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Posts posted by FeliciaDivine

  1. ALL-OUT-WAR-RAIDERS is the PvP sg for the ALL-OUT-WAR supergroup (10 divisions in coalition) so if your heading to Excelsior and want to join the games largest community sg (2007-present) and like to PvP then come join us. You can ask any member for an invite...we are on discord as well...our logo is a red on red Star (Star 7 from the costume editor)

  2. I had an interesting conversation with my sister today and we were discussing the fact Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth refused to play Captain Kirk in the next Star Wars...oops....Star Trek movie so who should play Captain Kirk...i thought Tom Hiddleston (Loki) and my sister shouted NO before giggling her ass off...then i said Chris Platt (Quill - Guardians of the Galaxy) she again said no he is under contract for the next 2 GotG movies...so i am out of ideas...who do you think should be the next Captain Kirk?...my sister had a wonderful idea...and i am still giggling about it...WIL WHEATON!!!

    What do you think?

  3. At the plaza down the street from me there is a cafe with VR center where you enter a Game Room with a headset on...it is really popular...can CoH be converted to higher graphics and appear at home in a VR Game Room? or the Cafe version? Absolutely and anyone working with Unreal or Unity Engines can tell you it is a lot of work but with a team it could be done very quickly and effectively. It is a matter of who would spend the money on such an endeavor. At this time i would not advise it but when VR is mass manufactured and far less costly in the near future then i would love to see CoH 2 in VR and a Classics CoH Homecoming Edition...i would pay for that!

    Excellent topic Pixie Knight 🙂

  4. Thats fine Arcane...someone listening to you wont be able to do it...but listening to me they can succeed...i still can kill AVs so i will keep saying i am an AV Killer and people will call on me for help...and thats the bottom line 🙂

    A 50+4 Dominator with envenomed daggers can still fail against Romulus but i can beat him with a 50+0 Defender with a Cataphract and HVAC...you can see the difference temp powers have if your not using the right powers for the right enemy.


    Back to personal style...almost everyone is better using a Tank/Brute/Scrapper/Stalker but thats not my style...

    Tar Patch is a must at low level for Dark Defenders...i am an exception to the rules...

    You need to play and find your own style...see what works for you and what doesnt...everyones advice is just that...advice...

    Only You Know What's Best For You!


    Best advice ever given...Try Everything

  5. You mis-read some of that...i said...."sometimes" i used temp powers...i did solo most of the AVs without temp powers but some gave me a lot of trouble so i found a way to beat them using temp powers and that was before incarnates came out...and we are again back to the...lets see you not use such and such...

    I could instead just use a Stone or Ice Tank back in the day to solo like most players did?

    But i loved my character and made her efficient when people said it could not be done!

    Could i solo Ghost Widow, Scirocco, Black Scorpion, Mako and Lord Recluse in RV? YES! Thats how i got the Cataphract to take out Rommy in the first place!!!

  6. Funny...still the temp powers covered my builds weaknesses but its not what makes it an AV Killer...combination of defence, offence and in my case - to hit debuff from Darkest Night that makes the difference...and i had Phase Shift so i wasnt killed easily...STRATEGY is what makes an AV Killer

    (ok used to make an AV Killer now with Incarnates anyone can do it)

  7. I solo'd AVs (all of them) pre-incarnate with my dark defender and i got a LOT of flak because sometimes i used temp powers...but the fact is i did solo them with what was in the game...

    A dark defender does not do a lot of damage so against Mary McComber i brought in a Shivan and against Rommy i brought in Longbow Cataphract and Vanguard HVAC to compensate.


    Do not listen to people who say dont use this or that its silly...for example:

    Your not a real Stone tank without your Granite Armor! Let's see you take Lord Recluse without it!!!

    (the reason for the above quote was because i took out AVs without Tar Patch and "experts" said it was my most important power...it's all a matter of playstyle...i proved that...tar patch makes enemies scatter and run so you have to chase them and for the minor defence debuff your still better off popping 4 reds and yellows then setting off a Blackstar beside them...yes Lord Stryker you are correct Tar Patch is fantastic to aid a team...but we are talking about soloing here)


    Players were happy to call me to face an AV because they knew i could defeat it even when a team could not...simply because i came prepared...and thats the bottom line 🙂

    Felicia Divine - Dark Defender - AV KIller



    Taxibot R4P4 reporting in. I am with TaxiFae in the Excelsior Dimension. We are in the multiverses largest community sg ALL-OUT-WAR (2007-present).

    I have seen a lot of Taxibots returning in the last couple of months so its good to hear from you Taxibot 2.

    If anyone is looking for a large team friendly supergroup come look us up and join us...we run a nightly Task Force at 8pm est followed by a farm run.

