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Posts posted by MisterCrow

  1. Thanks Hardship, that appears to have worked! It appears I had to indeed swap the macro's around. So this seems to work (at least so far):


    powexectoggleoff White Dwarf$$goto_tray 1


    The quote marks didn't seem to make any difference.


    Thanks again!



  2. I have a simple macro set up to return me to human form from White Dwarf, and change the power tray to tray 1:


    goto_tray 1$$powexec_toggleoff White Dwarf


    However, every time I change instances (i.e. enter / exit a mission or change map, etc), it resets the macro to just read:


    goto_tray 1


    So I have to edit the macro every time I change instances to change it back to what it should be. This is infuriating! Weirdly, I also have a macro set to go to tray 3 and activate White Dwarf, and that one is absolutely fine.


    Anyone know a fix? tried using different tray numbers, and exiting, re-entering the game to no avail.



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