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Posts posted by ac9999

  1. Hey all, make sure to check your connection type.

    I created a long-winded thread that concluded with me realizing I was using a wireless connection (USB even) and after almost a week I finally switched back to LAN-1Gbps and problems solved. No more latency/rubberbanding.



    • Like 1
  2. MORNING UPDATE: (FIXED--) Wireless connection to blame...



    See here the netgraph update...


    I've only been logged for about 3 minutes now, I'll post a confirmation as soon as I'm -uhm- satisfied?


    • Like 3
  3. For anyone interested, here is what my netgraphs looked like both during a bizarre connection: background uploading a video. and then right after: me cancelling it, which is usually: the second half.


    The second pic is what I usually deal with. So you can see the semi-stable pattern (during large upload) and the bad pattern I am struggling with.



  4. What I said to the GM helping me:


    My Netgraph is reflecting what I've expressed in general/help previously: I am rubberbanding (red bar) every 3-5 seconds. . . . . Large Red blocks occur (in a size of 1-2 secs), I with a relatively stable in-between of low (I-DON'T FULLy UNDERSTAND THE NETGRAPH.).


    So that's where I'm at. Ohmybad, It's not the OVH servers-- this occured on Reunion (EU) just now w/ new char.


    pls advice

  5. 12 minutes ago, fitzsimmons said:

    Sooooo you try it or nah?

    Let me check (try) RQ.

     - <this is the part when I entered the stuff in CMD>

    huh. I can load the game faster.

    <insert more time here>



    <stares at civilians>


    <map server>

    <more mapserver>



  6. 53 minutes ago, fitzsimmons said:

    You can try flushing your dns resolver cache then relaunching the game.


    ipconfig /flushdns

    ipconfig /registerdns


    Start game


    Check netgraph before and after.

    I have 2 isps they had the same result in-game, rubberbanding every 5-7 seconds.


    *blinks w/ anxiety*

  7. This forum post for (SG) Longbow Syndicate/Titan Squad/Titan Mob, Torchbearer use only please.
    Thank you.
    -Longbow Warden 1 (@Longbow Warden 1, @Supercharged Titan)
    Discord: https://discord.gg/eRvYQfA

                SG Binds
                /Titan Squad
            /Recruitment (May 2020) - Titan Squad
    /bind f8 "say <bgcolor #00ffff><color black>(SG) Titan Squad is recruiting new members. PST for invite. Base Passcode: TSQD-1606 (Coalition: Longbow Syndicate)$$ e lecture"
    /bind shift+f8 "say <bgcolor #00ffff><color black>(SG) Titan Squad is recruiting new members. We are a founding group on the server. PST for invite. Base Passcode: TSQD-1606 (Coalition: Longbow Syndicate)$$ e lecture"
    /bind ctrl+f8 "say <bgcolor #00ffff><color black>(SG) Titan Squad, a name of recognition. We are looking for all players interested in leadership/teamwork positions. PST for more information.$$e lecture"
    /bind alt+f8 "say <bgcolor #00ffff><color black>(SG) Titan Squad, a name of recognition. Group events available. We are looking for new members interested in leadership/teamwork positions. PST for invite."

            /Recruitment (May 2020) - Titan Mob
    /bind f8 "say <bgcolor #00ffff><color black>(VG) Titan Mob is looking for new members. PST for invite. Base Passcode: TMOB-2304$$ e lecture"
    /bind shift+f8 "say <bgcolor #00ffff><color black>(VG) Titan Mob is recruiting new members. We are affiliated with (SG) Titan Squad. PST for invite. Base Passcode: TMOB-2304$$ e lecture"
    /bind ctrl+f8 "say <bgcolor #00ffff><color black>(VG) Titan Mob, a name to recognize. Daily events available. We are recruiting new members interested in leadership or teamwork positions. PST for invite."
    /bind alt+f8 "say <bgcolor #00ffff><color black>(VG) Titan Mob, a name to recognize. We are recruiting all players interested in leadership or teamwork positions. PST if interested.$$e lecture"
    /bind ctrl+f8 "say <bgcolor #00ffff><color black>(VG) Titan Mob, a name to recognize! We are recruiting all players interested in leadership or teamwork positions. PST if interested.$$e lecture"
    /bind alt+f8 "say <bgcolor #00ffff><color black>(VG) Titan Mob, a name to recognize! Daily events available! We are recruiting new members interested in leadership or teamwork positions. PST for invite."