    Also look us up on Discord our logo is red coh star.

    What Time Is It? It's Time For ALL-OUT-WAR!!! RAWR!!! 

  9. Dark Defender hands down you can De-buff enemies, Buff teammates, Heal, Have a Pet, Phase Shift enemies if there are too many and you need a breath, or just blast them!! worries about enemies getting in your face then have Air Superiority and Sands of Mu...the dark defender can do just about anything...solo, pvp, team lockdown expert, team support and AV Killer,,,

    Dark Defender can do it all!!!

    Drawbacks...less health and defence than Tanks/Scrappers/Brutes/Stalkers...less offence than Blasters/Dominators/Scrappers/Stalkers but with Incarnate powers and some Temporary powers you can compensate

    Versatility and Strategy are a Defenders strength


    Want something just as much fun try a Gravity/Empathy Controller


    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. ALL-OUT-WAR is the games largest community sg 2007-present and we are open minded but people have good and bad days so if someone makes a flip comment (humour) respond with a quip of your own...if your looking for the perfect sg that suits just you then form your own group...

    Surround yourself with good people and walk away from the bad...

    Now if your looking for a fun atmosphere full of great TEAM based players then come join us on Excelsior 🙂


    Remember: If your not having fun then your not doing it right 😉


  11. lol JohnnieNeutron wishes he was you 😉

    (yes that was a reference to Kick-Ass the movie)


    and Cherry thanks for the link to the Cherry-2000 site i had never seen it before, now im curious and will probably watch it...i like quirky old movies...The Longest Mile, Machette, Heavy Metal and even Buckaroo Bonzia

  12. Maybe NCSoft might consider a deal with Homecoming for CoH 2 if they show what they can do...


    Just imagine for a moment having great authors who love to promote writing join in and add content...


    CLEO COYLE (Billionaire Blend) - the donut shop in Faultline taken over by Fusionette and Tremblor and turned into the cities premier Coffee Shop...you can stop in get a badge and have one of the two patrons give you an important mission or the barista behind the counter give you an important save the cities coffee supply mission!!! CoH has its own players CuppaJo and Coffee Girl who could be added as Signature heroes with missions!!!


    Fantastic Authors Patricia Briggs (Alpha & Omega/Mercedes Thompson series), Kim Harrison (Rachel Morgan series), Chloe Neill (Chicagoland Vampire series), Carrie Vaughn (Kitty Norville series), Matthew Reilly (Scarecrow series), James Rollins (Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull/Sigma Force) and of course Mercedes Lackey (over 100 novels and a CoH Player/Valdemar series) are all worth contacting...they could even add thier own characters from thier novels...


    Example: Paragoncity Radio or even add TheCapeRadio with Kitty Norville as dj trying to discuss and bring together those with supernatural problems...Unemployed Warwolf looking for work...and love?


    The only limit we have is our imagination 🙂

    • Like 1
  13. I think the issue is very simple...blueside has tons of content (good or bad doesnt matter) since it has 5 main storylines based on each of the origins, kheldian storylines, special contact and Signature storylines (Twinshot, Pandora's Box, etc.)...while redside has 1 storyarc and one or two signature arcs (Dr. Graves) and goldside has 4 very linear storylines...it's a matter of content...

    There is no reason HC cannot add more storylines like we have blueside except maybe making the game too large (causing lag and possible crashes). If the HC team needs writers there are actual content AE writers some of us are actual authors who can help! There is no reason to change up the current stories but there are reasons to add new ones.

    Redside and Goldside would be populated because people would want to explore new content so like blueside make an arc based on each origin and definately add more Strike Forces.

    Goldside simply needs more options at low level and needs level 20-50 to be added even bringing in First and Night Wards...you do not need to even make a new zone...use what is already there!

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. I meant i met you on Excelsior as Cherry 3000 (your alt at the time) a while ago...we already had this discussion ingame...i know you were Cherry-2000 on Champion and had a family sg...you were in our sg coalition when AOW started along with The Fated Shadows (Mondial), DarkGuard (Braije), Rented Portals and Crafters sg's

    AND....Congratz in making the top 10 with your sg before the shutdown that was an awesome accomplishment!

    sorry for any confusion i will refer to you as Cherry from now on.

  15. I met you ingame as Cherry 3000 (your character at the time) which is why i gave you a shoutout...and i know the two groups are not related...my question was...which of the two is TemplarofStone from or was he in both?

    and hi 🙂

  16. Discord has a security measure using IP Address to confirm identity which is really really really dumb and since i use my cell phone to connect to the internet my IP Address sometimes changes and my Felicia DIvine account is no more and Discord wont give it back to me manually they say for security reasons which is BS since they are in touch with me by e-mail and phone!!! So i have to keep my sisters account logged in permanently just to stay on our ALL-OUT-WAR site...if i join your groups site it will have to be as KatFoulFellow not Felicia Divine....sorry but i have no control over this...its Discord thats the problem!!!

