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Everything posted by exgrinder

  1. Looks like my wish was granted!! 🥰💕💖
  2. Oh, that's lovely! Now just make a permanent version without needing someone to give you the aura... 💗💗
  3. Fair enough! Could it be looked into for a future Spring Fling event?
  4. Hello! Just in time for Valentines... How hard would it be to add a Hearts Aura in the game. Either in the Costume Editor, or BenevoLabs Hologram Vendor Special Effects? Always wanted a hearts auras like other auras with different body areas, or/and combat only options. 🥰 😍 💖 💞 Maybe even a Heart for movement? Hearts Trails!! 🏃‍♀️💗💗💗💗 Anyways wishful thinking and never hurts to ask!
  5. I'd really LOVE to have my Virtue heroes name of Ms. Sovereign if anyone isn't using it. Thank you!
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