            /Recruitment (SG/Tells)
    /bind g "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>Welcome $target to $supergroup."
    $$bind shift+g "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>Welcome $target."
    /bind ctrl+g "tell $target, Hello, I am $name. Are you interested in joining (SG) $supergroup?"
    $$bind alt+g "tell $target, Hello, I am $name. Are you interested in joining (SG) $supergroup?$$sgi $target"

    /bind g "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>Welcome $target."
    $$bind shift+g "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>Welcome $target to $supergroup."
    /bind ctrl+g "tell $target, Hello. Are you interested in joining (SG) $supergroup?"
    $$bind alt+g "tell $target, Hello. Are you interested in joining (SG) $supergroup?$$sgi $target"

    /bind h "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>$target. Have you completed a patrol for the day?"$$bind shift+h "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>$target. Have you completed a patrol for the day? (See Event: Patrol Day)"
    /bind ctrl+h "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>Congratulations $target. You are now a Mob.$$promote $target"$$bind alt+h "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>$target. You are now a Mob.$$promote $target"
    /bind h "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>$target. Do you have 5 day job badges?"$$bind shift+h "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>$target. Do you have 5 day job badges? (See Event: Day Jobs)"
    /bind ctrl+h "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>Congratulations $target. You are now a Squad.$$promote $target"$$bind alt+h "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>$target. You are now a Squad.$$promote $target"
        /Titans (Squad)
    /bind shift+t "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>$target. Have you controlled any zone for 20 minutes? "$$bind ctrl+t "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>$target. Have you controlled any zone for 20 minutes? (See Event: Zone Control)"
    /bind shift+t "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>$target. Are you intersted in Titan Training?"$$bind ctrl+t "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>$target. Are you intersted in Titan Training? (See Event: Titan Training)"
    /bind alt+t "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>Congratulations $target! You are now a Titan!"
        or (non-personal)
    /bind alt+t "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>Congratulations $target. You are now a Titan."

                /Longbow Syndicate

    1a. Guarding Base: (SG) SuperGroup Name - begin. Base Passcode: XXXXXX-####
    1b. Guarding Base: (SG) SuperGroup Name - status. Base Passcode: XXXXXX-####
    1c. Guarding Base: (SG) SuperGroup Name - complete. Base Passcode: XXXXXX-####
    2a. Field Ops: Zone Name, Point of Interest - Begin.
    2b. Field Ops: Zone Name, Point of Interest - Status.
    2c. Field Ops: Zone Name, Point of Interest - Complete.
    3*. Public relations status updates. *Roleplay

        /Binds - Events
    /bind shift+h beginchat Field Ops: Zone Name, Point of Interest - Begin.$$bind ctrl+h beginchat Field Ops: Zone Name, Point of Interest - Status.
    $$bind alt+h beginchat Field Ops: Zone Name, Point of Interest - Complete.
    /bind shift+t beginchat Guarding Base: (SG) SuperGroup Name - begin. Base Passcode: XXXXXX-####$$bind ctrl+t beginchat Guarding Base: (SG) SuperGroup Name - status. Base Passcode: XXXXXX-####
    /bind alt+t beginchat Guarding Base: (SG) SuperGroup Name - complete. Base Passcode: XXXXXX-####

    //bind f6 (SG) Longbow Syndicate is looking for new recruits! (No class/power restrictions.) Create a character with the Freedom Corps costume preset then PST to any active Longbow for a group invite!

    /bind f8 "say (Join the Longbow!) (SG) Longbow Syndicate is recruiting all Longbow, any rank, no class or power restrictions. PST for invite. $$e lecture"
    /bind shift+f8 "say (Join the Longbow!) (SG) Longbow Syndicate is recruiting all Longbow ranks, no class or power restrictions. PST for invite. (Blue/Red)$$e explain"
    /bind ctrl+f8 "say (Join the Longbow!) (SG) Longbow Syndicate is recruiting all Longbow ranks, no class or power restrictions. PST for invite. Thank you.$$e explain"
    /bind alt+f8 "say (Join the Longbow!) (SG) Longbow Syndicate is recruiting all Longbow, any rank, no class or power restrictions. PST for invite. Thank you."

    /bind shift+f8 "say <color red>(Join the Longbow!) (SG) Longbow Syndicate is recruiting Longbow of all ranks, no class or power restrictions. PST for invite. (Blue/Red)$$e lecture"
    /bind ctrl+f8 "say <color red>(Join the Longbow!) (SG) Longbow Syndicate is recruiting Longbow of all ranks, no class or power restrictions. PST for invite. Thank you.$$e explain"

    Anyone need an active SG? (SG) Titan Squad. We have about 26 active players atm.

