themselves. Who are you tanking the damage for?? I realize that there is a segment of peopel who wants to solo and do it all but I hope the dev team will avoid this trap. I also realize this is just one old guy's opinion , and the entire reason i love city of heroes is based on teamwork & classes that ARENT balanced because they feel so different So I respect others opinions, I just feel the need to throw mine out there. The problem with balance , is that it can end up being where everyone can do it all, nothing feels that much different....I don;t understand the need to 'balance' a game that is like 95% pve.....The extreme IMBALANCES are what make CoH so special and always have. Heck I played characters that did very little or even no damage...I levelled a stone/stone tank to 50 on live way back when ...I did hardly any damage but I felt like a GOD and every team I was on, was happy to have me.
  7. I guess I just don;t understand the thought behind rolling up a tank and expecting to do damage...or not rolling a tank because it doesnt do enough damage.. When I roll a tank, I do so for teaming, and to aggro manage and herd etc...I also don't understand the mentality of trying to balance the pve experience so that all classes can solo or do damage more or less equally..I think that is the absolute ruin of games. The main reason I fell in love with coity of heroes was because all of the classes felt so different. I really don't like the thought of more and more power creep and indistinguishable classes. Personally I think we should try to aim for MORE reliance on teams and more distinguishable, unique....classes. I realize this is all subjective and some people want to solo, and 'do it all' but in my eyes this is a mistake.
  8. Why? That one change alone would make tanks unique and solve many of these issues. Is it not possible to make tanks have a higher aggro cap? If its possible this should be on the short list of fixes..a tank should have a huge agro cap ....
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