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  1. I never got into farming. But I was an active marketeer on live, and have been marketing fairly consistently on Homecoming for years now. I probably have around 100 billion at this point. When I market these days, it's because I see a niche (usually, but not always, a particular set) being neglected, and I try to get it back on track. The user base is small enough that items can get volatile, which can be a drag for the casual shopper.
  2. I suspect there is no real reason for them doing it beyond the fact that they can. They might think they're helping the market, or helping newbies, or it's just for giggles. Maybe this is how they craft in bulk or something? (You can reach a point where 20k vs. 2k is a meaningless difference, so why not just bid at 20?) Maybe it's none of these things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Regardless, it's happening, and it's been happening for weeks. Also, it's not the first time it's happened (though it's perhaps the most sustained effort I've seen). Regardless, I'd encourage folks to take advantage of it, because it could stop at any time. I notice some of my own under 20k bids filled recently, so, at some point since I last posted, the floor was lowered, but, as I type this, it's pinned back at 20,002 again.
  3. It's not you. A person (or persons) has raised the price floor for uncommon salvage by placing hundreds (thousands?) of bids at an inflated amount (currently 20,002, was 13k a week or two ago). They appear to have actively kept the standing bids at around 125k (I've watched it steadily drop to 122, 121, only to be jacked back up again). This has been going on for maybe two months now? Three? Somewhere around there. I'd say encourage everyone to sell their uncommon salvage to help clear the clog.
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