    //            Macros
    /macro 1-CC cc 0 $$ macro 2-CC cc 1 $$ macro 3-CC cc 2 $$ macro 4-CC cc 3 $$ macro 5-CC cc 4 $$ macro 6-CC cc 5 $$ macro 7-CC cc 6 $$ macro 8-CC cc 7 $$ macro 9-CC cc 8 $$ macro 10-CC cc 9
    /macro milsalute petsayall <em militarysalute>$$ macro atease petsayall <em atease>$$ macro dance petsayall <em dance>

    //            Obsolete!!!
            /Recruitment (Broadcast)
    /bind f6 "b <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>(SG) Titan Squad is looking for new Members, Squads, and Titans. . . Anyone Level 10+ is entitled to Squad rank. PST for invite. Base Passcode: TSQD-1606 (Coalition: Longbow Syndicate)$$ e lecture"
    /bind shift+f6 "b <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>(SG) Titan Squad is a founding group of the server. Our base is large enough to accommodate over 50 active players. Join us if you are interested in teamwork or leadership positions. $$ e lecture"
    /bind ctrl+f6 "b <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>(SG) Titan Squad, a name of recognition! The group is looking for more players. Multiple positions available (Member, Squad, Titan), pst for more details! (New events announced!)"
    /bind alt+f6 "b <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>(SG) Titan Squad, a name of recognition! New events announced this month! We are recruiting all players looking to grow with us as a group. PST for invite."

    /bind F6 say Anyone interested in making a Longbow? Add me: @Longbow Warden 1
    /bind shift+f6 say Blue/Red side. Join the Longbow Syndicate! (Casual RP. No class/power restrictions.)
    /bind ctrl+f6 say Join the Longbow Syndicate! Please start name as Longbow. Red/Blue side. (Casual RP. No class/power restrictions.)

            /Welcome to Titan Squad!
    /bind g sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>Welcome to $supergroup, $target.
    /bind g "sg <bgcolor #00ffff><color #000000>Welcome to $supergroup, $target. Our group warmly greets you as our newest member!"
    /bind shift+g "sg <bgcolor #00ffff>**Group rules**$$sg <bgcolor #00ffff>Rank matters: Titans lead, squads work together. Recruit actively, assign ranks to new members to help them stand out in our group! Everyone above level 10 is entitled to Squad rank."
    /bind alt+g sg <bgcolor #00ffff>Please share any experience and unused inventory with fellow members however efficiently handled. Thank you for making Titan Squad a name of recognition!


    SG Binds + Macros.txt

  8. Current Update: June 16th, 2024 (Sunday) (v4.21)

    Last Update: September 26th, 2023 (Tuesday) (v4.2)


    Download (keybinds.txt) -> Move file to City of Heroes directory -> enter this in-game: "/bindload" and if installed properly this should install the CoH Binds on your character. (See Update CoH.txt for extra binds or macros!)

    Repeat on each character (as wanted) and enjoy!


    Press Right-Control key to see time, ensure successful installation, move on-to your next character, repeat until installed on all characters

    or as needed.


    Keybind Legend (Accurate)

    ` - Perf. Mod reset - maxinactivefps 0

    alt+` - Perf. Mod active - maxinactivefps 3


    (Z) - Travel + Teleport Powers

    ctrl+z Sit

    alt+z Yoga


    (X) - Sit/(None) w/ powers

    shift+x (powers: stealth)

    ctrl+x (powers: pool)

    Alt+X (powers: resurrections)


    (C) - Stance: Hero

    shift+c: Stance: Vigilante

    ctrl+c: Victory

    alt+c Winner!


    (V) - Stance: Rogue Loyal

    shift+v: Stance: Villain Loyal

    ctrl+v: Plot

    alt+V - Evil Laugh


    (B) - Break Frees + Luck/Sturdy + Awakens

    Note: Alt+B bind includes: Perf. Mod (maxinactivefps 3)


    (M) - Melee (sorry maps!)

    (N) - Weapons + More Melee!


    (F) - <Follow Target> w/ Fighting/Brawl

    Shift+F: <Face Target> + Fighting Powers

    Ctrl+F: <Face Target> + Fighting Powers

    Alt+F: <Face Target> + Taunt/Invoke Panic

    (J) - Control!


    (K) - More Control!


    (L) Laughing w/ Presence (Phase Shift)



    Shift+R: Toggle Sprint

    Ctrl+R:  Toggle Rest

    Alt+R: Toggle Walk


     - (to be updated below) -

    (T) - (to be re-added later. . .)


    (Y) - Leadership* + Toggles + Armors


    (U) - Buffs + More Controls!


    (I) - Controls/Strong Blasts


    (O) - Blasts + AoEs


    (0) - More Blasts + AoEs


    (H) - Respites + Heals (End Insps + End Buffs)

    (G) - Rage+Insight


    (LFG; tips teams)

    Looking for team.