    People who want to get in touch with me can do so at [email protected] or join the ALL-OUT-WAR site (it has a big red star symbol from coh as its logo) or just contact me in game @Felicia Divine

    my main alts are:

    Felicia Divine (Dark/Dark Defender)

    Ultra Demon (Biological/Radiation Brute)

    Hallow Eve (Necromancy/Poison Mastermind - redside only)

    Misfit Jester (Martial Arts/Ninjutsu Scrapper)

    Amelia Starheart (Super Strength/Invulnerability Tank)

    Lunatik Frenzy (Warshade - PvP alt)



  17. ok i have to add a bit of old history...

    PINGU or Exiles had the longest running TF...over 72 hours they sat in mission moving slowly to prove they could do it...Teh Arctic can confirm which of the two it was.

    Dr. Even Dazmins mutant registration - was the first sg to exploit the Rikti Monkey mission that gave an sg incredible amounts of prestige...i know my sg was brand new and watched them and was the 2nd group to figure it out...which in turn several big sg's followed us and figured it out but Dazmins had a 24 hour lead on us and the other sg's took over a week after us...this was how ALL-OUT-WAR went from brand new to a Base Raid sg in 3 months.




  18. Your outfit looks awesome Cobalt 🙂

    WITTY you never told me about this post!!!

    Jeneki get your butt back in AOW we need your leadership (and i really do miss you)!!!! hugs Pyreklism!!!!

    (fyi Pyreklism is one of the original 8 founding members of ALL-OUT-WAR same as me...William Alexander was the actual founder)

    Budweiser is on all servers he says...i ran into him doing multiple BAFs on Excelsior it was wonderful teaming with him again 🙂

    OMG so many great players i knew i see have posted...FORCE i hope you reconnect with your friends!!!

    Viking Queen...how is the band and music coming??

    Hugs Neuronia and Lt Frost cya in game

    Hi Cherry 3000

    TemplarofStone any relation to Steel Templar? There were two groups Stoned Templars and Templars of Steel, hi i was Praetorian Plague from Steel Templars

    Mymidon i had the same dream, i will miss Champion but i am glad to be on Excelsior

    I have not seen her lately but i have Vu Du Dawl on my freindlist so yes she is on Excelsior and Coffee Girl is on and off still playing....YAY COFFEE!

    DarkGuard has returned...hi Braije, SinnySinstar, Smexxy and Abyss!

     OMG Part 2...Teh Arctic and Panda are back too WAHOO!!!

    A special thank you to Cobalt Azurean for taking the time to bring people back together !!!!

    Thank you to Luckydg387 for creating this thread so we could find each other again THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

    More Thank Yous to the Homecoming Team for bringing us all HOME! and to the GMs who take the time to keep chatlines fun and civil 🙂

  19. Same sg as on live we are the games largest community sg 2007-present. Many of the old members are back and we have many new ones! Many of the top sg players have joined us as well from Hammers of Justice, United Heroes Brigade, StrikeForce, Protectors of Neverland and Pingu Coalition.

    I hope some of our original members will see this and return...we are on Excelsior!!!

    Big shout out to our friends from Taxibots (Paragon Taxi Service) and Justice Force!

    Our current division leaders are:

    Chiyo-chan - ALL-OUT-WAR (main sg)

    STEEL - ALL-OUT-WAR-EXCELSIOR (2nd division)

    Felicia Divine - ALL-OUT-WAR-XXX (3rd division for adults so you can say what you want without offence)

    Odee - DOMINATION (our vg affiliate)

    Amelia Starheart - ALL-OUT-WAR-CHAMPIONS (4th division honoring our Champion Server roots)

    R4P4 - ALL-OUT-WAR-RAIDERS (5th division is our PvP sg)

    Huge Heiffer - ALL-OUT-WAR-HERD (6th division is our AE Farmers division)

    Coalition Allies:

    Dark Archer - GLOBAL

    Inoshita - Knights of Ni

    Chiyo-chan - Heroes of Tomobiki



  20. Hi guys i was Starmetal Angel in HoJ and i have seen only a couple of old members returned...Undead Cyborg is busy with family and decided not to play on HC...he is a fantastic player and i miss him being on CoH...and yes i am one of the original 8 founding members of ALL-OUT-WAR which is back on Excelsior as well as the Hammers of Justice.

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