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Jim Talon

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Posts posted by Jim Talon

  1. I was just looking for ideas to pair with a brute, so it in different ways then the normal builds.  For example I run a rad/fire brute, with a fire/kin controller that is perma 600% damage.  Absolutely melts in farming.  Just looking for other variables that would be able to function in +4 content outside of ae.


  2. Ok, so I skipped ahead of all the comments, but, I would say, that if you can tank, you should start the team, saying that you can tank.  If I join a team with the guy saying he can tank, then i will believe him, until we get team wiped.


  3. Looking to run a MM as a dual box secondary with a Brute/tanker.  The idea is to supplement all mitigation to the MM.  IE,  I would like to build the brute/tank around the MM.  So if i can max out res or def buffs with the MM to place on the brute/tank.  I was looking at forcefield for the secondary for the MM. 

  4. So the problem I see with farming is,  a lot of times im stuck there fighting an elite boss 1v1.  What builds do you have that can maximize target damage, and also get the Elite bosses to drop the same time as the LOUS.  Ideally, I would run in with my auras and just man fight the Elite bosses while everything dies around me.  

  5. Im looking for a brute build that can run pretty much anything.  He doesnt have to be able to farm the fastest, but a must is being able to run any TF/SF.  I rolled a psy/bio brute that I think can do it.  Just looking for more opinions.  

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