    F9 - Hero LFT

    S+F9 - Vig LFT

    C+F9 - Rogue LFT

    A+F9 - Vill LFT


    Forming Team! (Tips)

    F11 - Hero tips forming.

    S+F11 - Vigilante tips forming.

    C+F11 - Rogue tips forming.

    A+F11 - Villains tips forming.


    Looking for more! (Tips)

    F12 - Hero tips lfm!

    S+F12 - Vigilante tips lfm!

    C+F12 - Rogue tips lfm!

    A+F12 - Villains tips lfm!


    (Numpad Binds)

    -Fast Travel-

    Divide (/): Long Range Teleporter

    S+Divide: LRT + AFK: "Teleporting. . . ."

    C+Divide: Base Transporter or Monitor Duty Transporter

    A+Divide: Ouroboros Portal

    Multiply (*): Mission Transporter

    S+Multiply: Assemble the Team

    C+Multiply: Team Transporter

    A+Multiply: Supergroup Portal or Rapid Response Portal

    --Difficulty Adjustment-- (+0, x1 up to +4, x8)

    Adjust Level +0, +1, +2, +3, +4 -> Minus (-). num7, num8, num9, Plus (+)

    Set Team Size (x1-8) -> shift+Num1-8:


    Num0: Not Seeking

    Num1: Looking for any

    Num2: Looking for patrol

    Num3: Looking for missions

    Num4: Looking for TF

    Num5: Looking for Trial

    Num6: Looking for Arena


    "." Map

    shift+. Auction house

    ctrl+. Arena (list)

    alt+. Manage (enhancements)



    Decimal (.): Auction House + AFK: "Viewing: Auction House"

    Shift+.: Enhancements (Manage) + AFK: "Viewing: Enhancements"

    Ctrl+.: Arena List + AFK: "Viewing: Arena List"

    Alt+.: Respec + AFK: "Respecing......"

    NumPadEnter: Search + AFK: "Looking For Teammates"


    (MMO-Mouse Binds)

    Shift+9: Wave

    Shift+0: Wavefist


    S+- None + Unselect 

    C+- Toggle Sprint 

    A+- Toggle Rest

    (note: bind may still be perf. mod; inactivefps 5 w/ camreset.) 


    S+= Toggle Walk 

    C+= Laugh 

    A+= Laugh2


    S+MB: <Face Target>

    Ctrl+MB: Camreset w/ Reset Performance Mod. "set maxinactive fps 0"

    Alt+MB: <Unselect Target>


    Performance Mods + Self (Re-)installer! (3.54b and newer.)

    If installed properly, you can use this re-install feature for future updates!

    Alt+`: maxinactivefps 0 (perf. mod reset)

    Shift+Home: maxinactivefps 0 (perf. mod reset)

    Ctrl+Home: maxinactivefps 5

    Alt+Home maxinactivefps 4

    Shift+End, Ctrl+End, Alt+End maxinactivefps 0 (perf. mod reset)

    Shift+Insert bindload

    Ctrl+Insert -> Enter-Key "Typing..." -> "Longbow is typing....."

    Alt+Insert -> Enter-Key "Typing..." -> "Arachnos Soldier is typing....." (Muahaha! >_>)

    Note: Bindload can reset your enter-key typing message!


    Note: Use Alt+- for a shortcut: "maxinactive fps 5" this will slow City of Heroes down while running the background. (Inactive)

    3.15 notes: adjusted Z, C, V. These are the common talk emote keys. (9-14-2021)

    3.16 note: Just patched (K). (10-17-2021)

    3.17 notes: Ctrl+I is now Evil Laugh. Amended Legend. (10-21-2021)

    3.20 notes: New Fast Travel binds. Amended Legend. (10-29-2021)

    3.23 notes: Added Decimal (.) key binds. (same day patch)

    3.40 notes: New binds and updates to existing keys, see legend. Amended Legend. (3-6-2022)

    3.45 notes: 3.40's complete update. See legend. Amended Legend. (Next-Day patch)

    3.50 notes: Reordered all emotes. Amending legend in-progress. (3-9-2022)

    3.52b notes: Trying out inspiration binds and patching 3.50. (3-13-2022)

    3.53b notes: Added AFK Adjusting Difficulty. . . to difficulty keybinds. (3-20-2022)

    3.54b notes: Re-ordered and added different keybinds! Legend to be updated. . . . (3-26-2022)

    3.55b notes: Final beta patch. Added Self-(re-)Install Feature! See Legend for details. (Next-day patch)

    3.6b notes: Emotes overhauled. Now featuring afk messages with most emotes. Legend to be updated. (4-1-2022)

