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  1. Saxondale


    All those resistance fighter ranged attacks do -def so once they land a couple of hits they will tend to hit a lot. As I mentioned in another thread, dominator is one of the trickiest ATs to solo through Praetoria with. But you should be hitting, those enemies don't have any defense.
  2. The enemy levels are only ever a function of how you have your reputation set so turn it down and run the mission again. This is not how Praetorian content is, and whoever told you that in chat was talking out of their hoop. As mentioned above, Dominator is one of - if not the - most difficult ATs to solo through Praetorian content, but it can be done. This is primarily because you wont have domination available as much as you would like to, and there are some enemies - notably TEST Provosts - who can chew through you in no time unless you can mez them. But they won't show up until later.
  3. I couldn't find anything while searching the patch notes to suggest this has changed. Over the last few days I have tried running this event several times without luck, as I cannot trigger the boss fight during stage 2. As I understand and remember it, during the second phase you have to either a) set 3 bombs, b) take down 3 named bosses and their spawns, or c) rescue 4 groups of PPD However, completing these tasks doesn't seem to trigger the boss and ultimately the timer runs out. Here you can see I have completed the bombs task in the first screenshot, and subsequently also the named bosses in the second, plus their spans of 3 minions each. I ran out of time on the last group of PPD prisoners, but I understand it, I should have already triggered the rooftop fight after either of the previous tasks. And yes, I checked, and I could not use the elevators. User error, or bug?
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