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Best Hope

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  1. Could some of that be thematic though? Who doesn’t love playing as their favorite character ie superman, hulk, thing, juggernaut, colossus,etc? That is why I picked super-strength to begin with.
  2. Hello city of heroes, I just found out this game was back last week and I am soooooo excited. Before the game came down I had 16 different toons, and at least one of everything, but mainly tanks, brutes, and scrappers. Most of them were io’ed out to their max potential, incarnated, etc. I feel that rage and super strength power set before the games shut down didn’t have anything majorly wrong with it for a few reasons. 1. Super strength with double stacked rage without defense crash was a little better performing than some other sets but not by a significant margin. To make up for this the set was endurance hungry, and this was on a willpower that was io’ed out to its max. Also with using rage more often or at least enough to prevent the defense Debuff, the set did have more down time. 2. Super strength only has a few good powers in it. Jab is a normal weak attack like all first attacks you take for its resistance Debuff if you are on a tank. Punch is also weak, haymaker is nothing special and just fills in your rotation. Hand clap and hurl are usually skipped in pve because they are not that good. The only powers that stand out are knockout blow, foot stomp- it’s only multiple attack power, and rage. If rage is nerfed the entire set would be seriously be under performing. 3. In my opinion, the main focus of this game should be about having fun! A nerfed or crashing rage would not be fun to play. On of the toons that I am bringing back is a ss/wp tank and have had to pop many inspirations to prevent face planting when rage crashes. In many cases if the tank goes down, the rest of the team goes down too, and that is no fun. 4. I do not see the majority of the tanks or brutes in homecoming being played as super strength. This tells me 2 things, the set as is, is not overpowered that everyone plays with only that set. And second people are playing with different sets because they are choosing ones they find to be fun to play, which is what we all should be doing. So personally I think rage should not be nerfed at all and actually allow for double stacking to prevent the Debuff defense again. Super strength set is too weak without utilizing rage. It makes it fun to play without making it overpowered, while as in offset is more down time and being an endurance hog. This will keep myself playing this as one of my characters that I am bringing back. I don’t know what the capabilities of the new devs are, but new game content is where the direction should be going. Along with making the experience be mind blowing awesome, not nerfing into oblivion. That is what will keep this game going strong. Just my two cents. Can’t wait to see you guys out there.
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