    3.61b notes: Added messages for sitting. Added new shift/ctrl/alt+pagedown bind: performance mod, manage enhancements, AFK: BRB. (4-3-2022)

    3.65 notes: Soft-patch to correct binds. Legends to be updated soon. (4-11-2022)

    3.91 notes: Power-Bind Overhaul. Legend in-progress! (4-11-2022)

    3.93 notes: More powers and keys added! Please try it! (4-12-2022)

    (next day update, extra stuff)

    3.94 notes: Light revisions, added more for Arachnos Soldiers. (4-24-2022)

    3.95 notes: Kinetics, Nature, Pain, and other powersets added or improved! 😄 (5-9-2022)

    3.96 notes: Adjusted keybinds and added new powersets! (5-10-2022)

    b version alters alt+B; fixes awakens and adds new map key, "alt+." (5-30-2022)


    4.01 notes: Overhauled keybinds! New integrated-power binds and more! . . . (6-3-2022)

    4.02 notes: Added new movement keybinds (Shift, Ctrl + A,S,W,D)

    4.03 notes: Updated keybinds.

    4.04 notes: Optimizing features. (Updated keybinds.)

    4.05 notes: Optimizing features. (Updated keybinds.) - i23p4 live (8-23-2022)

    4.06 notes: Adjusted keybinds for optimization . . . . 🙂 (9-3-2022)

    4.1 notes: LFG+ included in keybinds.txt (9-5-2022)

    (Removed) 4.11 notes: LFG+ patched. Removed +Forward from Z binds. (10-17-2022)

    4.2* notes: Updated C+V - Now more fitting for stances.

    4.21 notes: alt+x emote now Wavefist. (6-16-2024)

    *Current version.


    In-Game Email: @Longbow Warden 1 or @Soldier Black

    (Send comments and suggestions! :D)


    (In-Game Advertisement here.)

    Soldier Black visits Atlas Park! (Neutral)

    Available now in Architect Entertainment!


    Main File: (CoH Binds)

    Aux File: Update CoH.txt

    Silent Sounds: silent sounds.7z

    Controller Support Files: City of Heroes 1.xpadderprofileCity of Heroes 2.xpadderprofile





  9. First!!! -> Me: @Supercharged Titan + @Longbow Warden 1 + @Alexander Chehade (Torchbearer)


    Here is the master link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13pD1j-dxOYSykXrN7KZ2ABiob4lJd_zv/view?usp=sharing

    (Comments are enabled.)


    and here are the contents of the link as of this post.


    // T/0 - Eat/Drink	]/- Stances	I/Z - Mission/Idle/AFK
    // P - Inter. O - Resp. & Taunts I - Enviro Idle U - Mission/Idle/AFK Y - More Idle
    				[/- - Greetings	]/= - Pass. Stances
    // L/- Laugh/Evil Idles (4)  K - Hero Inter. J - Hero Resp.  
    		G - Gather (Say)	H - Gather (Team)
    // Z - Mission/Idle/AFK	X - End Mission	N - Sits	M - Enviro.
    				V - Align Stances
    // F9 - LFT	F11 - Forming Team	F12 - Looking for more
    	F1-10 - Looking for trial/tf/sf team (See also LFG+)
    (Note: These binds are MMO-Mouse compatible.)
    	/Pass. Stances + Greetings
    /bind - e atease$$bind shift+- e militarysalute$$bind ] e atease$$bind shift+] e militarysalute$$bind [ e wave$$bind shift+[ e bigwave$$bind equals e wave$$bind shift+equals e bigwave
    /bind u e newspaper$$ bind shift+u e listenpoliceband$$ bind ctrl+u e cellphone$$bind alt+u e laptop$$bind z e newspaper$$ bind shift+z e listenpoliceband$$ bind ctrl+z e cellphone$$ bind alt+z e laptop
    	/End Mission + Sits + Eat/Drink
    /bind shift+x e victory$$ bind ctrl+x e wavefist$$ bind alt+x e thumbsup$$ bind n e sit$$ bind shift+n e yoga$$ bind ctrl+n e ledgesit$$ bind alt+n e walllean$$ bind t e drink$$ bind shift+t e eat$$bind f8 unselect
    	/Enviro + Idles
    /bind i e peerin$$bind shift+i e type$$bind ctrl+i e touchscreen$$bind alt+i e clipboard$$bind y e akimbo$$bind shift+y e crossarms$$bind ctrl+y e idle2$$bind alt+y e idle1
    	/Hero Inter/Resp.
    /bind j e bow$$ bind shift+j e fancybow$$ bind ctrl+j e praise$$ bind alt+j e welcome$$ bind k e clap$$ bind shift+k e thankyou$$ bind ctrl+k e yes$$ bind alt+k e no
    	/Inter + Resp. & Taunts
    /bind p e talk$$ bind shift+p e explain$$ bind ctrl+p e point$$ bind alt+p e facepalm$$bind o e explain$$ bind shift+o e disagree$$ bind ctrl+o e taunt1$$bind alt+o e taunt2$$ bind ctrl+equals e taunt1$$ bind alt+equals e taunt2
    	/Laughs/Evil Idles + Align Stances
    /bind l e laugh$$ bind shift+l e biglaugh$$ bind ctrl+l e yata$$ bind alt+l e shucks$$bind ctrl+- e laugh$$bind alt+- e biglaugh
    /bind v e heroloyal$$ bind shift+v e vigilanteloyal$$ bind ctrl+v e rogueloyal$$ bind alt+v e villainloyal
    /bind v e vigilanteloyal$$ bind shift+v e heroloyal$$ bind ctrl+v e rogueloyal$$ bind alt+v e villainloyal
    /bind v e rogueloyal$$ bind shift+v e villainloyal$$ bind ctrl+v e vigilanteloyal$$ bind alt+v e heroloyal
    /bind v e villainloyal$$ bind shift+v e rogueloyal$$ bind ctrl+v e vigilanteloyal$$ bind alt+v e heroloyal
    	/Gather (Say + Team)
    /bind g say Gather $$ bind shift+g say mt $$ bind ctrl+g say Gather $$ bind alt+g say mt
    $$ bind h team Gather $$ bind shift+h team mt $$ bind ctrl+h team Gather $$ bind alt+h team mt
    	/AFK w/ Message
    /bind enter "afk Typing... $$ startchat" $$ unbind /
    /bind enter "afk Longbow is typing... $$ startchat" $$ unbind /
    //	Heroes, Vigilantes/Rogues, Normals/Evils, Longbow (Other)
    /bind ' afk AFK
    $$bind shift+' afk For team or for hire.
    $$bind ctrl+' afk Join $supegroup today!
    $$bind alt+' afk Join the $supergroup!
    	/LFT - LF Trial/TF/SF - Forming Team - Looking for more
    	/Set LFT status (ALT + Numpad)
    /bind alt+numpad1 lfgset 1$$bind alt+numpad2 lfgset 2$$bind alt+numpad3 lfgset 4$$bind alt+numpad4 lfgset 8$$bind alt+numpad5 lfgset 16$$bind alt+numpad6 lfgset 32$$bind alt+numpad0 lfgset 0
    	/Set LFT status (RCTRL + Numpad)
    /bind rctrl+numpad1 lfgset 1$$bind rctrl+numpad2 lfgset 2$$bind rctrl+numpad3 lfgset 4$$bind rctrl+numpad4 lfgset 8$$bind rctrl+numpad5 lfgset 16$$bind rctrl+numpad6 lfgset 32$$bind rctrl+numpad0 lfgset 0
    /bind f9 lfg <bgcolor #0000ff><color #0099ff>Level $level $archetype lft. (Hero)$$ bind shift+f9 lfg <bgcolor #ff9933><color #ffff00>Level $level $archetype lft. (Vigilante)
    /bind ctrl+f9 lfg <bgcolor #ffff00><color #b30000>Level $level $archetype lft. (Rogue) $$ bind alt+f9 lfg <bgcolor #800000><color #ff0000>Level $level $archetype lft. (Villain)
    /bind shift+f10 lfg <bgcolor #404040><color #ff9933>Level $level $archetype lft. (Any) 
    /bind ctrl+f10 lfg <bgcolor #0000ff><color #0099ff>Level $level $archetype lft. (Hero) $$ bind alt+f10 lfg <bgcolor #800000><color #ff0000>Level $level $archetype lft. (Villain)
    /bind f11 lfg <bgcolor #0000ff><color #0099ff>Forming level $level mission team. (Hero)$$ bind shift+f11 lfg <bgcolor #ff9933><color #ffff00>Forming level $level mission team. (Vigilante)
    /bind ctrl+f11 lfg <bgcolor #ffff00><color #b30000>Forming level $level mission team.  (Rogue) $$ bind alt+f11 lfg <bgcolor #800000><color #ff0000>Forming level $level mission team. (Villain)
    /bind f12 lfg <bgcolor #0000ff><color #0099ff>Level $level mission team lfm. (Hero)$$ bind shift+f12 lfg <bgcolor #ff9933><color #ffff00>Level $level mission team lfm. (Vigilante)
    /bind ctrl+f12 lfg <bgcolor #ffff00><color #b30000>Level $level mission team lfm. (Rogue) $$ bind alt+f12 lfg <bgcolor #800000><color #ff0000>Level $level mission team lfm. (Villain)
    	/Invite (Personal)
    /bind . "tell $target, Hello $target, I'm $name. Wanna join a lvl $level+ mission team? $$i $target" $$ bind shift+. "tell $target, Hello $target, I am $name. Interested in joining a lvl $level+ mission team?"
    /bind alt+. "tell $target, Hello $target, I'm $name. Interested in join a Trial/TF team? (Level $level) $$i $target" $$ bind ctrl+. "tell $target, Hello $target. Wanna join at Trial/TF team? (Level $level)"
    /bind shift+comma tell $target, Hello $target, are you interested in join a Patrol Team? (Level $level)
    	/Invite (Non-Personal)
    /bind . "tell $target, Hello $target. Wanna join a lvl $level+ mission team? $$i $target" $$ bind shift+. "tell $target, Hello $target. Lvl $level+ mission team lfm. Interested?"
    /bind alt+. "tell $target, Hello $target, I'm $name. Interested in join a Trial/TF team? (Level $level) $$i $target" $$ bind ctrl+. "tell $target, Hello $target. Wanna join at Trial/TF team? (Level $level)"
    /bind shift+comma tell $target, Hello, are you interested in join a Patrol Team? (Level $level)
    	/(New) LFG+ - Forming/Looking for Team (Types)
    /bind shift+f1 lfg Any Patrol Teams forming? (Level $level $archetype) (Blue)
    $$bind ctrl+f1 lfg Forming Patrol Team. (Level $level) PST for invite. (Blue)
    $$bind alt+f1 lfg Patrol Team LFM. (Level $level) PST for invite. (Blue)
    /bind shift+f2 lfg Level $level $archetype looking for radio team.
    $$bind ctrl+f2 lfg Forming level $level radio team. PST for invite.
    $$bind alt+f2 lfg Level $level radio team lfm. PST for invite.
    /bind shift+f3 lfg Level $level $archetype looking for missions team. (Blue)$$bind ctrl+f3 lfg Forming level $level missions team. PST for invite. (Blue)$$bind alt+f3 lfg Level $level missions team lfm. PST for invite. (Blue)
    /bind shift+f4 lfg Level $level $archetype looking for paper team.
    $$bind ctrl+f4 lfg Forming level $level paper team. PST for invite.
    $$bind alt+f4 lfg Level $level paper team lfm. PST for invite.
    /bind shift+f5 lfg (Ouro) Any Pillar of Flame trial teams forming? Level $level $archetype. (Blue)
    $$bind ctrl+f5 "lfg (Ouro) Forming Pillar of Flame trial team. (Blue)$$afk Typing Pillar of Flame information.....$$startchat"
    /bind alt+f5 "lfg (Ouro) Pillar of Flame trial team lfm. (Blue)"$$bind shift+f7 lfg Looking for WST. Level $level $archetype.(Blue)
    /bind f6 lfg LF Bloody Bay team. Level $level $archetype. (Blue)$$bind shift+f6 lfg LF Siren's Call team. Level $level $archetype. (Blue)$$bind ctrl+f6 lfg (PVP) Forming Bloody Bay team. (Blue)$$bind alt+f6 lfg (PVP) Forming Siren's Call team. (Blue)
    /bind ctrl+f7 lfg LF Warburg team. Level $level $archetype. (Blue)$$bind alt+f7 lfg (PVP) Forming Warburg team. (Blue)$$bind alt+f8 arena Level $level $archetype looking for Arena.
    /bind f8 lfg Level $level $archetype looking for PVP. (Blue)$$bind shift+f8 lfg LF Recluse's Victory team. Level $level $archetype. (Blue)$$bind ctrl+f8 lfg Forming Recluse's Victory team. (Blue)
    /bind shift+multiply "say Thank you all for your helping securing the streets of Paragon City!$$e thumbsup"
    /bind alt+multiply "say The streets of these Rogue Isles belong to us, villains!$$e scheme"
    /bind shift+f1 lfg Any Patrol Teams forming? (Level $level $archetype) (Red)
    $$bind ctrl+f1 lfg Forming Patrol Team. (Level $level) PST for invite. (Red)
    $$bind alt+f1 lfg Patrol Team LFM. (Level $level) PST for invite. (Red)
    /bind shift+f2 lfg Level $level $archetype looking for paper team.
    $$bind ctrl+f2 lfg Forming level $level paper team. PST for invite.
    $$bind alt+f2 lfg Level $level paper team lfm. PST for invite.
    /bind shift+f3 lfg Level $level $archetype looking for missions team. (Red)$$bind ctrl+f3 lfg Forming level $level missions team. PST for invite. (Red)$$bind alt+f3 lfg Level $level missions team lfm. PST for invite. (Red)
    /bind shift+f4 lfg Level $level $archetype looking for radio team.
    $$bind ctrl+f4 lfg Forming level $level radio team. PST for invite.
    $$bind alt+f4 lfg Level $level radio team lfm. PST for invite.
    /bind shift+f5 lfg (Ouro) Any Pillar of Flame trial teams forming? Level $level $archetype. (Red)
    $$bind ctrl+f5 "lfg (Ouro) Forming Pillar of Flame trial team. (Red)$$afk Typing Pillar of Flame information.....$$startchat"
    /bind alt+f5 "lfg (Ouro) Pillar of Flame trial team lfm. (Red)"$$bind shift+f7 lfg Looking for WST. Level $level $archetype.(Red)
    /bind shift+multiply "say The streets of these Rogue Isles belong to us, villains!$$e scheme"
    /bind alt+multiply "say Thank you all for your helping securing the streets of Paragon City!$$e thumbsup"
    /bind f6 lfg LF Bloody Bay team. Level $level $archetype. (Red)$$bind shift+f6 lfg LF Siren's Call team. Level $level $archetype. (Red)
    $$bind ctrl+f6 lfg (PVP) Forming Bloody Bay team. (Red)$$bind alt+f6 lfg (PVP) Forming Siren's Call team. (Red)
    /bind ctrl+f7 lfg LF Warburg team. Level $level $archetype. (Red)$$bind alt+f7 lfg (PVP) Forming Warburg team. (Red)$$bind alt+f8 arena Level $level $archetype looking for Arena.
    /bind f8 lfg Level $level $archetype looking for PVP. (Red)$$bind shift+f8 lfg LF Recluse's Victory team. Level $level $archetype. (Red)$$bind ctrl+f8 lfg Forming Recluse's Victory team. (Red)
    	/End LFG+
    /macro WARP enterbasefrompasscode WARPZONE-4141$$macro TBCB enterbasefrompasscode TORCHCS-5949$$macro TSQD enterbasefrompasscode TSQD-1606 
    /macro /W/ "b /Warp/ $$ enterbasefrompasscode WARPZONE-4141"
    /macro Z enter_base_from_passcode Z-7891
    	/Help Stuff
    /bind alt+subtract help Menu (\) -> Personal Info (J) -> Alignment, (x) Display Alignment and Statistics to Other Players
    /bind divide "help (Comments enabled.)$$help (Emotes/Idles, LFG+, PVP) https://drive.google.com/file/d/13pD1j-dxOYSykXrN7KZ2ABiob4lJd_zv/view?usp=sharing Copy/paste setup for keybinds."
    	/Long Name
    /bind subtract "b (Comments enabled.) https://drive.google.com/file/d/13pD1j-dxOYSykXrN7KZ2ABiob4lJd_zv/view?usp=sharing (Emotes/Idles, LFG+, PVP) Copy/paste setup for keybinds."
    	/Short Name
    /bind subtract "b (Comments enabled.)$$b (Emotes/Idles, LFG+, PVP) https://drive.google.com/file/d/13pD1j-dxOYSykXrN7KZ2ABiob4lJd_zv/view?usp=sharing Copy/paste setup for keybinds."
    Aqua: 00ffff
    Yellow: ffcc26
    Grey: 404040
    Dark Red: b30000
    		(player search bind cleaner!)
    /unbind alt$$unbind ralt$$unbind ralt+alt$$unbind lalt+alt$$unbind alt+ralt$$unbind lalt+ralt$$unbind alt+lalt$$unbind shift$$unbind lshift$$unbind ctrl$$unbind lctrl$$unbind ctrl+lctrl$$unbind lctrl+ctrl$$unbind rctrl+lctrl$$unbind rctrl+ctrl
    /unbind shift+alt $$ unbind rshift $$ unbind rctrl+alt $$ bind shift+enter clearchat
    		/Player search + chat cleaner 
    /bind ctrl+f search $$ bind shift+f search $$ bind ralt whoall $$ bind shift+enter clearchat $$ bind rctrl localtime $$ bind lalt "unbind esc"
    	/!! The Link to this File on Google Docs !!/
    	/ aux-etc (free space)
    /bind shift+9 e eat$$bind shift+0 e drink$$bind shift+- e none
    /bind X "+down $$ e none"
    /bind CTRL+0 "powexec_altslot 10"
    /unbind alt+mbutton
    /Macro Shivans-Target powexec_location target Shivan Shard
    /bind rshift+q "quit $$ say Gotta log, thank you for team." $$ bind rctrl+q "quittocharacterselect $$ say Gotta log, thank you for team."
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